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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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24 minutes ago, The Gasbuster said:

Another "gift" :laughcont:

You would have thought Wally would have known this ?

Maybe he already knew this but wanted to keep up his fake billionaire status (billioanaire status according to Gas fans and the BEP) by showing off on social media, they love to lap it up... problem for them is, it makes their club look a little more silly in the eyes of its more superior neighbours ;)

Edited by Dark Wood Covert
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15 hours ago, Just Red said:

I think your getting slightly carried away with your recent success, enjoy it, but enjoy it for what it is. You have achieved back to back promotions in two very poor leagues. Your recent success involved a big element of luck rather than pure ability. Winning on penalties and scraping promotion by having a better GD than Accrington shows that. League One is tough. Tougher than it appears you realise. A he'll of a lot tougher than anything you have faced in the past two seasons. I think your going to need quite a few decent players before you can even dream about mid table.

For me you are dead certs to finish bottom. I don't know the turnover of players you have had in the past two seasons but it was only two years ago that you finished 91st in the entire football league. So to say you are definitely capable of holding your own is a very bold claim.

You may feel like world beaters atm but you need to remain grounded. Finishing above Accrington on GD surely shows that? 

Let's look at the facts, your playing in a run down former rugby stadium, your likely to have crowds of between 6-9k but may sell out for the bigger games. I'm not going to factor in your billionaire right now as I'm far from convinced he has any substantial funds to invest in you. Your team is going to need reinforcements if it's going to hold its own. It remains to be seen if you can afford decent league one players. You then have the possibility that your manager and your top players whoever they may be may leave over the summer. Two promotions on the bounce will have club's sniffing around them and unfortunately for you even club's like Fleetwood are a more attractive proposition than yourselves. The only way for you to hold on to your own players and attract others is to pay over the odds like you did in the past. We have faced the same problem. It's difficult to attract players to Bristol as its considered a footballing backwater.

I wish you all the luck in the world, I just hope you can remain realistic about your chances.

I actually wish that your club dropped its obsession with us and both club's worked together. I remember a time when many would support both teams, they would go to Ashton Gate one week and Eastville the next. Imagine if relations were better, we could send our talented young players like Burns, Vyner etc on loan to you to gain experience. The advantages being they would still be able to train with us during the week and you would gain some fantastic players on the cheap. Unfortunately for Bristol football your club and fans have created so much hostility anything like that would be highly unlikely to ever happen. Sort of shot yourselves in the foot There I feel.

Perhaps I am getting carried away but I don't really care .. perhaps the real world will wake us up but at this moment in time let's just see what happens! !  We shall buy in a few players .. hey best bet is to just see .

All the best for next season .. take care

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19 hours ago, Jack Dawe said:

Hi. City fan here. 

Rovers do matter, because we live cheek by jowl, in this small city. We cannot avoid each other. That's it, really. We try to make out that you are not relevant, and, on the pitch, you are not relevant to us, and have not been so for some years now. Because you are not in the same league as us. But you are relevant, or more precisely, your fans are relevant to us, not your team, because we live and work and socialise cheek by jowl in this small city and whenever you get the smallest opportunity you bend our ear with prowed boasts and big promises and stuff about Lansdown and so on, so you lot won't let indifference take hold south of the river. You sing things like "are you watching Ashton Gate" the reverse of which is never sung at AG. When you were in the Conference, your scores were not read out at AG because your team did not matter to us. If the roles had been reversed, it is difficult to believe our non-league scores would not have been read out. You dream of more Bristol derbies, whereas for us, the Bristol derby means failure, going backwards, godawful football. Everything to lose, little to gain. Our dreams are different. Our managers never refer to you or your team because you and your team do not matter to him or us, because you are not in our league.

The teams that matter to us are Aston Villa, Leeds Utd, Derby County, Sheffield Wednesday, Nottm Forest, Wolves, Cardiff. Teams like that. Teams newly promoted to L1 do not matter to us, not while we are a cut above that level. We have enough to contend with there, without watching what is going on in lower league football.

But we do not live cheek by jowl to the fans of teams like Aston Villa, Leeds Utd, Derby County etc, we live and work and socialise next door to and alongside the fans of a team newly promoted to L1, fans who noisily ensure we cannot ignore them and forget them, like we have their team.

Your team matters no more to us than do the teams of Northampton and Oxford. On the pitch, you do not matter. Your goal highlights come after ours, on a separate programme, for lower league football. We turn off before your goals come on because your team and its goals do not matter to us. Your fans, we cannot avoid, and are relevant but only because we share this great city and you are in our ear with your little bro' jibes. 

The day we sing, "are you watching Memorial Ground?" is the day I'm ready to pack up and do something else. Appalling thought. Singing that is "obsession." That must never be sung here.


(Not everyone feels like this. Some seem to long for the "passion" of the Bristol derby. But many of us are happy to have moved on and want to see us compete at the top of the Championship. This is a great league. What about both of us in this league? We don't need that, there is more than enough excitement for us in this league for now. Give me wins over Leeds or Derby or Villa, not scuffy games v Rovers. No thanks).


A 5-600 word essay about something that you have forgotten about and doesn't matter?    Rovers fans don't have an attention span long enough to read something this long.   This thread got self defeating a while ago.  'Forget' and over two hundred pages are a little contradictory.

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1 hour ago, ernie goodthing said:

A 5-600 word essay about something that you have forgotten about and doesn't matter?    Rovers fans don't have an attention span long enough to read something this long.   This thread got self defeating a while ago.  'Forget' and over two hundred pages are a little contradictory.

A reasonable point you make but I think you are making the mistake of attributing the habits of what - 40 to 50? 60 to 70? Shall we say 80? - 80 City obsessives and "nutters" on here posting on this thread, the same ones mostly, over and over, and maybe a couple of hundred - shall we say 500? - checking and reading but not posting anything, mostly out of habit and boredom at work, you are attributing their habits to the rest of our support (some 14 to 15 thousand every week, currently). That's a minority, even if you double the 500 browsing this thread to 1000. 

It's the same few people posting over and over. Most City fans I know barely give the Rovers team a second thought (and would struggle to name two of their team), their historic and memorable relegation two years ago being an exception. That momentous own-goal was hard to ignore and seemed to inspire most of this thread - and as others have said, purely the opportunity to mock and ridicule them, having taken so much grief from Wembley 08.

Years ago, it was all Holloway this, or Randall that, or Penrice, or Alexander, or Lambert etc. In other words, players we knew about because they had hurt us on the pitch and could do so again. Not so anymore, not for years. I could name every one of their team years back, now there's Taylor that scores goals and ? What's he ever done to us?

Very few people sing anything about Rovers at AG, or join in with others singing stuff about them, the Atyeo lot being the exception. When they do, it's not even half-hearted. There's no feeling in it. Because the Rovers team are irrelevant to us, they can't hurt us. They don't matter. Maybe they will in the future, but they don't now and have not for many years.

Meanwhile, at the Memorial Ground, so I read, it is another story, with "are you watching Ashton Gate" belting out and other rather pitiful, "don't ignore us" type songs being sung. The equivalent songs of which you just don't ever hear at AG. And then we get gas sorts coming on here insisting they do matter to us, which I get rather tired of, so I thought I would take the trouble to point out to one how I see things.

So, like I said, Rovers fans we cannot escape. The Rovers team generally only enters our awareness (the majority), outside of final score on matchdays, when the inescapable Few bend our ears at work or in the pub and come on here insisting they still matter to us. To my mind there is no obsession with Rovers, there's little in the way of that sort of "passion" at AG anymore and if you think there is, you're spending too much time on here.

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I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


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6 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


Thanks mate. If all football fans got a "sense of perspective" the professional game would die outside of the PL. But thanks, anyway.

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11 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


Yes, but last season you were using jumpers for goalposts. For all our shortcomings (and they are legion), we have never had that embarrassment.

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14 minutes ago, Jack Dawe said:

A reasonable point you make but I think you are making the mistake of attributing the habits of what - 40 to 50? 60 to 70? Shall we say 80? - 80 City obsessives and "nutters" on here posting on this thread, the same ones mostly, over and over, and maybe a couple of hundred - shall we say 500? - checking and reading but not posting anything, mostly out of habit and boredom at work, you are attributing their habits to the rest of our support (some 14 to 15 thousand every week, currently). That's a minority, even if you double the 500 browsing this thread to 1000. 

It's the same few people posting over and over. Most City fans I know barely give the Rovers team a second thought (and would struggle to name two of their team), their historic and memorable relegation two years ago being an exception. That momentous own-goal was hard to ignore and seemed to inspire most of this thread - and as others have said, purely the opportunity to mock and ridicule them, having taken so much grief from Wembley 08.

Years ago, it was all Holloway this, or Randall that, or Penrice, or Alexander, or Lambert etc. In other words, players we knew about because they had hurt us on the pitch and could do so again. Not so anymore, not for years. I could name every one of their team years back, now there's Taylor that scores goals and ? What's he ever done to us?

Very few people sing anything about Rovers at AG, or join in with others singing stuff about them, the Atyeo lot being the exception. When they do, it's not even half-hearted. There's no feeling in it. Because the Rovers team are irrelevant to us, they can't hurt us. They don't matter. Maybe they will in the future, but they don't now and have not for many years.

Meanwhile, at the Memorial Ground, so I read, it is another story, with "are you watching Ashton Gate" belting out and other rather pitiful, "don't ignore us" type songs being sung. The equivalent songs of which you just don't ever hear at AG. And then we get gas sorts coming on here insisting they do matter to us, which I get rather tired of, so I thought I would take the trouble to point out to one how I see things.

So, like I said, Rovers fans we cannot escape. The Rovers team generally only enters our awareness (the majority), outside of final score on matchdays, when the inescapable Few bend our ears at work or in the pub and come on here insisting they still matter to us. To my mind there is no obsession with Rovers, there's little in the way of that sort of "passion" at AG anymore and if you think there is, you're spending too much time on here.

Have they still got that bearded tramp?


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14 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


er... why t f are you on here anyway?

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17 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


Oh dear! You've only been a Football League club since 2015....

Incidentally, how do you know the views of the 'big boys in the championship...?' Would love to see your research...

Edited by BS4 on Tour...
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So we are on par with Rotherham and millwall ok . So your on par with let's say chesterfield and port vale or are those clubs to tinpot for u lot . I expect if u never got promoted Saturday u would try and take Accrington to court or report them to the F.A . Remember this saghead NLBR NON LEAGUE BRISTOL ROVERS that's what u will always be to me . MTG

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26 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


I completely agree.

You brilliantly make the point that we are nothing more than division 2/3 club and that you are a division 3/4 club. I know exactly who we are and what we are trying to do, just as I know exactly who rovers are ano all they can achieve.

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25 minutes ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread.

We like taking the piss out of you, it's nots that difficult to understand

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. 

Well done, it's a big achievement for you, have a cookie

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

How needy....

Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. 

Yes we know, it always seems to be Gasheads that bring up how 'massive' we supposedly think we are....personally I've never heard it from any City fans but there you go.

Here's food for thought, as other Championship clubs consider us to be on par with clubs like Millwall and Rotherham when we have 15k+ attendances and a newly redeveloped 27k stadium, just imagine how far down the pecker order they must consider you with your 8k crowds and recent Non League status?



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1 hour ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


Aaah yes, the season you become a professional football league club.

What do you think other clubs perceive you as? Recently in non league, ridiculed by most UK newspapers for having zero fans at an open top bus. I assume they put you in the same bracket as Forest Green, Cheltenham.

Edited by Iron Man
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3 hours ago, Smaller than a flea said:

I'm confused by this thread. Nottingham Forest, having just won the European Cup, were laughing at their little neighbours Notts County way back when.  Fair enough.

But no. We have just been promoted to a league you last saw in.....let me check....ah yes...2014-15. One which, the season before, you were at one point in being danger of being relegated from under O'Dismal.

So we are now playing the same teams you played all of 12 months ago.

Yet a vast gulf exists. You only think of us when you see a blue shirt in Bristol. Other than that, we do not register. You are in a different league, not just literally, but metaphorically. Apparently.

I'm making no claims about Rovers being a big club in any sense, but some on here (not all by any means) honestly need to get a sense of perspective.  Bristol City are perceived by the big boys in the Championship as being about on a par with Millwall or Rotherham. You might improve and creep up the Championship, but we are talking now, not some golden time in the future.


The difference being we couldn't wait to get out of that league, you couldn't wait to get into it.

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9 hours ago, Iron Man said:

Aaah yes, the season you become a professional football league club.

What do you think other clubs perceive you as? Recently in non league, ridiculed by most UK newspapers for having zero fans at an open top bus. I assume they put you in the same bracket as Forest Green, Cheltenham.

The bus was on its way to the planned route .. an unfortunate error which was as you say ridiculed by the press .. en route it was packed .. A lot of my mates are red and they definitely don't think the same as a lot do on here do , in fact they're saying on the whole " fair play " . Half my family are red and I have a fair few in my classes and trust me the banter is good but not bitter . Bristol Rovers needed to go down to sort from top to bottom ,we're in the process of doing that hopefully little by little.  Whether you like it or not we are definitely on your radar now , we may not have been for years but we are now .I'm very proud of my club and we'll end up where we're supposed to be.  Take care and watch this space.UTG 

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7 minutes ago, Philgas said:

The bus was on its way to the planned route .. an unfortunate error which was as you say ridiculed by the press .. en route it was packed .. A lot of my mates are red and they definitely don't think the same as a lot do on here do , in fact they're saying on the whole " fair play " . Half my family are red and I have a fair few in my classes and trust me the banter is good but not bitter . Bristol Rovers needed to go down to sort from top to bottom ,we're in the process of doing that hopefully little by little.  Whether you like it or not we are definitely on your radar now , we may not have been for years but we are now .I'm very proud of my club and we'll end up where we're supposed to be.  Take care and watch this space.UTG 

I'd say you're already there... League 1.

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I think the sags were very very lucky, to have escaped the play offs to clinch the THIRD auto spot(wtf is that) recent crowd spoils etc etc as for Stanley, that goal on half time is so unlucky, fair enough but something still doesn't settle with me about this all

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1 hour ago, Philgas said:

The bus was on its way to the planned route .. an unfortunate error which was as you say ridiculed by the press .. en route it was packed .. A lot of my mates are red and they definitely don't think the same as a lot do on here do , in fact they're saying on the whole " fair play " . Half my family are red and I have a fair few in my classes and trust me the banter is good but not bitter . Bristol Rovers needed to go down to sort from top to bottom ,we're in the process of doing that hopefully little by little.  Whether you like it or not we are definitely on your radar now , we may not have been for years but we are now .I'm very proud of my club and we'll end up where we're supposed to be.  Take care and watch this space.UTG 

:laugh: Our radar are teams like Newcastle, Villa, Forest. you know, championship clubs.. I wouldn't say the likes of Fleetwood and S****horpe are on our radar..



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