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John Lennon, 40th Anniversary of his death today

New Dazzler

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True Legend, tragically killed aged 40.  Anyone remember what they were up to when the news came into the UK first as most people were waking up about to go to work with the awful news?  I remember hearing about it on Radio 1 news, followed by Dave Lee Travis slavishly sticking to the Radio 1 playlist by playing "Celebration" by Kool & The Gang which seemed totally inappropriate.  Went to work in a total state of shock all day, everyone was talking  about it, and his brilliant life. What a legacy he left in so many ways, his ground breaking songwriting and role in making the Beatles the best band ever, as well as as a solo artist/Plastic Ono Band etc. Not too mention his role as a peace ambassador and activist. 

Anyway, just to throw a few of his musical highlights out there:- as a Beatle, "In My Life", "Strawberry Fields Forever", "I Am The Walrus", "A Day In The Life", "I'm Only Sleeping", "Tomorrow Never Knows",  "Julia", so many others.. Outside of Beatles:- "Give Peace A Chance", "Working Class Hero", "Imagine", "#9 Dream", "Watching The Wheels", to be honest pretty much all of it!  


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When I was in New York last year, I was in Central Park, had just looked around the Strawberry fields memorial and lost my bearings

I wondered onto the main road, and couldn't understand why people were gathering around a building on the opposite side of the road, it was only later when I was back at my hotel I looked into what the significance of the building was..... it was "The Dakota" building.

Gutted I never realised whilst I was there





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I was 12 years old at the time

Was on my way to school when my mate told me Paul McCartney had been shot

I was about to run home to tell my mum

When his mother told me it was John Lennon

I didnt bother going back home to tell my mum as i didnt have a clue who John Lennon was!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was 12 too, my sister came into the dining room and told me John Lennon had been shot dead and I didn't believe her, then had to listen to the news on R1 to confirm it. 

We were all devastated, my sister had got Double Fantasy and had been listening to the series of interviews with Andy Peebles on R1 the week or so before. I had also typed out the lyrics to Just Like Starting Over, on my mum's typewriter, and we used to sing JL songs all through maths lessons. :preacher:

That evening I had to go to Guides and a carol service at the local old people's home, I could see the tribute on the telly and I think they showed Help or something. The next evening, after Not the Nine O'clock News they played In My Life. No words, just the music. 

A very sad day.

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8 hours ago, phantom said:

When I was in New York last year, I was in Central Park, had just looked around the Strawberry fields memorial and lost my bearings

I wondered onto the main road, and couldn't understand why people were gathering around a building on the opposite side of the road, it was only later when I was back at my hotel I looked into what the significance of the building was..... it was "The Dakota" building.

Gutted I never realised whilst I was there





Was about to post something similar. 

When I last went in 2015, I did my own Ghostbusters tour of the lank arks from the 2 films, and the apartment block where Dana and Louis live where the film ends is on Central Park west. 

Had I walked a little bit more north, I'd have seen the Dakota building. Had no idea where it was until a few months back

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Like others, I'm sure I heard the news on Radio 1 before school. I was 15 and my mates and I had been learning the guitar that year and delving into Beatles albums and songbooks, so this news was earth shattering.

That very evening I went to see The Jam play a gig at the Locarno. They had just released Sound Affects, a record massively influenced by the Beatles Revolver album. Weller was a Lennon devotee and he was evidently devastated on what was obviously an emotional evening. The Jam played an inspired, blistering show that night, still one of the best gigs I've ever attended. 

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