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Lower League Football


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After watching the football league show last night, it kind of made me miss it a little bit. I know some people will find that odd but I actually miss going to places like Yeovil, Cheltenham, Brentford etc. They were always cracking days out. Proper football grounds, better pasties, decent pubs and great friendly banter. The ticketing prices were cheaper ( still are ) and we had less to travel for away games with big derbies. Anyone else miss it?

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After watching the football league show last night, it kind of made me miss it a little bit. I know some people will find that odd but I actually miss going to places like Yeovil, Cheltenham, Brentford etc. They were always cracking days out. Proper football grounds, better pasties, decent pubs and great friendly banter. The ticketing prices were cheaper ( still are ) and we had less to travel for away games with big derbies. Anyone else miss it?

Strange but in a way I know what you mean. Football has become too money orientated and business like now at the top level.

Hard to explain to glory seekers but for me the true heart of football is in the lower leagues. Real football if you will.

Although I wouldn't say it's cheaper, Swindon charge 25quid!!

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After watching the football league show last night, it kind of made me miss it a little bit. I know some people will find that odd but I actually miss going to places like Yeovil, Cheltenham, Brentford etc. They were always cracking days out. Proper football grounds, better pasties, decent pubs and great friendly banter. The ticketing prices were cheaper ( still are ) and we had less to travel for away games with big derbies. Anyone else miss it?

I agree with you, went to some great places but also went to places like Meadow Lane!

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After watching the football league show last night, it kind of made me miss it a little bit. I know some people will find that odd but I actually miss going to places like Yeovil, Cheltenham, Brentford etc. They were always cracking days out. Proper football grounds, better pasties, decent pubs and great friendly banter. The ticketing prices were cheaper ( still are ) and we had less to travel for away games with big derbies. Anyone else miss it?

I know exactly what you mean, my favourite away game was the 3-1 win at Carlisle in the promotion season, the championship is great, but the last three seasons haven't been very enjoyable.

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Meadow Lane, I'll never forget the Tinman in his 500th game crossing it for Marc Goodfellow to head the winner in injury time on his debut, marvellous memories.

Can't remember what year I went but it was 0-0 not sure either team had a shot on target and to top it off there was a hailstorm which was not great as they had an open end! Early 90's I think.

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Glad I'm not the only one then. Anyone remember Walsall away where Lita scored a last minute winner? It absolutely chucked it down that day, loads of city there too! Cracking away day!

I remember that one, 2004 if I recall correctly? Sadly I remember it as much for the amount of City fans being ejected by WMP for daring to so much as standing up.
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I remember that one, 2004 if I recall correctly? Sadly I remember it as much for the amount of City fans being ejected by WMP for daring to so much as standing up.

Yep 23rd October 2004. WMP have always been the worst!

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After watching the football league show last night, it kind of made me miss it a little bit. I know some people will find that odd but I actually miss going to places like Yeovil, Cheltenham, Brentford etc. They were always cracking days out. Proper football grounds, better pasties, decent pubs and great friendly banter. The ticketing prices were cheaper ( still are ) and we had less to travel for away games with big derbies. Anyone else miss it?

Me too, I remember going to Aldershot and paying to get in the turnstiles, and then having to walk to the away end which was at the opposite end of the ground, past a stand. If you wanted to sit in that stand, you had to pay another couple of quid and go through another turnstile into the stand. After the game you had to exit through a gate at the rear of the away terrace, and up a very steep, muddy grass hill. Also remember another ground, (was it Shrewsbury?) where you paid to go in through the turnstile, and then had to walk through a park to get to the ground. Also Torquay, standing on railway sleepers at the away terrace, Probably, none of these things are still going today, but happy memories.

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Glad I'm not the only one then. Anyone remember Walsall away where Lita scored a last minute winner? It absolutely chucked it down that day, loads of city there too! Cracking away day!

Yeah great day that, thought lita hit a screamer only to see replays later on and the keeper made a right hash of it!

Got proper soaked, could hardly see driving back on the motorway! Had some fun with some qpr fans on the motorway on the way up to that one!!

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Lower league football gets romanticised a lot in my opinion and I'm not sure it's all it's cracked up to be. Comparatively it's not even that lower league when you consider the football league pyramid goes down about 25 levels. I went to watch Wingate & Finchley at the weekend (Ryman Premier Division). There was one stand, most of stood around the pitch and the quality of football made Bas Savage look like Pele. At the end we all had to wait whilst the players walked off to the dressing room as there wasn't space to get out whilst they were doing it.

It was kind of fun and I'd do it again but I'm not sure I got a more 'real' experience than I do watching City play in the Championship. Plus generally the higher you are, the more fans and the more fans the more chanting and atmosphere. So I don't really pine for City being back in the lower leagues. I'm sure we'll be back there one day as we're the kind of club that's always going to bob between divisions a bit and that's okay but I'd rather see us up than down as we've done enough of the third tier in recent years for my liking...

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Lower league football gets romanticised a lot in my opinion and I'm not sure it's all it's cracked up to be. Comparatively it's not even that lower league when you consider the football league pyramid goes down about 25 levels. I went to watch Wingate & Finchley at the weekend (Ryman Premier Division). There was one stand, most of stood around the pitch and the quality of football made Bas Savage look like Pele. At the end we all had to wait whilst the players walked off to the dressing room as there wasn't space to get out whilst they were doing it.

It was kind of fun and I'd do it again but I'm not sure I got a more 'real' experience than I do watching City play in the Championship. Plus generally the higher you are, the more fans and the more fans the more chanting and atmosphere. So I don't really pine for City being back in the lower leagues. I'm sure we'll be back there one day as we're the kind of club that's always going to bob between divisions a bit and that's okay but I'd rather see us up than down as we've done enough of the third tier in recent years for my liking...

Know what you're saying. Went to watch Clevedon the other night to see Scotty get his award and there was zero atmosphere. Even though there was an offer of half price entry of 4 quid if you mentioned the Evil Post, the fans were still rattling round in the tiny ground. I'm honestly not exaggerating when I say if the fans held hands and tried to circle the pitch, they would have had no chance of closing the circle!

I don't mind the odd bit of lower league stuff as it's definitely more in the football spirit, but the excitement just isn't there for me.

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I don't think anyone pines for a return to the lower leagues, sure there were plenty of very enjoyable games, and also some dreadful away days, anyone else remember a 0-5 tanking from Luton in around 2005? For me we won a lot more games in those days, we were a relatively big fish in a small pond whilst sadly it's vice versa in the championship. The club didn't have so many executives who are employed to try to milk us for as much as they can.(yes I fully understand that the club needs to maximise it's income) Maybe it was a more relaxed time when we weren't frightened to death of relegation, something's that's loomed large over the club in the last two years, the Ashton Vale situation wasn't a worry back then either. We hadn't been 90 minutes away from the Premier League then either, which has raised the bar of expectation, hands up who hasn't thought about what might of been every day since then?

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After watching the football league show last night, it kind of made me miss it a little bit. I know some people will find that odd but I actually miss going to places like Yeovil, Cheltenham, Brentford etc. They were always cracking days out. Proper football grounds, better pasties, decent pubs and great friendly banter. The ticketing prices were cheaper ( still are ) and we had less to travel for away games with big derbies. Anyone else miss it?

You sure you've got the right Yeovil?

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As much as I can understand the "non-league days" and how much they can impact a small 'local' club, I will almost always find a league 1 or 2 ground to go to with anyone that will travel on international break.

I do kind of miss it but would happily see the back of it for Premier League football at AG. The atmosphere is rarely fantastic but its a good day out, a chance to enjoy the football without the stress of it being city and you meet some great characters out and about

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Glad I'm not the only one then. Anyone remember Walsall away where Lita scored a last minute winner? It absolutely chucked it down that day, loads of city there too! Cracking away day!

I was mascot that game with my best mate who happens to be Dziekanowski's son!

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Kingstonian away in the FA Cup was a particular favourite of mine. Cramped seating made tighter as I'm sure some people photocopied the tickets as they were printed using Word....

Thorpe had a (wrongly) disallowed goal & I think Murray won it....

I was at that very stadium this Saturday. Went to watch AFC Wimbledon vs Cheltenham as it's down the road from me, and one of my good friends in London is a Chelt fan. Great day out, £10 for a terrace ticket (they did have an offer on), £3 a pint in the club bar and a decent atmosphere in the away end. The only negatives were the standard of football, which was pretty dreadful, and that Chelt had 3 ex Gas in their squad. Elliot, Duffy and Zebroski - Zebroski was absolutely abysmal. Chelt actually played the play around fairly well though, Wimbledon looked like a non-league side. It was a really good laugh and the supporters were friendly and it had the feel of a non-league match - probably given Wimbledon's recent rise through the leagues and the supporter-run setup they have there.

However fun it was, I don't want to see City at this level. I don't miss watching us lose at grounds holding 4/5 thousand - we can save that for the cup competitions. It was refreshing to see a football match without some pillock on the PA system ruining the pre-match atmosphere (like at Watford the other week) and crap 90s dance tracks drowning out the atmosphere, and it was good to see a match where I think I only saw one player dive - Zebroski, I'm looking at you, you useless Gas reject!

Would never want us playing at that level in a million years though. The away trips to quirky grounds are great, but the football is poor and as a club we should be aiming higher.

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nostalgic views,

I remember fondly going to Luton, Port Vale, Carlise but I wouldn't want to go back to any of them, The championship is an exciting legaue where anyone can beat anyone,

Lose 3 in a row you look like relegation fodder win 3 in a row you look like championship contenders that for me is better then losing to Brentford on a cold tuesday night

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Merson was manager of Walsall then, said he would bet his house his team beat Bristol City. Har har!

Always take what Mers says with a pinch of coke.. aergrhaha..... sorry i mean salt.

Playing in the lower leagues was good for one thing and one thing only; invariably we won more than we lost so there was a better than even chance we would often come away from some obscure shitze hole with at least a point in the team bus.

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I remember reading an article in WSC, probably around 15 years ago, about Scarborough FC and how many of their fans pined for the good old days when they were a non league club. The reason many gave for this was because as a non league club they considered themselves a 'big fish in a small pond' and success on the pitch was easier to come by than it was as a struggling league side.

I understand what people mean when they say they miss going to Intresting, smaller grounds in places like Cheltenam, Luton, Brentford etc. but even those old style grounds are starting to disappear probably along with the cheap pasties and cheap tickets.

Like the Scarborough fans in the WSC article, I sometimes miss City being a big fish in a small pond (which we were compared to a lot of League 1 and 2 sides) but not enough to want to go back.

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