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Antony/ Tony Rougier.

Guest bristolbred

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Guest bristolbred

Someone thought that Tony and Antony Rougier were indeed two different players!!. ^_^

Does anyone know where this post is now??. :D

Thanks!!. :D

Guest stevey2005

hahaha how can people be so stupid!!!


oi watch what you are sayin

i thought it would be a laugh no need to get all bitchy about it ok

if you cant take a bit of a joke then sod off steve

Guest stevey2005

so you were "pretending" to be stupid....ok good 1 and how was that getting bitchy??

Guest bcfcsols

Hmm, yeah that's really, really fekkin funny Tarquin.


Guest Red_Rat
oi watch what you are sayin

i thought it would be a laugh no need to get all bitchy about it ok

if you cant take a bit of a joke then sod off steve

You are just a joke.

This obviously wasn't intended to be funny, else it would be on the Humour forum bit right? Right.

Stop trying to get out of it and admit that your moment of stupidity has made people laugh at you.

Don't worry, at least people think your funny.


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