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Top six on alphabetical order

Major Isewater

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9.2 - If two or more Clubs have the same number of points, goal difference and goals scored the highest placed Club shall be determined by the respective League records against each other, taking into account in order of precedence, points gained, goal difference and goals scored. If the above procedures do not separate the Clubs, then the Clubs concerned shall play off a deciding League Match or Matches under arrangements approved by the Board on a neutral ground.

Source - https://www.efl.com/-more/governance/efl-rules--regulations/section-3---the-league/

28 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

If the season finished like this with us ahead of Preston simply and only in alphabetical order would they lose out ? 

Would seem harsh but funny .

We are ahead of Preston on goals scored !


As long as Preston don't take advise from Middlesex and claim that in hindsight they would have scored more goals earlier in the season!;)


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