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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Well, they have a bloated squad, the 7th highest wage bill in the Prem and they can't afford to sign players. Should suit him then.
  2. He's just brilliant at pressing. Such a key skill in the way Nigel wants to play.
  3. They would have switched the game to Wembley and taken 40,000.
  4. Indeed, though it predates that even with the Austria team of the 30s and Hungary in the 50s for example.
  5. Agreed, the term full back is almost becoming redundant. At the elite level there are many players labelled full backs who are something else altogether, and by no means all the same. Take Alexander-Arnold, Cancelo and James, no two the same and none of them orthodox. As to Jay, I actually think he is best when he comes inside and links with the midfield in which case suggesting he should start in midfield is unnecessary.
  6. Returning to France could be for family rather than financial reasons perhaps.
  7. Some fans insisted Frankie Artus was the next big thing. He wasn't.
  8. So noted philosopher Joey Barton doesn't know the laws of the game. I'm shocked I tell you. Contact with the ball is irrelevant, the tackle was reckless, out of control and endangered an opponent. Nothing in the laws says all that doesn't count if you happen to touch the ball in the process.
  9. Perhaps if the culture had been more like it is now one of two of those players might have had better careers.
  10. Those early results were deceptive compared to the actual performances in those games. There was bound to be a regression.
  11. He said the "great treatment staff we have here" (his words) sorted him out at half time and he felt ok in the second half.
  12. He's hair, he's there, he's every ******* where ...
  13. If you are proposing to not sell anyone yet add two players to the squad I can only assume you have missed Nigel repeatedly saying we will be in no position to sign players unless we sell.
  14. Give me a mobile front line any day. You really don't have to have a big man up front. Unless you're Man City or Liverpool but what do they know??
  15. Yes, he's a talented young player I have liked the look of when I've seen him before. Not as good as Tommy though!
  16. That would mean Conway was literally miles offside!
  17. Ah, but we won in the wrong way I expect.
  18. Well yes, in so far as a chance that isn't created doesn't affect the xG.
  19. The best crop since the days of Alan Dicks and John Sillett imo. So much more satisfying than the scattergun recruitment we had under Ashton.
  20. Yes, possibly a lop sided shape with Scott's starting position being higher than Dasilva's.
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