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Trophy Presentation


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Okay, I know some on here will shoot me down for this post as we haven't actually won the league yet. But it seems pretty much inevitable that we will be crowned champions at some point over the next 3 games, as we only need 1 more win! So I was wondering, if we do win it this weekend will we lift the trophy at the end of the game or will they hold out for the last home game of the season? Anyone in the know on this?

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Do you know this for certain and if so from what source?

I've searched for this info online and haven't been able to find out anywhere.

Is that the part about the trophy being presented or the pitch being invaded you are referring to?

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Guest BristolGFXCity

What about those that won't be at the Coventry game but will be at the Walsall game that want to get on?

Well I'll be looking to get on both games ;)

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We could then potentially be docked points though and would still need another win then.

Cool. Would have to celebrate winning twice.

To be honest though, I am a bit confused when I am supposed to be on the pitch. Will there be a tannoy announcement?

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We could then potentially be docked points though and would still need another win then.


When was the last time a football league team were docked points because of fans celebrating on the pitch? I keep seeing this about points docked but can't remember an instance of hearing of a team being docked points after a (celebratory) pitch invasion.


Considering there was no action after the gas game, when fans were goading opposition supporters and throwing objects at them, I find it highly unlikely that we would be docked points for a celebratory encroachment onto the pitch!!


FFS we had a pitch invasion last season when there was jack shit to celebrate. Now that was ridiculous.

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