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Will Rollason

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  1. He did ok, bit rusty. Cotts never shut up for 90 mins... nightmare if you're anywhere near him on the pitch I bet 0-4 not a fair reflection really but... they don't carry a lot of threat
  2. As a fairly well preserved 58yr old I'd say he looks pretty good. . Really pleased for him and hope it goes well. Remember, for that season we were the absolute dogs bollocks in that league, loved to see it.... sigh... seems a long time ago but here we are- decent mid to upper champ team.
  3. I was there and the only bright spot of the whole day was GJ tripping that *** up. Glad he got no comeback, should have got an award imo. As for Bobbleheads memory, it seems selective when GJ is concerned....but never mind.. lots of us remember... and treat his pronouncements for what they're worth. Unfortunately the new ignore function doesn't allow you to hide content within a thread... mores the pity.
  4. I want to like Micah seems like a lovely fella... but...I can't watch him.
  5. Was very impressed with the ability of Max on the ball. Happy to receive it, control was excellent and on the whole good passing was good. Also got a good throw on him. Well played son.
  6. Not to be picky but maybe watch it again....seems like he lets it run behind him and back heels it ... great tech and then a fantastic first time ball from Joe, not easy to hit first time
  7. We barely saw Sammy but in the few occasions I saw KP there was obviously a player there. Whether or not you can get a tune out of him and/or build a team around him is another matter. Likes a tackle, good in the air... pick a pass.. beat a man...smash one in from 25yrds...... hang on a minute I remember that from the 3 Chelsea players we signed, Thomas Kalas was their longest serving player....without hardly playing for them
  8. Take a brave board to watch them slip into a relegation battle backing a man with his track record in management so far. Shame, I like him but maybe he needs to learn his trade somewhere?
  9. Maybe not, we'll never know if course but I reckon it's unlikely. We often hear about how in the champ anyone can beat anyone else and what a tough division it is but really, apart from Ipswich on a roll after promotion, most of us could have guessed the top six as it is. Not to say that's how it will end and we amongst many others may make a run but broadly speaking the bigger clubs will come out on top over the course of a season by squad size/ depth if nothing else. Luton are an outlier though aren't they... and that's the magic of the play offs.. over 3 games all that goes out the window....
  10. Talk sport contributor says Eustace is still on the payroll... common practise apparently...
  11. How does he keep getting a job? Baffling...
  12. Who else will Tom Brady have heard of tho? Maybe Becks could put a word in for Gary Neville? Or his brother
  13. That's some terrible defending to let Tommy get a cross in. poor bloke knew he Had a city player behind him
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