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16 Arrested In Dawn Raids

Maesknoll Red

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Radio 5 just reporting that 16 people have been arrested in dawn raids, this is in connection with the violence at the local derby.

I didn't witness any of the alleged violence, but blimey, that does seem a bit OTT for running on the pitch, unless there was some more serious incidents.

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Radio 5 just reporting that 16 people have been arrested in dawn raids, this is in connection with the violence at the local derby.

I didn't witness any of the alleged violence, but blimey, that does seem a bit OTT for running on the pitch, unless there was some more serious incidents.


Yes seems completely OTT, particularly as nothing was done about the first invasion to make an example.


Nice headline for the Post though.

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Dawn raids to arrest people for going on to a football pitch to celebrate a win seems about right for modern day Britain.

Must crack down on spontaneous happiness wherever that may be, we can't have people going around and doing things that aren't controlled by the state.

Tomorrow I hope they arrests that big titted weather girl Carol on the BBC, she asking for trouble smiling at us like that, how has she got away with it for so long.

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Dawn raids to arrest people for going on to a football pitch to celebrate a win seems about right for modern day Britain.

Must crack down on spontaneous happiness wherever that may be, we can't have people going around and doing things that aren't controlled by the state.

Tomorrow I hope they arrests that big titted weather girl Carol on the BBC, she asking for trouble smiling at us like that, how has she got away with it for so long.


I very much doubt the dawn raids were for people who simply ran on the pitch! Roverzzz fans were lobbing seats at the end and fighting with police as they came into the EE so it will likely be those who have been nicked this morning.

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This isn't right surely. Dawn raids are for the art of surprise, such as catching the person with drugs, dodgy porn, slaves in the basement, person on the run etc etc, but why a dawn raid for idiots running on the pitch?

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This isn't right surely. Dawn raids are for the art of surprise, such as catching the person with drugs, dodgy porn, slaves in the basement, person on the run etc etc, but why a dawn raid for idiots running on the pitch?

Seems like a PR opportunity to be honest. Completely over the top.

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Guest Mr Wendall

I accept arresting those that did wrong but this just comes across as a massive PR exercise at the expense of the club. Smashing doors in is an over reaction.

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I very much doubt the dawn raids were for people who simply ran on the pitch! Roverzzz fans were lobbing seats at the end and fighting with police as they came into the EE so it will likely be those who have been nicked this morning.


Maybe, but the RB reporter accompanying the police is so far reporting on raids in South Bristol. 


Total arrests for the match now 'over 50', including 21 so far this morning.

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This isn't right surely. Dawn raids are for the art of surprise, such as catching the person with drugs, dodgy porn, slaves in the basement, person on the run etc etc, but why a dawn raid for idiots running on the pitch?


Just in-case that on the off chance, one of them might have a job to get up in the morning for?!


Seems unlikely though.


These aren't going to be your regular pitch invader, these are people caught on film being naughty boys.

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Guest Totterdown Tom

Whilst I agree action should be taken against those identified, this action does seem a tad heavy-handed. There's a cynic inside of me that suggests they are trying to win a PR war after the apparent misdealings with Bijan Ebrahimi which received national press attention yesterday..

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Here's a novel idea. When are you most likely to catch someone at home?

The fact people are slating the police is pretty embarrassing.


We are not talking about police-murderer Dale Cregan with a grenade and a bolthole in Spain here.  These are some local people who presumably overstepped the mark at a local football game.


Why did they not just write to them and ask them to arrange a date to come in to their local station for an interview?


I hope they get a serious grilling from the local media for this pointless circus and whichever senior officer that sanctioned this gets disciplined.

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We are not talking about police-murderer Dale Cregan with a grenade and a bolthole in Spain here.  These are some local people who presumably overstepped the mark at a local football game.


Why did they not just write to them and ask them to arrange a date to come in to their local station for an interview?


I hope they get a serious grilling from the local media for this pointless circus and whichever senior officer that sanctioned this gets disciplined.


Hardly likely is it. I don't think it's pointless anything that stops these morons embarrassing our club for me is welcome.

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Guest Mr Wendall

Can Dave L give an explanation of how they're going to improve the stewarding at the gate? As far as I can see the club failed to control the crowd by doing NOTHING during the initial invasions.

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Hardly likely is it. I don't think it's pointless anything that stops these morons embarrassing our club for me is welcome.

Each raid will require numerous police officers. Some of the crimes will be for nothing more than men running on grass, men making silly "come on then gestures" and breaking the Eastend hardly robust seats. Scary stuff.

This will cost tens of thousands for low level crimes, or no crimes at all. Money wasted when homes in BS4 get burgled you often have to wait 24 hrs for the police to start their investigation. Crime should be prioritised, not used for tasty media sound bites.

Its a "look at us" gimmick for the media to make middle England feel safe in their homes.

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Here's a novel idea. When are you most likely to catch someone at home?

The fact people are slating the police is pretty embarrassing.

What? You think people having the opinion that an unnecessary escalation by an organisation known for raiding the wrong houses and killing innocent people is embarrassing?

No wonder the same mistskes keep happening, and innocent people continue to die, whwn a serving officer can make such a blase statement regarding police raids.

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Each raid will require numerous police officers. Some of the crimes will be for nothing more than men running on grass, men making silly "come on then gestures" and breaking the Eastend hardly robust seats. Scary stuff.

This will cost tens of thousands for low level crimes, or no crimes at all. Money wasted when homes in BS4 get burgled you often have to wait 24 hrs for the police to start their investigation. Crime should be prioritised, not used for tasty media sound bites.

Its a "look at us" gimmick for the media to make middle England feel safe in their homes.


Well I'm looking at them and thinking "clowns"!

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Maybe best to wait and see what they are charged with, before assuming that it's just those who ran on the pitch and made a few hand gestures? (surely not)


I haven't seen any of the news footage, so - a serious question - do Police just batter the door down straight away, or do they give the occupants the opportunity to answer a knock?

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Well I'm looking at them and thinking "clowns"!

Yes those stage costly operations and prioritise low level crime for the media over house break in's are. BS4 has been suffering a spate of breaks in's for two years particularly around Bath road. Real serious crimes. Operations? Media? No.

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Well done old bill, how many police were used for all these raids? shame they didn't put in the same effort when my house was burgled twice, car was broken into or my son getting his jaw broken when set upon by a gang the other weekend, absolute waste of police resources and tax-payers money.   

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What? You think people having the opinion that an unnecessary escalation by an organisation known for raiding the wrong houses and killing innocent people is embarrassing?

No wonder the same mistskes keep happening, and innocent people continue to die, whwn a serving officer can make such a blase statement regarding police raids.


And the biggest over reaction of the year goes to........


I'm not a massive fan of the police, but have to say that killing innocent people isn't at the top of the list when I think about my issues with the local plod

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What? You think people having the opinion that an unnecessary escalation by an organisation known for raiding the wrong houses and killing innocent people is embarrassing?

No wonder the same mistskes keep happening, and innocent people continue to die, whwn a serving officer can make such a blase statement regarding police raids.


You seem to be of the opinion that no one should get their comeuppance?


Unnecessary escalation? I know time is a healer pal, but have you not forgotten exactly what went on? Sure a few people ran on the pitch, but you rather fittingly seem to have forgotten that people were hit by coins and chairs. Would you rather just sweep it all under the carpet?


This isn't about police killing people, or raiding the wrong houses, it's about football fans who took things too far that night. They deserve to get arrested by whatever means possible.


As for writing to said suspects, what a ridiculous suggestion!

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We all knew this was going to happen though.

Dawn raids have been happening all over the country for years.

Any football related trouble is treated differently to other offences, it's been the same for 20 years.

We had the same after the 96? Pitch invasion ( chasing the gas players off the pitch) and a lot learnt from that and realised a jail sentence would be next if caught playing up.

It's the way things are done now,like it or not.

In the 80's and 90's we got away with things, it doesn't work like that now, it's a mugs game in 2013.

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You seem to be of the opinion that no one should get their comeuppance?


Unnecessary escalation? I know time is a healer pal, but have you not forgotten exactly what went on? Sure a few people ran on the pitch, but you rather fittingly seem to have forgotten that people were hit by coins and chairs. Would you rather just sweep it all under the carpet?


This isn't about police killing people, or raiding the wrong houses, it's about football fans who took things too far that night. They deserve to get arrested by whatever means possible.


As for writing to said suspects, what a ridiculous suggestion!


Why is that ridiculous? We are not talking about career criminals. How often is there law-breaking violence at a Bristol City game? Six times a year absolute tops.


So if any of these are repeat offenders then they're not doing it very often and are not about to go on the run because of it.


So you write to them to come in, some will do so. Where they don't then you issue a warrant for their arrest and then you can do your dawn raid.


I accept that not every one of those involved is a decent lad who got carried away, there are some nasty pieces of work out there, but when you get up to 16 people being arrested in dawn raids for some trouble on the pitch then the word that you are looking for is "disproportionate".  Save those kind of exercises for terrorists and armed robbers where there is every reason to do so.

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Sad to see the usual apologists for the vermin out in force.

Affray is a serious offence, so's GBH. Why shouldn't people get nicked for it?

We're talking about the few dozen worst offenders here not the thousands that ran on the pitch. They'll have CCTV evidence for each one.

Stop trying to help the scumbags hide and excusing their actions, it's just as embarrassing.

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Pointless and waste of time are the ***** who ruin our day out ..

Am ashamed of the behaviour displayed and ashamed of majority of posters on this thread who seem to think its "ok" to behave in this manner .. you need to grow some.. you really do

Calm down, personally i would rather the police of spent all this time, effort and tax-payers money tackling real crime instead of pulling this giant publicity stunt, still waiting for the police to get back to me on my burglary the other week, of course they have more pressing matters like kids running onto the grass..

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Here's a novel idea. When are you most likely to catch someone at home?

The fact people are slating the police is pretty embarrassing.


Perhaps the fact that there is CLEARLY an issue with the way things are dealt with in this area.


Would be interested to hear your views on the previously released figures that showed last season 175 Newcastle fans arrested, which is more than three times as many as the City total !! This included 114 for violent disorder, but a total just 8 bans handed out by the magistrates and police.


There were 87 Arrests at one match involving Nuneaton for violent disorder, with just 4 bans.



Now compare this to our region, where City had 54 arrests over the season, 34 of these receive banning orders.


These are the sort of things that the Football Supporters Trust should be brought into look at, something very wrong

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Why is that ridiculous? We are not talking about career criminals. How often is there law-breaking violence at a Bristol City game? Six times a year absolute tops.


So if any of these are repeat offenders then they're not doing it very often and are not about to go on the run because of it.


So you write to them to come in, some will do so. Where they don't then you issue a warrant for their arrest and then you can do your dawn raid.


I accept that not every one of those involved is a decent lad who got carried away, there are some nasty pieces of work out there, but when you get up to 16 people being arrested in dawn raids for some trouble on the pitch then the word that you are looking for is "disproportionate".  Save those kind of exercises for terrorists and armed robbers where there is every reason to do so.


I'm sorry that I can't respond to this as I'd like to for fear of disclosing too much, but needless to say it's never ideal to telegraph to suspect that he/she is getting arrested.


And your whole post is full of assumptions you're using to try to evidence your point.


Perhaps the fact that there is CLEARLY an issue with the way things are dealt with in this area.


Would be interested to hear your views on the previously released figures that showed last season 175 Newcastle fans arrested, which is more than three times as many as the City total !! This included 114 for violent disorder, but a total just 8 bans handed out by the magistrates and police.


There were 87 Arrests at one match involving Nuneaton for violent disorder, with just 4 bans.



Now compare this to our region, where City had 54 arrests over the season, 34 of these receive banning orders.


These are the sort of things that the Football Supporters Trust should be brought into look at, something very wrong


Quite an easy response there. I'd say Northumbria/Warwickshire Police aren't doing their job properly.


It's pretty simple, don't do anything wrong and you'll have nothing to worry about... (although I'm well aware that there are corrupt coppers out there).

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Guest JordanBs3Bcfc

What a complete media stunt this will be. I cannot actually believe people are saying "well done old bill". Absolutely crazy, yea, lets enable them to continue to be able to treat football fans like a sub section of the Taliban because, I personally love getting batons slapped round the back of my legs for f* all at every away game. I do not agree with any violence at the football and I understand action must be taken but, this seems over the top. All you lot applauding this clearly have had different backgrounds to me..

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What a complete media stunt this will be. I cannot actually believe people are saying "well done old bill". Absolutely crazy, yea, lets enable them to continue to be able to treat football fans like a sub section of the Taliban because, I personally love getting batons slapped round the back of my legs for f* all at every away game. I do not agree with any violence at the football and I understand action must be taken but, this seems over the top. All you lot applauding this clearly have had different backgrounds to me..



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Sad to see the usual apologists for the vermin out in force.

Affray is a serious offence, so's GBH. Why shouldn't people get nicked for it?

We're talking about the few dozen worst offenders here not the thousands that ran on the pitch. They'll have CCTV evidence for each one.

Stop trying to help the scumbags hide and excusing their actions, it's just as embarrassing.


How do you know what the dawn raids were for?

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What a complete media stunt this will be. I cannot actually believe people are saying "well done old bill". Absolutely crazy, yea, lets enable them to continue to be able to treat football fans like a sub section of the Taliban because, I personally love getting batons slapped round the back of my legs for f* all at every away game. I do not agree with any violence at the football and I understand action must be taken but, this seems over the top. All you lot applauding this clearly have had different backgrounds to me..


Well, thank **** for that then


If you, or a mate, family member was injured at the game (and I don't know if anyone actually was) then you'd be applauding. Fans were warned, cctv is everywhere - I'm not sure what else you can do. Don't run on the pitch, don't smash your seat up, don't spit at an opposing player - it's not brain science, is it?

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I'm sorry that I can't respond to this as I'd like to for fear of disclosing too much, but needless to say it's never ideal to telegraph to suspect that he/she is getting arrested.


And your whole post is full of assumptions you're using to try to evidence your point.



Ok, so the unwritten answer is that these are in fact nasty pieces of work who would go on the run if they knew that they were going to be arrested.  And that I am wrong to assume otherwise.


That's fine, as it is an assumption on my part and these are sometimes wrong. I have no inside knowledge and no axe to grind.


If you say this is poprtionate and appropriate, based upon information that you have, then I will accept that. The test will be that these 16 are in found guilty of criminal offences when they come to trial.

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Sad to see the usual apologists for the vermin out in force.

Affray is a serious offence, so's GBH. Why shouldn't people get nicked for it?

We're talking about the few dozen worst offenders here not the thousands that ran on the pitch. They'll have CCTV evidence for each one.

Stop trying to help the scumbags hide and excusing their actions, it's just as embarrassing.

Who has committed affray? Are you an apologist for the police who treat football fans like the scum of the earth? 

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If you, or a mate, family member was injured at the game (and I don't know if anyone actually was) then you'd be applauding. Fans were warned, cctv is everywhere - I'm not sure what else you can do. Don't run on the pitch, don't smash your seat up, don't spit at an opposing player - it's not brain science, is it?


Sorry to be pedantic here - you can have 'brain surgery' or 'rocket science'.

Brain science, or even rocket surgery just ain't right.

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Guest BS3 GAS

cant help but feel the OB have given this as much media as possible so as to make them not look quite so bad for the shamefull job they did on the day, remember them announcing the zero tolerence that would be in place on the day !! yet they let people do what they want and failed to control crowds all day long.


yes people have to brought to justice for wrong doings but what about a report into the way the game was policed ? If the police had done therre job properly on the day half of the problems wouldnt have occured!, the 'yellow shirt' bloke was the ultimate example, twice on the pitch for both goals and was allowed to remain in the stadium to appear on the pitch again at the end!

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Ok, so the unwritten answer is that these are in fact nasty pieces of work who would go on the run if they knew that they were going to be arrested.  And that I am wrong to assume otherwise.


That's fine, as it is an assumption on my part and these are sometimes wrong. I have no inside knowledge and no axe to grind.


If you say this is poprtionate and appropriate, based upon information that you have, then I will accept that. The test will be that these 16 are in found guilty of criminal offences when they come to trial.


No Eddie, you've got me wrong. I have no inside knowledge of this matter, it goes without saying that i wouldn't be on here commenting on it if i did. I'm just saying that in order to obtain the best evidence, the element of surprise is a pretty good tactic.


I would really like to know exactly what it is that the police have done this morning to upset so many on here?


Let me ask you this... how many were arrested versus how many ran on the pitch? I'm guessing not a very high proportion. I said at the time that it'd be unlikely that the police would go after those that had only entered the playing area.


I suppose the dawn raids issue is upsetting some? Well you're most likely to catch someone at home at that time. If the police had gone round at lunch time, they may have gone out for the day. So they'd need to go again, and again, and again. By which point the suspect knows that they're coming and if he so wishes, can seek to evade arrest. The more times people have to go out to attempt to arrest said people, the more expenditure on resources there is.


I'm afraid that's going to have to be the end of contribution for me. 

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Guest JordanBs3Bcfc

Brain science? Is that a thing :s well, maybe, i wasn't applauding when my dad got his face smashed in by some ego maniac copper in Cardiff. Aaannyyway, without getting to far in to it, i honestly believe this was over the top (which is my opinion),especially when such due diligence isn't taken with most other crimes. And i understand don't do this, cctv blah blah blah thank you for trying to be so patronising. You a Tory by chance?

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Sorry to be pedantic here - you can have 'brain surgery' or 'rocket science'.

Brain science, or even rocket surgery just ain't right.


Ha, was proving my point that it wasn't difficult to understand why these people would be getting a knock on the door (or just having it smashed in)

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I highly doubt any of the arrested today were arrested for entering the field of play, so it's not a matter of nicking people for running on the pitch.

I would have thought that some arrests would relate to fighting in Winterstoke Road Car Park and the industrial estate after the game and the numerous scraps in and around Bristol. Also for any violent behaviour, seat or coin throwing inside the ground.

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Brain science? Is that a thing :s well, maybe, i wasn't applauding when my dad got his face smashed in by some ego maniac copper in Cardiff. Aaannyyway, without getting to far in to it, i honestly believe this was over the top (which is my opinion),especially when such due diligence isn't taken with most other crimes. And i understand don't do this, cctv blah blah blah thank you for trying to be so patronising. You a Tory by chance?


Wasn't trying to be patronising, just pointing out the facts. There is a massive difference between the two


If that happened at Cardiff to your Dad and he wasn't involved in anything then that is completely wrong. But why do you think the police were reacting to City fans like that on that particular day (presuming that you're on about last season)? There were pics of pissed up City fans on twitter from about 8.30 in the morning, then pics of smashed up pubs from about 10am. Maybe it's the fans that go to places to get pissed and smash up pubs that you want to be venting your anger on, if they didn't do that then I'm sure your Dad wouldn't have got his face smashed in.....just saying


Is it heavy handed? Massively. Is it unwarranted? No. They broke the law, they will get what they deserve

As for me being a Tory.....you went way below the belt there, poppet

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I accept arresting those that did wrong but this just comes across as a massive PR exercise at the expense of the club. Smashing doors in is an over reaction.


I have not read the report but does it actually say doors were smashed? A 'dawn raid' is not necessarily a pre-requisite for a bit of door smashing. I suspect a tap on the door would have been the general order of the day.

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