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More Nails In The Ashton Vale Coffin

Barrs Court Red

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Barbera Janke (known for her Internet page, blue waffle) who is head of BC council, is stepping down. He's been a major supporter of the stadium project despite those in her party being against it.

An Arena is now planned for the land by Temple Meads, another potential carrot that could of been used to make sure the council continue to support the scheme.

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the sooner this city gets a mayor the sooner we can progress

Good lord, no - I work in London and the frankly infantile rubbish that gets spouted by Ken vs Boris is nauseating - like two little boys fighting over a favourite toy.

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Good lord, no - I work in London and the frankly infantile rubbish that gets spouted by Ken vs Boris is nauseating - like two little boys fighting over a favourite toy.

thats just the election though sam, you can't deny the tax dodge twins don't get things done

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Barbera Janke (known for her Internet page, blue waffle)

for goodness sake do not google 'blue waffle'....i have just done so at work, been confronted with an image of horror, and been immediately sacked.

Thanks Barbera. oh, and I should see a doctor if I were you....

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good riddance

its her and the council's fault we've got to the stage we are at in the first place,

the sooner this city gets a mayor the sooner we can progress

An elected mayor is only a good thing if you get the right one. Doncaster did it a couple of years ago and have been lumbered with a former National Front member with the IQ of a particularly stupid gnat and they've had to pay someone a vast amount of money to come in and hold his hand. In te meantime nothing gets done because of legal wrangling over things he promised that he can't deliver. Be very careful what you wish for...

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for goodness sake do not google 'blue waffle'....i have just done so at work, been confronted with an image of horror, and been immediately sacked.

Thanks Barbera. oh, and I should see a doctor if I were you....

I'm sat in work crying with laughter!

Hope the sacked thing is in jest though! :o

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An elected mayor is only a good thing if you get the right one. Doncaster did it a couple of years ago and have been lumbered with a former National Front member with the IQ of a particularly stupid gnat and they've had to pay someone a vast amount of money to come in and hold his hand. In te meantime nothing gets done because of legal wrangling over things he promised that he can't deliver. Be very careful what you wish for...

As much as I hate to admit it Red Trousers would be the best person for the job, at least he'd get things done and he's got the strength of Char to not take any shit

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for goodness sake do not google 'blue waffle'....i have just done so at work, been confronted with an image of horror, and been immediately sacked.

Thanks Barbera. oh, and I should see a doctor if I were you....

:laugh: funniest thing I've read on here! Thought people would know what blue waffle is( don't search it! )

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Monkeh-you seem to know a bit about the construction business...All this talk of a double-dip recession and how construction is struggling, surely a project like Ashton Vale should get the green light eventually?! Wish we had the balls in this country just to build things and get it done. Don't think it's just a Bristol mentality, a lot of NIMBYism takes place in this country at a time when we are running out of homes alongside a growing population. Do these people believe they are living in some green utopia where land and resources are infinite?!

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Monkeh-you seem to know a bit about the construction business...All this talk of a double-dip recession and how construction is struggling, surely a project like Ashton Vale should get the green light eventually?! Wish we had the balls in this country just to build things and get it done. Don't think it's just a Bristol mentality, a lot of NIMBYism takes place in this country at a time when we are running out of homes alongside a growing population. Do these people believe they are living in some green utopia where land and resources are infinite?!

I work in the rail and construction industy and all the red tape you have to go through to get anything done is stupid in contruction we spend more on paperwork then on mats to get the job done,

and the laws in this country are designed to hold things up so consoltancy firms and legil firms can make money,

to be honest this won't be finished until it goes to the house of commons and the sec of state and thats about 5 years away yet,

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