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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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Laying my cards on the table here, In my youth I never had a problem with the sags, in fact I enjoyed the derby games, i even followed them loosely hoping they would also fly the flag for Bristol. however as the years went on I started to dislike them more and more. I found they were obsessed with us, so obsessed its in fact freaky. I'm sure some of their fans follow us to in the hope of seeing us fail more than they follow their own team. The scores on the scoreboard and dopeys 'happy days' comment shows that. I bet if I stood on the blackthorn end I'd see a mass of people glued to their phones checking our score.

Every time Rovers have some success all I hear about is us, it's this obsession with us that makes me dislike them, I'm not even sure if dislike is the correct word? I think it's more pity. It's almost as if we are the mother and we abandoned them as children and to this day they hold a resentment against us. Every time they have the smallest bit of success they scream from the hill tops in an attempt to gain our attention. 

I just wish they could support their club as much as they support us failing.

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5 hours ago, Red Right Hand said:

If someone offered you 17th -  20th next season now would you take it or do you think you can do better than that? I know a lot of your more `vocal` followers seem to think you`ll be promoted by Christmas as you`re `coming for us` but I`m genuinely interested in what a calmer head thinks.

This team we have are capable of holding their own definitely and if you offered me mid table then yep I'd take it 

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5 minutes ago, Philgas said:

This team we have are capable of holding their own definitely and if you offered me mid table then yep I'd take it 

I think your getting slightly carried away with your recent success, enjoy it, but enjoy it for what it is. You have achieved back to back promotions in two very poor leagues. Your recent success involved a big element of luck rather than pure ability. Winning on penalties and scraping promotion by having a better GD than Accrington shows that. League One is tough. Tougher than it appears you realise. A he'll of a lot tougher than anything you have faced in the past two seasons. I think your going to need quite a few decent players before you can even dream about mid table.

For me you are dead certs to finish bottom. I don't know the turnover of players you have had in the past two seasons but it was only two years ago that you finished 91st in the entire football league. So to say you are definitely capable of holding your own is a very bold claim.

You may feel like world beaters atm but you need to remain grounded. Finishing above Accrington on GD surely shows that? 

Let's look at the facts, your playing in a run down former rugby stadium, your likely to have crowds of between 6-9k but may sell out for the bigger games. I'm not going to factor in your billionaire right now as I'm far from convinced he has any substantial funds to invest in you. Your team is going to need reinforcements if it's going to hold its own. It remains to be seen if you can afford decent league one players. You then have the possibility that your manager and your top players whoever they may be may leave over the summer. Two promotions on the bounce will have club's sniffing around them and unfortunately for you even club's like Fleetwood are a more attractive proposition than yourselves. The only way for you to hold on to your own players and attract others is to pay over the odds like you did in the past. We have faced the same problem. It's difficult to attract players to Bristol as its considered a footballing backwater.

I wish you all the luck in the world, I just hope you can remain realistic about your chances.

I actually wish that your club dropped its obsession with us and both club's worked together. I remember a time when many would support both teams, they would go to Ashton Gate one week and Eastville the next. Imagine if relations were better, we could send our talented young players like Burns, Vyner etc on loan to you to gain experience. The advantages being they would still be able to train with us during the week and you would gain some fantastic players on the cheap. Unfortunately for Bristol football your club and fans have created so much hostility anything like that would be highly unlikely to ever happen. Sort of shot yourselves in the foot There I feel.

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6 hours ago, Just Red said:

I think your getting slightly carried away with your recent success, enjoy it, but enjoy it for what it is. You have achieved back to back promotions in two very poor leagues. Your recent success involved a big element of luck rather than pure ability. Winning on penalties and scraping promotion by having a better GD than Accrington shows that. League One is tough. 

You may feel like world beaters atm but you need to remain grounded. Finishing above Accrington on GD surely shows that? 



And let's not forget the insane decision of a ref to blow for half-time while the ball was mid-air and heading towards Wimbledon's goal.

If that goal had been correctly credited to Stanley, the Gas would be in pray-off terrain.

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23 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

And let's not forget the insane decision of a ref to blow for half-time while the ball was mid-air and heading towards Wimbledon's goal.

If that goal had been correctly credited to Stanley, the Gas would be in pray-off terrain.

out of interest what was incorrect about it.


It was stupid, but not incorrect

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1 minute ago, Hello said:

out of interest what was incorrect about it.


It was stupid, but not incorrect

I'm not suggesting it was illegal, but their own handbook tells them not to blow for half or full-time when a goal is likely to be scored.

It has to be said, Accrington's bad luck played to your advantage.  Had the guy followed guidance, Accie would be three points ahead.

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9 hours ago, Philgas said:

This team we have are capable of holding their own definitely and if you offered me mid table then yep I'd take it 

Funny because someone I know who goes home and away every week (poor bastard) reckons only 5/6 players at best would be good enough in League 1

He's convinced Taylor will be off, and as QPR found out (they play in the big leagues in case you don't know them) lose your best asset and you really struggle

If you finish one place above the relegation zone a year from now it will be a genuinely massive achievement, sometimes rising up the leagues too fast can actually be worse in the longer run... just look at your mighty rivals Yeovil for an example of that

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4 minutes ago, Barrs Court Red said:

On Bristol Rovers, a new director said "one almost without parallel in terms of local support"


You can understand his giddy excitement. They have average 8 thousand, just, this season (with some help from those 4 × family tickets for £20 Post vouchers), almost as many as Luton. And Plymouth. But hundreds more than Oxford! Last time they were promoted from the 4th Division, it was 5,400. 

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31 minutes ago, Barrs Court Red said:

On Bristol Rovers, a new director said "one almost without parallel in terms of local support"


Cheeky bugger. I wouldn't say R*vers are almost without parallel in terms of local support...I would say they are without parallel in terms of local support.

Sag season ticket sales: approx 4,000

City season ticket sales: approx 14,000


We're so far apart.

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7 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Cheeky bugger. I wouldn't say R*vers are almost without parallel in terms of local support...I would say they are without parallel in terms of local support.

Sag season ticket sales: approx 4,000

City season ticket sales: approx 14,000


We're so far apart.

How many season tickets have the rugby sold?

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