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Everything posted by chinapig

  1. Yes, he's a talented young player I have liked the look of when I've seen him before. Not as good as Tommy though!
  2. That would mean Conway was literally miles offside!
  3. Ah, but we won in the wrong way I expect.
  4. Well yes, in so far as a chance that isn't created doesn't affect the xG.
  5. The best crop since the days of Alan Dicks and John Sillett imo. So much more satisfying than the scattergun recruitment we had under Ashton.
  6. Yes, possibly a lop sided shape with Scott's starting position being higher than Dasilva's.
  7. And Tanner. We now have two players for the position who can't get into the team. Still, the proof of the pudding and all that...
  8. Studs up is a red herring. The tackle was reckless, out of control and endangered an opponent. That's a red card.
  9. A friend of mine is a non-league referee and had an assessment done by Kevin Friend (and passed with flying colours). It was 33 pages long! So given the extent of the assessments we have to ask why the general standard in the EFL is falling. It's not enough to assess you then have to address poor performance and improve it. Doesn't seem to be happening, as Keith Hackett said.
  10. If that's a yellow we should appeal Sykes' red card.
  11. I imagine he told Arsene Wenger the same at some point.
  12. Surely you would be more likely to try to influence the ref if you had played professionally, having had lots of practice?
  13. On the grounds that Cowley is a better manager than him presumably. How very dare he?!
  14. Yes but, you know, possession and stuff.?
  15. I suspect we may be hoping that the EFL will treat both clubs generously. Weren't we partners in crime in claiming lost transfer revenue and asking for changes in the P&S regs?
  16. Colby Bishop, who I liked the look of at Accrington, has started well for Pompey. 4 goals in 4 games I think.
  17. You mean he commented on what Nigel actually said and on the facts? He may struggle for more gigs with Sky then.
  18. He is effectively their Director of Football and there is a financial connection between Wolves' owners and his agency. But it's just a coincidence that his clients often sign for them. The Premier League investigated and found it was all hunky dory. Of course they did, just like they found there was no connection between Newcastle's owners and the Saudi state. Thank heavens our game is squeaky clean unlike those shady foreigners eh?
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