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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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4 minutes ago, Coombsy said:

He also said they will build at the UWE with Sainsbury money or not 

he just telling them what they want to hear

Because he knows they are so dim they`ll suck up any old crap he comes out with and treat it like gospel.

Is it any surprise that the few fans of theirs that have the temerity to question the politburo line have to do it on here?

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On 06/09/2017 at 18:23, RedKatieScarlett said:

Easy to mishear! I've bored people before with the story of my daughter asking ( very loudly) when she was about 6, why people were shouting "Tsunami" and "Turnip" during the match... took me a while to realise these were " Red Army" and "Turn him"... although it's just possible " Tsunami" was " Who are you?"... think we were playing Forest!!

Used to have a load of kids behind me thinking it was hysterical to shout Tsunami, salami, Punjabi whenever everyone started Red Army, became tedious 10 games in to the season..

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Well I did actually, I was a happy clapper, but I'm afraid pulling out of the UWE, without a satisfactory detailed reason stinks to me, it was the way wael conveniently went quiet, right at the time of the pulling of the plug, then almost straight away starts talking about restructuring the mem which everyone knows will never happen (horfield rose, nymby mania, section 104's appeals etc etc, a new tent here, a new family temporary stand there, that's it folks, at best.
im really disappointed with Wael et al, thought they were full of ideas and money, it appears they're full of sh*t.

Although I agree with most of what you say, I think it's a bit early to write of Wael but actions speak much louder than words and we really need to see some of that right now. My heart says he's here to do good but my head and the charge against the mem say something completely different can't believe we going to court for not paying for the fence and over stuff. Wael need to put his money where his mouth is.

Read more:  http://gasheads.org/thread/6730/wael-soccerex#ixzz4s1p3onTX

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3 hours ago, Coombsy said:
Well I did actually, I was a happy clapper, but I'm afraid pulling out of the UWE, without a satisfactory detailed reason stinks to me, it was the way wael conveniently went quiet, right at the time of the pulling of the plug, then almost straight away starts talking about restructuring the mem which everyone knows will never happen (horfield rose, nymby mania, section 104's appeals etc etc, a new tent here, a new family temporary stand there, that's it folks, at best.
im really disappointed with Wael et al, thought they were full of ideas and money, it appears they're full of sh*t.


The new marketing man is already onto it ... been there, done that, got the T shirt...


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10 hours ago, slartibartfast said:

Don't you get Lyme disease from big ticks ?

Gasheads suffer from a varient of Lymes disease,its called " Lies" disease,every time they open their mouths, lies come spurting out.

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Interested to hear what City fans really think about Rover and their fans.

Only because I spoke to someone yesterday who absolutely hates them to a passion. He wants them to be relegated every season and even better go out of business. He also hates their fans to a level that he has previously laid into them and would do so again. Admittedly, he was a bit of a bruiser and not very bright but I can't help finding his views a bit OTT.

From discussions about a Rovers in this forum, there seems to be a wide ranging choice of opinions on them, some quite vitriolic and some a bit more reserved. 

As far as I am concerned, I just see them as rivals who I like to see lose and get relegated but I wouldn't really want them to go bust. I have a few Gas mates who are really top blokes so my attitude toward their fans is that they are annoying but in the main just like us lot really with lots of decent fans including families with young kids.

 I do appreciate that like us, they also have a small number of total d*ckheads but they don't make me hate all their supporters.

Also, we are all Bristolians! 

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Unlike a lot of younger supporters I am one of many who grew up in the 50's with Rovers still at Eastville. In those days it was a fierce rivalry as we played them quite a few times in the league and the bragging rights always culminated in the Gloucestershire Cup Final funnily between them and us. I even used to go to Eastville many times to support the other team , yet my uncle supported them both !! The main thing for me is to be above them by at least one division, keeping them at arms length, but they are part of the Bristol scene. Remember in the Green Un, it was Peter Godsiff reporting on City and Robin Perry on the Rovers. 'The Gas' - yes I remember the famous gasometers where they got their name. We need them as much as Man City need United and Liverpool need Everton. Long may the Gas be below us .  My mate a fervant Gas supporter who has given me many years of banter and is 72 was diagnosed with Terminal Lung Cancer the other week and given 1-2 years. I hope for him he gets some pleasure from them in the next season but not too much. He loves them like I love City. It's a game we all love but like politics, etc it has a share of numpties.:city:

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I cringe at them, gonna be honest. The whole our fans were class today, the famous quarters ha, irene, 3 stadiums in 30 years, first chant on promotion to L1 are you watching AG? 

Wael is like a teenager, I dont view him as a business man at all and the whole acting like a supporter crap which they lap up is them to a tee.

Cringeworthy the lot of them.

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Play football with plenty of them. Obviously nice people and loved the banter last year with Matty Taylor. I want to see City do better than Rovers and I want us to beat them when we play more than any other fixture, but I'd never ever wish they went bust. 

Going to leave this here


Edited by Welcome To The Jungle
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1 hour ago, Top Robin said:

Interested to hear what City fans really think about Rover and their fans.

Only because I spoke to someone yesterday who absolutely hates them to a passion. He wants them to be relegated every season and even better go out of business. He also hates their fans to a level that he has previously laid into them and would do so again. Admittedly, he was a bit of a bruiser and not very bright but I can't help finding his views a bit OTT.

From discussions about a Rovers in this forum, there seems to be a wide ranging choice of opinions on them, some quite vitriolic and some a bit more reserved. 

As far as I am concerned, I just see them as rivals who I like to see lose and get relegated but I wouldn't really want them to go bust. I have a few Gas mates who are really top blokes so my attitude toward their fans is that they are annoying but in the main just like us lot really with lots of decent fans including families with young kids.

 I do appreciate that like us, they also have a small number of total d*ckheads but they don't make me hate all their supporters.

Also, we are all Bristolians! 

Here is the problem.

All throughout their history they have bit by bit sold off the family silver and since the loss of Eastville have been looking to build elsewhere and every time they have pushed their luck knowing totally that they do not possess the funding to actually build their new stadium and hoping that at some stage the tax payers of Bristol will either fund or part fund their dream aided and abetted by the council, luckily the council for once knowing how their plans fail due to lack of finance carry out due diligence, the UWE is not the only plan to be scuppered once the council utter the words "show us the money", the UWE is probably the 4th or 5th such grand plan.

I have 2 small snapshots of gas logic, firstly when the gas were about to leave Eastville a gashead mate of my dad said "City should allow us to own half of Ashton Gate" to which my dad replied "yeah right and the BCFC board come in one day to find you ******* have sold off your half to pay off debts".

And secondly on a trip to Manchester once with 2 gasheads, I managed to survive to the outskirts of Manchester without exploding listening to these ******* bleeding hearts "why do BCFC fans hate us so much?, all we want is somebody to GIVE us a ground", by then the ******* were playing at the Memorial stadium FFS.

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23 minutes ago, myol'man said:

It's looking like a close run race between 500 pages and 25,000 replies, with 17 years coming in 3rd :ph34r:

Isn't this forum something like 40 posts to a page? If so, the winner should be easy to work out


edit - actually, it looks like it's 50 to a page, so post 25,000 will be the last post on page 500 I believe!

Edited by richwwtk
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