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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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Sainsburys did everything legal and above board it was rovers who tried to change the conditions of the contract they only have themselfs to blame here


Exactly, given the track record of their board is anyone surprised that it looks like they have massively cocked up again?!


Utter shambles.  So is there a genuine chance that this will put them in the brown stuff financially?

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Exactly, given the track record of their board is anyone surprised that it looks like they have massively cocked up again?!

Utter shambles. So is there a genuine chance that this will put them in the brown stuff financially?

The brown stuff? This picks them up, holds them on the edge of a cliff and punts them into oblivion.

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Because losing your rivals would really make football more exciting... What was that about the sanitisation of modern football?

Do you really class them as rivals? I'm of the opinion that in the long term, it would be better if Bristol only had one team, I wouldn't expect any hardcore sags to swap sides if they were to go under, but long term, it would help with support and sponsorship.

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The fact is Rovers broke the terms and sainsburys knowing their profit margins were dropping told Higgs they didn't want to continue. Higgs then blindly carried on with getting the delivery hours changed believing they had to pay up, it's seems he was wrong, very wrong. How sainsburys can be to blame for any of this is beyond me, they have a duty to their shareholders not a 4th tier club who's boards actions have destroyed them

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They might appeal but unless they can find new evidence it not get them very far will it? I guess they are basically potless now and have loans and legal bills to pay or extend. Got to feel a tiny bit for their fans but will enjoy seeing smug lardyarse Higgs face the music.

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Think they are in the serious pooh now.

Are they going to pour any more money into this? Have they got any more?

Any sensible football agent will be putting a serious health warning on the Club.

The Wonga vultures will be gathering picking off the carcass soon.

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