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Bolton / Bury On The Brink (Merged)


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1 minute ago, chinapig said:

I believe he passed the fit and proper test, since any old spiv can do that, but the EFL did not, as you say approve the sale.

Just another example of laughable governance. Jevans in the meantime is trying to exonerate the EFL and promising a review of governance. My money is on that either being kicked into the long grass or recommending cosmetic changes.

I have more faith in her than that idiot Harvey.

He oversaw 2 clubs in administration I believe, claimed he didn't know who owned Leeds when he was CEO there- and yet?? 

How he ever got that job will remain one of life's great mysteries.

Edited by Mr Popodopolous
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Still a bit of mis-information out there.

So CVA has been agreed, so the club can continue...but is it the EFL seeking assurances that they can carry on fit the season?

Is Dale saying he doesn’t want to carry on ownership?  So he can’t commit???  But he’s being choosy about who he sells to, because he wants £x back?

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1 hour ago, chinapig said:

He is still saying he has the money at the same time as asking for donations. From The Guardian:

Bury FC: Speaking to Talksport presenter Jim White, Bury owner Steve Dale has pleaded with supporters and local businesses to club together and pledge £2.7m to help save the club, despite claiming he doesn’t actually need the money and is not looking for charity.

“Fans, anyone out there who will pledge money to come to us … if they come to us and say we’ll put £100 in, £1000 in, if the big players put in £100,000, £500,000 .., whatever it is, we want it pledged to the company,” he said. “We need a pledge of £2.7m plus to save Bury. If the company, Bury Football Club, needs the money and needs to use it, they’ll put up shares and pay 2.5% interest on that money. We don’t need it, let me say that, unless the EFL pull another stroke.

“So what we’re looking to do now is go out there and say to local businesses – we’ve got massive firms in our areas, we’ve got the Boohoo boys, Together Finance, the old card guy Ron Wood, we’re got loads of people within Bury who will maybe look at it and think: ‘well it’s short change out of my pocket, I’ll pledge some money’.

“If we take any money off someone we’ll pay interest on it and we will secure it on shares in the club. Let me make this clear, we’re not looking for charity here, because we don’t need it. But the EFL want it. The EFL have made this ridiculous claim that we need this money, but we’re saying we don’t!”

Meanwhile Kieran Maguire points out that:

Dale has been a director of over 20 companies that are either dissolved, in liquidation or a CVA. There’s a lot of money to be made by becoming involved in companies in distress.

This is the kind of person the EFL allows to own clubs.


Right at the wire the owner (who is clearly in this to make whatever he can out of the situation, not the good of the club) is essentially saying “not my problem; why don’t you all stump up” to everyone concerned.

The EFL needs to be asked very serious questions about how they vet and allow people to become owners, as with Bury and Bolton they have failed utterly at assessing if the stewards of two clubs are capable.

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2 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

Still a bit of mis-information out there.

So CVA has been agreed, so the club can continue...but is it the EFL seeking assurances that they can carry on fit the season?

Is Dale saying he doesn’t want to carry on ownership?  So he can’t commit???  But he’s being choosy about who he sells to, because he wants £x back?

That's how it read to me

It was insinuated that he stands to get more money back that way

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5 minutes ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

I have more faith in her than that idiot Harvey.

He oversaw 2 clubs in administration I believe, claimed he didn't know who owned Leeds when he was CEO there- and yet?? 

How he ever got that job will remain one of life's great mysteries.

Harvey is indeed notorious but the fact that he was appointed tells you a lot about the clubs who appointed him.

Jevans talks like a politician and has been quick to deny the EFL's failure so I'll judge her when I see some action. Given that all she promised to do about clubs being allowed to sell their grounds was to look at the wording I am not holding my breath.

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13 minutes ago, chinapig said:

I believe he passed the fit and proper test, since any old spiv can do that, but the EFL did not, as you say, approve the sale.

Just another example of laughable governance. Jevans in the meantime is trying to exonerate the EFL and promising a review of governance. My money is on that either being kicked into the long grass or recommending cosmetic changes.

Again from The Guardian:

The EFL then confirmed that although Dale passed its “owners and directors test” because he has no criminal convictions, he never provided proof of his “source and sufficiency of funding”, which league rules require of prospective owners before a takeover, or within 10 days afterwards.

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On 22/08/2019 at 13:31, Northern Red said:

Exactly. If you were struggling to pay your mortgage, would you demand help from the bloke across the road whose house is twice as big as yours?

But if you had a house 100 times the size of the guy opposite you, you'd want to help him if he was struggling. 


Or at least you should want to. 



It's not about expecting help when you need it, it's about providing help if you can. That witch Thatcher has a lot to answer to for destroying the morals of English people. 

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I think that Bury's main problem with the efl/fa is that they're not high profile. Hypothetically if any of the top six premier league clubs or even Villa got themselves into the same position as Bury I can't imagine that they'd even consider throwing the club out.

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5 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

I haven't listened to it, so I don't know where abouts in the show the interview is.

But last week, I'm sure Dale said he had the money.

This bloke (and this Jevons EFL woman) seem to have spent a lot of time on Talksport trading blows - surely they’d have been better off sat in a room sorting it all out, and not come out until it’s done. Seems they are both desperate for public opinion to sway their way rather than sort the problem out. 

On 22/08/2019 at 15:46, Ska Junkie said:

What an excellent idea ZE. 

I would imagine the Premier league transfers over a year are, at a guess, £750M (?), a 1% levy on that would put £7.5M into a 'rescue' fund for this purpose. It's not like the Prem boys wouldn't be able to afford it.

If managed correctly, I think your idea is excellent and would go a very small way to leveling the huge financial disparity in the game.

My only concern would be if clubs would use this as an excuse to overspend knowing this proposed cushion is available if they did get in to trouble. 

This is not a solution in my opinion. It’s the same principle as Parachute Payments. 

You’re basically saying to club owners - “go ahead and spend what you want, but it’s ok because there’s a pot of cash to rescue you if you balls up”. Not the way to go, for me. 

On 22/08/2019 at 17:23, Bristol Rob said:

The easier solution would be for owners buying clubs to be made to lodge 'x' number of millions with the EFL as a bond which would need to be increased annually in line with losses, so that if it does go tits, the club is protected.

Should they want to sell, then they either sell their bond on to the new owner, or if the club is debt free, just get it back from the EFL.

This is the correct solution. I’ve heard Simon Jordan mention this numerous times on Talksport (whilst I know Jordan has been much maligned in the past, he does talk a lot of sense on the ‘business’ side of football, and I like the chap). 

His suggestion is exactly as Rob states above. Owners have to put up a bond of x amount. This sits as security if the club gets into financial trouble. Basically means a ‘put your money where your mouth is’ to any prospective owners. 

Had this Bury bloke had to put up £2m as a bond when he bought Bury for £1, then this bond could now be there to save the club. 

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On 22/08/2019 at 12:31, Sir Geoff said:

I have never understood the argument for 'bigger' clubs helping to rescue financially stricken clubs like Bury. They are where they are for a good reason.

Would B@Q OR Wickes help to save Fred Bloggs DIY store on Bury High St if it was going under, no of course not.

Hope they survive but looks too late now.

Yet the premier league sides were happy to have a whip round to give Scudamore a £5m leaving gift - pity they couldn’t do the same to protect the grass roots of our game ... 

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3 minutes ago, Red Right Hand said:

That appears to be the gist of it.

Thank God we`ve got SL.

And the initial CVA would not have stood had they known this.

I’m beginning to think Steve Dale is a piece of shit....have t known the facts up to now....and they are starting to look dodgy.  This Carla chap has just told Sky what he thinks.

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Good news.

The EFL now publish photos of new club owners when they have passed the fit and proper test. 

Photos of the latest owners so approved have been uploaded to the EFL website as below......







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4 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

And the initial CVA would not have stood had they known this.

I’m beginning to think Steve Dale is a piece of shit....have t known the facts up to now....and they are starting to look dodgy.  This Carla chap has just told Sky what he thinks.

I'm in agreement Dave, this is very sinister. He looks to be on the take doesn't he? Profit through the demise of others.

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9 minutes ago, downendcity said:

Good news.

The EFL now publish photos of new club owners when they have passed the fit and proper test. 

Photos of the latest owners so approved have been uploaded to the EFL website as below......







That’s not new owners! That’s the EFL directors!

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7 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

I'm in agreement Dave, this is very sinister. He looks to be on the take doesn't he? Profit through the demise of others.

Just as Oyston was, something that also didn't bother the EFL. I suspect there are plenty more skeletons in cupboards, which is why the clubs are resistant to proper scrutiny.

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12 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

I'm in agreement Dave, this is very sinister. He looks to be on the take doesn't he? Profit through the demise of others.

I don’t have a good understanding of CVAs etc but I recall them saying that Dale has a history of an number of ‘failed businesses’ - Is that right ?

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I am getting proper nervous for Bury.

I really, really hope they are saved. The shitehawke owner has seeming previous is buying companies in distress, but this is a community asset that should be saved.

We didn't choose Steve L, we didn't - hopefully, thankfully choose the 'Reform Group' who came sniffing -  but we have stability.

Bury fans deserve better, and that rests with the EFL.

Be grateful for good owners.

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Just now, BobBobSuperBob said:

Fit and Proper ?

What a ******* joke 

Basically, if you do not have an unspent criminal conviction you are ok. If Dale had been disqualified as a company director because of his other business dealings he would not have passed either.

Unfortunately, the sort of predatory capitalism he indulges in is positively respectable in this country so he has been able to make money from failed companies to his heart's content with no fear of disqualification.

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The EFL have shown themselves to be totally inept and not fit for purpose themselves over this case with Bury and that still ongoing with Bolton. Not exactly sure what they've been doing for the last couple of years, let alone months, when they could've been exacting and exerting some proper decisive leadership. Instead, the idiot Harvey and the rest of the EFL buffoons have merely sat back and watched this happen.  Nothing short of scandalous to watch a club change hands for £1....irrespective of the debt that passes with it. Be like Mike Ashley stopping you in the street and asking if you want to buy HoF from him for a fiver....

Fingers crossed for Bury.

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24 minutes ago, Dastardly and Muttley said:

I’d imagine the latest news would be enough for an extension. 

Dale says he’s accepted but the buyers, C&N investments, say that’s not quite the case yet.

I’d guess they’ll get a day or two more.

Let’s hope so.

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In all these cases the truth comes from the fans, a cross section of people from all walks o f life who are bound by one truth- a love of their own club and a desire for it's best  interests above any self interest ( as in every club's fan base)

To a man and woman they all blame and want the odious chancer and fraud Steve Dale removed from their club.

The EFL should listen to and act in the best interests of those fans. 

Allowing Dale anywhere near a football club is a disgraceful act that shames our game.

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7 hours ago, BanburyRed said:

The EFL have shown themselves to be totally inept and not fit for purpose themselves over this case with Bury and that still ongoing with Bolton. Not exactly sure what they've been doing for the last couple of years, let alone months, when they could've been exacting and exerting some proper decisive leadership. Instead, the idiot Harvey and the rest of the EFL buffoons have merely sat back and watched this happen.  Nothing short of scandalous to watch a club change hands for £1....irrespective of the debt that passes with it. Be like Mike Ashley stopping you in the street and asking if you want to buy HoF from him for a fiver....

Fingers crossed for Bury.

The following will give you some idea of what they have been doing for the last two years. Fiddling while Rome burns covers it I think.


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5 minutes ago, phantom said:

So what happened about last night's deadline? 

Do Bury still exist 

EFL deadlines are a movable feast; from the BBC website:

Bury are waiting to hear if a last-ditch offer to buy the League One club will save them from being expelled from the English Football League.

Owner Steve Dale told BBC Radio Manchester he had agreed a deal with analytics company C&N Sporting Risk, led by Henry Newman and Rory Campbell.

The EFL said it had been notified of an offer being accepted by Dale.

Bury had been given until 23:59 BST on Friday to prove their financial viability.

The EFL is now considering an extension to the deadline.


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23 hours ago, Mike Hunt-Hertz said:

Good old club, Bury. Hope they hold on.

Happy memories of a 1-1 draw there in 1989...our promotion season.

One of the friendliest clubs I ever visited. Its the 2-2 draw for me, when a certain Paddy Kenney in the Bury goal made stunning save after stunning save. With South Park popular at the time I still remember the plaintive plea 'FFS somebody kill Kenney' 

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On 24/08/2019 at 13:32, Mike Hunt-Hertz said:

Good old club, Bury. Hope they hold on.

Happy memories of a 1-1 draw there in 1989...our promotion season.

Opening fixture wasn’t it Mike 

Remember that day quite vividly , arriving quite early and finding all the entrances still locked !


Edited by BobBobSuperBob
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sad times for anyone connected with the club, however financial mismanagement over a number of years has led to this predicament and there comes a time when the EFL have to call it a day.  With all the money they presumably trousered during their many years in the Premier League you have to wonder how on earth finances can get into that state - complete incompetence and the fans pay the ultimate price.  I know he gets some stick on occasion, but we should all be eternally thankful we have Steve Lansdown at the helm here

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4 minutes ago, phantom said:

Double the debts? 

Would still need a buyer

But maybe more of an attractive proposition to a potential buyer? 

4 minutes ago, Northern Red said:

Would you like to merge with Rovers if we were both struggling?

I ain't going to pretend I know what the rivalry is between Bolton and Bury, all I know is they are close geographically but have had contrasting footballing fortunes over the years so from the outside it doesn't appear they are fierce rivals.

It just seems strange that two clubs within a few miles of each other are both about to go out of existence yet the idea of merging hasn't come up.

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2 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

And the EFL / PL too.

The PL won't give a monkey's. The EFL were warned this was coming 2 years ago and ignored it. I have little confidence they will do much more than rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic.


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27 minutes ago, Up The City! said:

Why has a merger between Bolton and Bury not been mooted? Surely makes sense? 

Thats like saying the same in Bristol for City and the sags. Theyre the same...RIVALS. 

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2 minutes ago, RoystonFoote'snephew said:

But are they? I know they're only just over 6 miles apart but Bolton's traditional rivals are Wigan. That rivalry extends beyond football. 

As someone who used to stay in a pub right next to Bury's  ground when I worked in greater Manchester, trust me when I say yes they are. 

Edited by BS3_RED
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20 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

Rovers really are missing a trick here (unless negotiations/bullying are already underway)

It’s the perfect opportunity for them to steal another ground and #### off out of Bristol..!

Plus the M6 is a longer road to find a parking space than Muller Road.

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2 minutes ago, handsofclay said:

Plus the M6 is a longer road to find a parking space than Muller Road.

Perfect. They need lots more parking space to cater for them all. 

They could then all take a leisurely stroll to the ground, up the wrong side of the M6..!

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17 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

Rovers really are missing a trick here (unless negotiations/bullying are already underway)

It’s the perfect opportunity for them to steal another ground and #### off out of Bristol..!

I’m sure once the pikeys hear that the ground is up for grabs they’ll be parking up their caravans on the centre circle 

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