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The Waiting Is Over - Serious Stuff Now


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All the talking & all the preparations are drawing to a close.

The fans have been split on the comings & goings over the close season.

I for one,thought the sudden departure of DW & the next day appt of BT was pre planned to say the least.(still should have advertised the job) :whistle:

But we are on the eve of the big kick-off & so interesting vibes have come from the new Management team at the Gate.

If we go out their from tomorrow & attack in style to get us out of this Division, then I for one will have that smile fixed firmly on this face.

As the Sky adverts say, this is ALL about the fans & tomorrow, 10,000/12,000 will be routing for every player & management team on that park.

BT, has talked a very good pre-season & having not watched a game,it appears that in patch'es we have been good.

Good luck BT, we are fully behind you & the lads,lets be entertained, but more importantly, lets get out of this damn Division.


Finally,FAILURE is not even being placed in the mind,as this forum can be a nasty place,for those managers who don't get it right.

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Although its the first game of a long campaign tomorrow,I never quite feel that the league is fully underway untill I have a league table to look at.Thats about 3 or 4 games in.

I also believe that the teams that are playing the best get the luckier breaks and so I'II refrain from wishing the team and BT luck because hopefully they'll create their own luck and the ball goes in off the post instead of off and wide.Maybe City will win a few penalties as well (I'm serious,folks! :whistle: ).

Like many fans I am optimistic(again)about this season but I'll start to worry if City lose 10 or more games before the season is over.Teams with that number of losses rarely get promoted.

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