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Danny P

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About Danny P

  • Birthday 12/29/1977

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  1. People going on about studs up like they still wear old metal studs, they are moulded plastic nowadays and do nowhere near the damage. I’d rather they all wear daps and bring back proper tackling, man and ball in the stands! Soft c****
  2. I would have paid £300k for the assist against Man Utd alone!
  3. Bloody hell according to slagchat Filton Airfield is now the preferred site for a stadium. Move over Bristol Arena, the sags and their 8,000 loyal and true are taking over. My cousin has already come out of the woodwork this morning giving it large, when will they ever learn!
  4. Did he? I didn't check, oh well he's gone anyway.
  5. Taylor left out the squad so he's not cup tied. Supposedly injured, but if you believe that you'll believe anything, then again this is the gas. Cheerio Matty :-)
  6. He's lucky he even gets to reply, I'm sure if the roles were reversed you would be banned by now on slagchat
  7. There a section called 'missed your lot out'. You have to fill in the details and send them a request. Very good service as well, had mine in under a week.
  8. Got mine today as well, had a lovely cup of tea earlier in it, for some reason it just tasted so much better than usual.
  9. On another note, every club wants their players because they are all winners! Well done dopey for another piece of gaslogic, what exactly did they WIN again???
  10. So saying bump is taking the p***? Just so you can cream in your pants on slagchat about this thread being top of the list. Difference is some gasheads come on here and interact and you just act a fool. Remind me how long one of us posting the crap you do, would last on slagchat?
  11. @Tomarse is there any chance you can ban this belter for life. I'm all for the other lot coming on and getting involved but this fool brings nothing to the table!
  12. http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/36410247
  13. Oh please enlighten us, I can hardly wait!!!
  14. And of course if the boot was on the other foot and we had given them the 'gifts' they have given us they wouldn't be laughing at us and acting all 'billy big bollocks' at all would they. No rivalry on the pitch but there will always be a rivalry for me after growing up in the 80s and 90s, I suppose different generations will see it differently.
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