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Iron Acton Red

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Everything posted by Iron Acton Red

  1. It usually ends up 3-2 when we play them.I just hope its us who gets the third.
  2. No it wasnt meant to be a wnoosh,just trying to expain that generally its the nasty sort of managers that the players respect.
  3. If he was nicer they would'nt get the results they're getting at the moment.
  4. Yeah ive noticed we tend to both have good seasons together. I remember when we went up with gary Johnson you managed to steal our glory sneaking into play offs and then having the momentum to win in final.
  5. I was at that game too,remember us all giving Ian Ormondroyd loads of stick with eey ore donkey jibes all game,great night driving home in mini bus as well.
  6. Great free kick by Tomlin,we need his sort of quality for the run in.Hopefully he's enjoying his time down here and we can precure his services on a permanent basis in the summer.
  7. That's a bit harsh mate.Ive got uncles,cousins friends and colleagues that are gas,I live north of river in south glos but they are not scum and I certainly wouldn't want them dead.
  8. Goodnight uwe I'll see you in my dreams.
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