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Wade Elliot Abuse


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Can't stand that guy.  Loves being talked about and the sound of his own voice.

Funny you should say. Normally there'd be a point to an article such as this but I can't see one other than CC being a media whore.

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There's nothing more tedious than having some ' reformed' type publicly agonising about past misdemeanours.

Just get over yourself and do us all a favour - do it privately as opposed when there is a bit of publicity to be had.

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Guest OneManMob

Let's be honest here, Clarke Carlisle is a man with some very serious issues.


Yep, I dont know why the media keep letting him have a voice

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Funny you should say. Normally there'd be a point to an article such as this but I can't see one other than CC being a media whore.

Nail on the head. Self interested, self promoting narcissist.

Behind closed doors this could be a million miles from the truth, but as he portrays himself and also is portrayed in the media, he comes across to my eyes as... well take your pick of expletives.

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And the idiot is up on a drink drive charge! ....says it all !


He was convicted yesterday- 3 yr ban and 150 + hrs community service.


He had originally refused to do breath test/blood sample having been pulled over whilst driving erratically and eating a Burrito. He walked in front of a lorry two days later in an attempt to kill himself and was very badly injured.


Doesn't it make you wonder that this guy was ever Chairman of PFA? -  a homophobic, sexist, alcoholic  gambler with severe depression.


Despite all that, I hope he dealt with and overcome all his problems but I'm in the 'do this in private' camp.

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Guest i hate rovers

Perhaps we can send him a gallon of thatchers and a man rubber dolly just a thought mind.just to help him out like !!

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OK this was bad, but let's not pretend it was unique ( or even that unusual maybe?)

Quite reminiscent of the treatment others got from players and fans - eg Le Saux the Chelsea & England full back who was unwise enough to read the Guardian - that was enough for him to be labelled gay.

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I feel sorry for CC about his depression issues because I know what thats like, but thats where it ends, he is not a nice person and would stab you in the back for your grans last humbug,

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OK this was bad, but let's not pretend it was unique ( or even that unusual maybe?)

Quite reminiscent of the treatment others got from players and fans - eg Le Saux the Chelsea & England full back who was unwise enough to read the Guardian - that was enough for him to be labelled gay.

This nonsense has been going on since the late 19th century even. The talented all round sportsman C B Fry, who played cricket for England and football for Southampton, was considered gay by his teammates coz he regularly went on benders with Oscar Wilde. ... Although this was coz Oscar Wilde was thought of as very funny and gay meant happy back then.

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There is a lot worse said in football.. However this is still no room for this.


What is quite telling is that CC uses himself the word 'bully'. Seemingly by his own admission this was not banter, this was not a laugh, this was him deliberately belittling Elliot for the purpose of belittling Elliot. All from a grown and supposidely intelligent man.


For that reason I don't see what relevance it is what may or may not be said or what could or has been said that is worse - his intention and purpose in saying the things he claims to have said and acted in the way he claims to have acted is the serious point here.

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Tired of listening and reading about this guy - with what is coming out I wonder how he got such a privelaged position within the game


Showing remorse now is now excuse! Wish he would just get out of the public eye

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Are you serious? Some of you guys are a bit militant on here. Wow.

Just don't post on it if you're not interested, surely?

Why are we giving this non story oxygen? Mods I think you should lock it, if you think that a thread that questions the motives behind asking why a certain member posts rubbish should be locked, then this one surely is more worthy.

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So what if he was anyway?

It seems to me that homophobia in football comes more from the p,ayers and their small mindedness than the "proposed" views of us fans.

I seriously couldn't care what sexual orientation any of our players are, in the same way I don't care what religion, race or problems they may have, as long as they try their best for the team and are the best we can get then who really cares???

It's 2015 FFS, I'm sick of reading stuff like this, football supporters have moved on in the majority, hopefully the same can be said about the players????

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What is quite telling is that CC uses himself the word 'bully'. Seemingly by his own admission this was not banter, this was not a laugh, this was him deliberately belittling Elliot for the purpose of belittling Elliot. All from a grown and supposidely intelligent man.


For that reason I don't see what relevance it is what may or may not be said or what could or has been said that is worse - his intention and purpose in saying the things he claims to have said and acted in the way he claims to have acted is the serious point here.


Maybe he thought it was banter at the time but only now sees that it could be viewed as 'bullying' behaviour.  That largely depends on how Wade felt about it at the time and how it affected him.


Given the responses on here shouldn't this thread be renamed the 'Clarke Carlisle Abuse'?  The man clearly has serious mental health issues that are affecting himself, his family and others.  By talking about his issues in a public way it may help others with similar problems voice their thoughts and feelings and avoid some of the damage they do to themselves and others.   For me that is worth doing even if he risks the sort of abuse and ridicule it leaves him open to.  Hope he finds some peace for his own benefit and those around him.

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Guest wheatus59

I wonder how much fuss would have been made if wade bit back with a remark about carlisles colour , i bet it would have been all over the papers , double standards me thinks .

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Guest OneManMob

The bloke may be trying to make himself look good before his trial or he may genuinely be making an effort to change?



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Guys got demons but does him self no favours. He should be as far away from the lime light as possible

I note that he calls it bullying so could have been different - but this sort of thing goes on all the time within a team. It's usually all taken the right way and is banter but I think some people would be surprised by the things we say to each other!

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Why on earth would you want to start a thread about this? Some things are just best left alone, just washer woman gossip, and very negative for Wade and his family.

OK with you?







The question any sane person would ask is why the hell Clarke Carlisle would want to bring it up when prostituting himself to the media yet again. That bloke comes accross as a bad 'un depression/alcoholism or otherwise.

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Why on earth would you want to start a thread about this? Some things are just best left alone, just washer woman gossip, and very negative for Wade and his family.

OK with you?


Sorry sir, I should have ran it by you first.

What is it with some people thinking they're the Internet police? I just saw the article online and wondered if people had any thoughts about it.

I will not be defending it any further. Thank you.

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Sorry sir, I should have ran it by you first.

What is it with some people thinking they're the Internet police? I just saw the article online and wondered if people had any thoughts about it.

I will not be defending it any further. Thank you.

An article that mentioned one of player seems fair enough to merit a thread to me.

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Sarcy eh? I don't suppose the even you might think the Internet is the best place to splash around someone's more sensitive matters, this in particular is a nasty article that would be left alone and not worth repeating on a football forum, especially a football forum, you are living proof of that.

It seems you've assumed that your own interpretation of the article is the only interpretation of the article and is therefore of no merit for any other discussion.

While I respect your opinion on the article I don't respect your wish for forum topics to be locked based on your personal ethical or moral evaluation of what value for discussion it has. I have to be honest and say it comes across somewhat as narcissism.

However I may be missing something regarding past incidents on the forum etc, so if that happens to be true I'll happily stand corrected.

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Clarke Carlisle is certainly an interesting and very complex character.

I was always a fan of his. I liked him as PFA chairman and enjoyed his documentaries on racism and depression in sport. I even bought his autobiography. However, since reading that, hearing 'alternate' opinions on him from people in the game along with recent happenings I'm beginning to change my mind about the bloke.

Firstly, obviously I've never met him, and nor have many of you, but we still have opinions on people. I also recognise that depression is and illness and not something that can be switched off. The fact that the bloke tried to kill himself shows how serious his condition was/is and I'm not undermining the seriousness of that.

BUT this is a guy who moaned throughout his autobiography about having tight money situations and having mortgages to pay to house his family. Whilst I realise that the money he earned at the back end of his career, combined with lots of travelling, meant he didn't earn 'footballer' type money, someone who has played in the premier league shouldn't have a mortgage anymore. End of. Clearly he pissed his money away and no sympathy there from me. It's not difficult to be responsible with money.

He has repeatedly been done for drink driving which seems like a lesser issue to him and is swept to the side almost. Drink driving is bloody serious and his consistent offences in this says a lot about the man. Maybe he's an alcoholic too, fine, I accept that's an illness as well. But drink driving is his choice.

I also dislike his repeated seeking of attention. He shouldn't be in the news anymore. He shouldn't be doing interviews. He should be sorting himself out rather than putting that poor lorry driver through even more misery. I have absolutely no idea what the Wade Elliott 'gay' abuse has to do with anything at the moment. It is simply and plainly attention seeking.

Clarke Carlisle has had my sympathies for a very long time but there is so much about how he conducts himself that I massively disagree with.

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Sorry sir, I should have ran it by you first.

What is it with some people thinking they're the Internet police? I just saw the article online and wondered if people had any thoughts about it.

I will not be defending it any further. Thank you.

An article that mentioned one of player seems fair enough to merit a thread to me.

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