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Best Atmosphere!

Guest ziderhead2003

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Guest ziderhead2003

Last night was the best atmosphere i've ever been involved in down ashton gate. It was so loud. What a night. I lost my voice!

Guest pukka_tukka
Had to watch on TV in a pub in N. Wales. The commentators said on numerous occasions how quiet the crowd was. They actually said it was louder before the game and at half time.
What a pile of ###t!

We were so loud last night, they annoy me so much :@ ^_^

In the East End at half time was great banter!! Great atmosphere!!

Especially the chubby hartlepool fan in red. Me and my mate enjoyed a bit of 'banter' with him at half time and when they scored he was ripping it out of us. He wouldnt look at us at the end!


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