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Bristol R*vers dustbin thread


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On 04/11/2022 at 11:14, Slacker said:

You are of course right about speculation Nettie and Miah.How about the speculation that Daniel Stendel just fell over in the tunnel as Barton was passing?Without knowing the facts do you believe Barton had nothing to do with it?Honest answers and no fence sitting please.

Well that's the thing isn't it, I don't know the facts, only how they have been reported. Bearing in mind Stendel's testimony and injuries, do I think Barton had something to do with it? Yes , probably, but that doesn't mean I necessarily think Barton beat the bloke up and I do genuinely think that any reporting involving Barton would tend to paint him as the villain because that's an easy story to sell. In a very, very, very  small way, I have had personal experience of creative reporting after the death of my daughter (this was a long time ago) and in this case it was trying to over egg the pathos, I guess in an attempt to make a sad story even sadder. My point being, that I think , often, a journalist will decide on the story they want to write and then try to make the facts fit that story.

As it stands ,the facts are that Barton hasn't been found guilty and it should be left at that.  People generally and many football fans in particular can be terribly hypocritical and will choose to highlight or ignore stories about their personal  heroes and villains, Rovers fans and City fans and fans of every other football club, are no different in this respect.


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1 hour ago, Miah Dennehy said:

Well that's the thing isn't it, I don't know the facts, only how they have been reported. Bearing in mind Stendel's testimony and injuries, do I think Barton had something to do with it? Yes , probably, but that doesn't mean I necessarily think Barton beat the bloke up and I do genuinely think that any reporting involving Barton would tend to paint him as the villain because that's an easy story to sell. In a very, very, very  small way, I have had personal experience of creative reporting after the death of my daughter (this was a long time ago) and in this case it was trying to over egg the pathos, I guess in an attempt to make a sad story even sadder. My point being, that I think , often, a journalist will decide on the story they want to write and then try to make the facts fit that story.

As it stands ,the facts are that Barton hasn't been found guilty and it should be left at that.  People generally and many football fans in particular can be terribly hypocritical and will choose to highlight or ignore stories about their personal  heroes and villains, Rovers fans and City fans and fans of every other football club, are no different in this respect.


You make some valid points Miah.Very sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter. 

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On 31/10/2022 at 13:31, Swede said:

Genuine question for our friendly gas posters on here; it must make you cringe when you see all of these posts from your so called fans just dropping you in it every time. Its not as if its a few juvenile idiots, its actually a broad cross section of your fan base from your North Korean Central toe the line forum or idiots droning on and on about away support like its an appendage to the wind up merchants trying to have a go at Derby County. 

I actually feel sorry for the likes of In the Net, Miah & Bert.

Trigger Warning: This will say one nice thing about someone supporting the Gas

As an observer rather than a commenter Gas, I'm going to offer a "realist" perspective. I know many on this forum will boo and hiss because as people have said, this is more of a "making fun of the Gas" thread rather than an "objective, balanced evaluation" of Rovers. Not knocking it, if you enjoy it then that's your business.

My view is that there are idiots in literally every fanbase of every club there is. There are absolutely clubs who have more so a "reputation" for it; Milwall, Chelsea, Leeds, Liverpool all spring to mind immediately. Portsmouth I seem to recall has a couple really weird blokes. Rovers definitely has some weirdos, but I wouldn't say it's exceptionally high. I don't think what football club someone supports affects their actions, this isn't their political beliefs; this isn't what job they do. Most people follow clubs either because they're local, or because it's passed down to them. Not to shame but it seems kinda like when a tory comes up to me and points to a crazy lefty and then goes "look at those crazy lefties, surely you don't want to be with them; vote Conservative." I don't know why that person should represent me or my actions or my beliefs. Similar here. Because of this I just think people are people and some people support Rovers, some City, some Newport, some Stockport County, etc. There's definitely cultures but I don't believe people are that hugely different and so I wouldn't say it's a special Rovers thing.

As for the stuff on Rovers people posting here, personally I just read this because I like the format more so than gaschat; but I post there occasionally. There's definitely some insightful people on there, Pirate especially is very knowledgeable on youth and non-league football and has caught out a couple players who've become very decent players when they weren't well-known. I imagine the Rovers forum needs more policing simply because City is a bigger club and if it wasn't it's much more likely to have City fans "brigading" that then vice-versa, I imagine you'd see the same for Stoke/Vale, Forest/Derby, Portsmouth/Southampton etc. I occasionally post on Reddit, and I used to post on the Tories forum for a couple years because it'd be interesting dialogue with people I disagree with, then the old moderators stopped posting after having just added a new moderator who was extremely active (an Enoch Powell fan *shudders*), the composition of the forum started changing in the sense that crazies didn't get banned anymore but people who disagreed with the Tories did more and more. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but I remember someone claimed as a Labour voter I was morally responsible for Socialism, and because of this its millions and millions of deaths. I said I disagreed and those people don't speak for me and I got banned, the other person didn't. The moral of this stupid story is that many "free speech havens" aren't as free speech as many of its defenders say; or if they are it could all change quickly (this isn't to say the mods here are like this).

On away support, I personally like our away fans; I don't think we're anything special but it is a nice change when I remember a couple seasons ago I think the team that struck me the most was Fleetwood with having some of the worst away support I'd ever seen. I don't believe we're a Premier League team in waiting or whatever, I think we're probably just an average League One-sized club, that's not to say we can't ever make the Championship but we'd have a long way to go. Similar sized clubs have got promoted to the Championship but it's about drawing support. Personally I think our stadium although making for a decent atmosphere is terrible, so maybe the stadium could draw us support (if it ever happens), or maybe not; who knows! 

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15 minutes ago, Boring Sag said:

Trigger Warning: This will say one nice thing about someone supporting the Gas

As an observer rather than a commenter Gas, I'm going to offer a "realist" perspective. I know many on this forum will boo and hiss because as people have said, this is more of a "making fun of the Gas" thread rather than an "objective, balanced evaluation" of Rovers. Not knocking it, if you enjoy it then that's your business.

My view is that there are idiots in literally every fanbase of every club there is. There are absolutely clubs who have more so a "reputation" for it; Milwall, Chelsea, Leeds, Liverpool all spring to mind immediately. Portsmouth I seem to recall has a couple really weird blokes. Rovers definitely has some weirdos, but I wouldn't say it's exceptionally high. I don't think what football club someone supports affects their actions, this isn't their political beliefs; this isn't what job they do. Most people follow clubs either because they're local, or because it's passed down to them. Not to shame but it seems kinda like when a tory comes up to me and points to a crazy lefty and then goes "look at those crazy lefties, surely you don't want to be with them; vote Conservative." I don't know why that person should represent me or my actions or my beliefs. Similar here. Because of this I just think people are people and some people support Rovers, some City, some Newport, some Stockport County, etc. There's definitely cultures but I don't believe people are that hugely different and so I wouldn't say it's a special Rovers thing.

As for the stuff on Rovers people posting here, personally I just read this because I like the format more so than gaschat; but I post there occasionally. There's definitely some insightful people on there, Pirate especially is very knowledgeable on youth and non-league football and has caught out a couple players who've become very decent players when they weren't well-known. I imagine the Rovers forum needs more policing simply because City is a bigger club and if it wasn't it's much more likely to have City fans "brigading" that then vice-versa, I imagine you'd see the same for Stoke/Vale, Forest/Derby, Portsmouth/Southampton etc. I occasionally post on Reddit, and I used to post on the Tories forum for a couple years because it'd be interesting dialogue with people I disagree with, then the old moderators stopped posting after having just added a new moderator who was extremely active (an Enoch Powell fan *shudders*), the composition of the forum started changing in the sense that crazies didn't get banned anymore but people who disagreed with the Tories did more and more. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but I remember someone claimed as a Labour voter I was morally responsible for Socialism, and because of this its millions and millions of deaths. I said I disagreed and those people don't speak for me and I got banned, the other person didn't. The moral of this stupid story is that many "free speech havens" aren't as free speech as many of its defenders say; or if they are it could all change quickly (this isn't to say the mods here are like this).

On away support, I personally like our away fans; I don't think we're anything special but it is a nice change when I remember a couple seasons ago I think the team that struck me the most was Fleetwood with having some of the worst away support I'd ever seen. I don't believe we're a Premier League team in waiting or whatever, I think we're probably just an average League One-sized club, that's not to say we can't ever make the Championship but we'd have a long way to go. Similar sized clubs have got promoted to the Championship but it's about drawing support. Personally I think our stadium although making for a decent atmosphere is terrible, so maybe the stadium could draw us support (if it ever happens), or maybe not; who knows! 


To misquote Field Of Dreams, "if you build it, they still won't bloody come".  :laughcont:  That is the one defining characteristic of Gasheads I know in my part of Somerset: They've not been to a Rovers' game for years, though some have watched their "other" PL teams live. 

However, thanks for your considered post, which I pretty much agree with line-for-line. Like the majority of Gasheads who post here, you're a decent addition to this board. 

There are indeed idiots in every support. It's just that there have been such a number of Mickey Mouse elements to the Gas in recent years, that it's impossible for us in red not to chuckle over some of the inanity. 

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18 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

Well that's the thing isn't it, I don't know the facts, only how they have been reported. Bearing in mind Stendel's testimony and injuries, do I think Barton had something to do with it? Yes , probably, but that doesn't mean I necessarily think Barton beat the bloke up and I do genuinely think that any reporting involving Barton would tend to paint him as the villain because that's an easy story to sell. In a very, very, very  small way, I have had personal experience of creative reporting after the death of my daughter (this was a long time ago) and in this case it was trying to over egg the pathos, I guess in an attempt to make a sad story even sadder. My point being, that I think , often, a journalist will decide on the story they want to write and then try to make the facts fit that story.

As it stands ,the facts are that Barton hasn't been found guilty and it should be left at that.  People generally and many football fans in particular can be terribly hypocritical and will choose to highlight or ignore stories about their personal  heroes and villains, Rovers fans and City fans and fans of every other football club, are no different in this respect.


So true Miah.

Out of interest, your epithet - hero or villain given the similarities with Pal Joey and his propensity for violence? Joey would do well to heed the cautionary tale of that talented son of Cork.

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1 hour ago, Boring Sag said:

Trigger Warning: This will say one nice thing about someone supporting the Gas

As an observer rather than a commenter Gas, I'm going to offer a "realist" perspective. I know many on this forum will boo and hiss because as people have said, this is more of a "making fun of the Gas" thread rather than an "objective, balanced evaluation" of Rovers. Not knocking it, if you enjoy it then that's your business.

My view is that there are idiots in literally every fanbase of every club there is. There are absolutely clubs who have more so a "reputation" for it; Milwall, Chelsea, Leeds, Liverpool all spring to mind immediately. Portsmouth I seem to recall has a couple really weird blokes. Rovers definitely has some weirdos, but I wouldn't say it's exceptionally high. I don't think what football club someone supports affects their actions, this isn't their political beliefs; this isn't what job they do. Most people follow clubs either because they're local, or because it's passed down to them. Not to shame but it seems kinda like when a tory comes up to me and points to a crazy lefty and then goes "look at those crazy lefties, surely you don't want to be with them; vote Conservative." I don't know why that person should represent me or my actions or my beliefs. Similar here. Because of this I just think people are people and some people support Rovers, some City, some Newport, some Stockport County, etc. There's definitely cultures but I don't believe people are that hugely different and so I wouldn't say it's a special Rovers thing.

As for the stuff on Rovers people posting here, personally I just read this because I like the format more so than gaschat; but I post there occasionally. There's definitely some insightful people on there, Pirate especially is very knowledgeable on youth and non-league football and has caught out a couple players who've become very decent players when they weren't well-known. I imagine the Rovers forum needs more policing simply because City is a bigger club and if it wasn't it's much more likely to have City fans "brigading" that then vice-versa, I imagine you'd see the same for Stoke/Vale, Forest/Derby, Portsmouth/Southampton etc. I occasionally post on Reddit, and I used to post on the Tories forum for a couple years because it'd be interesting dialogue with people I disagree with, then the old moderators stopped posting after having just added a new moderator who was extremely active (an Enoch Powell fan *shudders*), the composition of the forum started changing in the sense that crazies didn't get banned anymore but people who disagreed with the Tories did more and more. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but I remember someone claimed as a Labour voter I was morally responsible for Socialism, and because of this its millions and millions of deaths. I said I disagreed and those people don't speak for me and I got banned, the other person didn't. The moral of this stupid story is that many "free speech havens" aren't as free speech as many of its defenders say; or if they are it could all change quickly (this isn't to say the mods here are like this).

On away support, I personally like our away fans; I don't think we're anything special but it is a nice change when I remember a couple seasons ago I think the team that struck me the most was Fleetwood with having some of the worst away support I'd ever seen. I don't believe we're a Premier League team in waiting or whatever, I think we're probably just an average League One-sized club, that's not to say we can't ever make the Championship but we'd have a long way to go. Similar sized clubs have got promoted to the Championship but it's about drawing support. Personally I think our stadium although making for a decent atmosphere is terrible, so maybe the stadium could draw us support (if it ever happens), or maybe not; who knows! 

I reckon you began typing that in January...

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1 hour ago, BTRFTG said:

So true Miah.

Out of interest, your epithet - hero or villain given the similarities with Pal Joey and his propensity for violence? Joey would do well to heed the cautionary tale of that talented son of Cork.

Neither really, then again, I'm not really sure I class anyone as a hero, we all have our flaws. There are times during his career when I've thought 'what a dick' particularly during his brief spell at Rangers, but looking back I can now see he jsnt isn't scared to say what he thinks, or maybe he just thinks it's good to wind the opposition up, who knows? The cigar in the eye incident, seems particularly abhorrent, but then I wasn't there so I can only guess at the precise details. I'm never going to condone violent acts, but I have known plenty of people who have committed them and while I would say I am far from being a violent person, I have done violent things in my life , is there anyone who hasn't?

What I do know about Barton is that he has got Rovers playing some really entertaining football and it's enjoyable going to games again. I started watching football in an era when George Best was about the only player who made headlines for anything other than playing football, these days players are under the microscope pretty much 24/7. There is every chance that the players I saw under Don Megson and the ones City fans watched under Alan Dicks were as flawed as Joey Barton and every other controversial figure, the only difference is back then , we didn't hear about it.



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3 hours ago, Boring Sag said:

Trigger Warning: This will say one nice thing about someone supporting the Gas

As an observer rather than a commenter Gas, I'm going to offer a "realist" perspective. I know many on this forum will boo and hiss because as people have said, this is more of a "making fun of the Gas" thread rather than an "objective, balanced evaluation" of Rovers. Not knocking it, if you enjoy it then that's your business.

My view is that there are idiots in literally every fanbase of every club there is. There are absolutely clubs who have more so a "reputation" for it; Milwall, Chelsea, Leeds, Liverpool all spring to mind immediately. Portsmouth I seem to recall has a couple really weird blokes. Rovers definitely has some weirdos, but I wouldn't say it's exceptionally high. I don't think what football club someone supports affects their actions, this isn't their political beliefs; this isn't what job they do. Most people follow clubs either because they're local, or because it's passed down to them. Not to shame but it seems kinda like when a tory comes up to me and points to a crazy lefty and then goes "look at those crazy lefties, surely you don't want to be with them; vote Conservative." I don't know why that person should represent me or my actions or my beliefs. Similar here. Because of this I just think people are people and some people support Rovers, some City, some Newport, some Stockport County, etc. There's definitely cultures but I don't believe people are that hugely different and so I wouldn't say it's a special Rovers thing.

As for the stuff on Rovers people posting here, personally I just read this because I like the format more so than gaschat; but I post there occasionally. There's definitely some insightful people on there, Pirate especially is very knowledgeable on youth and non-league football and has caught out a couple players who've become very decent players when they weren't well-known. I imagine the Rovers forum needs more policing simply because City is a bigger club and if it wasn't it's much more likely to have City fans "brigading" that then vice-versa, I imagine you'd see the same for Stoke/Vale, Forest/Derby, Portsmouth/Southampton etc. I occasionally post on Reddit, and I used to post on the Tories forum for a couple years because it'd be interesting dialogue with people I disagree with, then the old moderators stopped posting after having just added a new moderator who was extremely active (an Enoch Powell fan *shudders*), the composition of the forum started changing in the sense that crazies didn't get banned anymore but people who disagreed with the Tories did more and more. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but I remember someone claimed as a Labour voter I was morally responsible for Socialism, and because of this its millions and millions of deaths. I said I disagreed and those people don't speak for me and I got banned, the other person didn't. The moral of this stupid story is that many "free speech havens" aren't as free speech as many of its defenders say; or if they are it could all change quickly (this isn't to say the mods here are like this).

On away support, I personally like our away fans; I don't think we're anything special but it is a nice change when I remember a couple seasons ago I think the team that struck me the most was Fleetwood with having some of the worst away support I'd ever seen. I don't believe we're a Premier League team in waiting or whatever, I think we're probably just an average League One-sized club, that's not to say we can't ever make the Championship but we'd have a long way to go. Similar sized clubs have got promoted to the Championship but it's about drawing support. Personally I think our stadium although making for a decent atmosphere is terrible, so maybe the stadium could draw us support (if it ever happens), or maybe not; who knows! 

I'm not reading all that, but reckon you're talking bollox 

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21 hours ago, Miah Dennehy said:

Well that's the thing isn't it, I don't know the facts, only how they have been reported. Bearing in mind Stendel's testimony and injuries, do I think Barton had something to do with it? Yes , probably, but that doesn't mean I necessarily think Barton beat the bloke up and I do genuinely think that any reporting involving Barton would tend to paint him as the villain because that's an easy story to sell. In a very, very, very  small way, I have had personal experience of creative reporting after the death of my daughter (this was a long time ago) and in this case it was trying to over egg the pathos, I guess in an attempt to make a sad story even sadder. My point being, that I think , often, a journalist will decide on the story they want to write and then try to make the facts fit that story.

As it stands ,the facts are that Barton hasn't been found guilty and it should be left at that.  People generally and many football fans in particular can be terribly hypocritical and will choose to highlight or ignore stories about their personal  heroes and villains, Rovers fans and City fans and fans of every other football club, are no different in this respect.


Come on Miah, the fact he wasn’t found guilty in a court of law doesn’t mean he didn’t do it, we all know the score and it’s only a matter of time before his next “incident”

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7 hours ago, Boring Sag said:

Trigger Warning: This will say one nice thing about someone supporting the Gas

As an observer rather than a commenter Gas, I'm going to offer a "realist" perspective. I know many on this forum will boo and hiss because as people have said, this is more of a "making fun of the Gas" thread rather than an "objective, balanced evaluation" of Rovers. Not knocking it, if you enjoy it then that's your business.

My view is that there are idiots in literally every fanbase of every club there is. There are absolutely clubs who have more so a "reputation" for it; Milwall, Chelsea, Leeds, Liverpool all spring to mind immediately. Portsmouth I seem to recall has a couple really weird blokes. Rovers definitely has some weirdos, but I wouldn't say it's exceptionally high. I don't think what football club someone supports affects their actions, this isn't their political beliefs; this isn't what job they do. Most people follow clubs either because they're local, or because it's passed down to them. Not to shame but it seems kinda like when a tory comes up to me and points to a crazy lefty and then goes "look at those crazy lefties, surely you don't want to be with them; vote Conservative." I don't know why that person should represent me or my actions or my beliefs. Similar here. Because of this I just think people are people and some people support Rovers, some City, some Newport, some Stockport County, etc. There's definitely cultures but I don't believe people are that hugely different and so I wouldn't say it's a special Rovers thing.

As for the stuff on Rovers people posting here, personally I just read this because I like the format more so than gaschat; but I post there occasionally. There's definitely some insightful people on there, Pirate especially is very knowledgeable on youth and non-league football and has caught out a couple players who've become very decent players when they weren't well-known. I imagine the Rovers forum needs more policing simply because City is a bigger club and if it wasn't it's much more likely to have City fans "brigading" that then vice-versa, I imagine you'd see the same for Stoke/Vale, Forest/Derby, Portsmouth/Southampton etc. I occasionally post on Reddit, and I used to post on the Tories forum for a couple years because it'd be interesting dialogue with people I disagree with, then the old moderators stopped posting after having just added a new moderator who was extremely active (an Enoch Powell fan *shudders*), the composition of the forum started changing in the sense that crazies didn't get banned anymore but people who disagreed with the Tories did more and more. I can't remember the conversation leading up to it, but I remember someone claimed as a Labour voter I was morally responsible for Socialism, and because of this its millions and millions of deaths. I said I disagreed and those people don't speak for me and I got banned, the other person didn't. The moral of this stupid story is that many "free speech havens" aren't as free speech as many of its defenders say; or if they are it could all change quickly (this isn't to say the mods here are like this).

On away support, I personally like our away fans; I don't think we're anything special but it is a nice change when I remember a couple seasons ago I think the team that struck me the most was Fleetwood with having some of the worst away support I'd ever seen. I don't believe we're a Premier League team in waiting or whatever, I think we're probably just an average League One-sized club, that's not to say we can't ever make the Championship but we'd have a long way to go. Similar sized clubs have got promoted to the Championship but it's about drawing support. Personally I think our stadium although making for a decent atmosphere is terrible, so maybe the stadium could draw us support (if it ever happens), or maybe not; who knows! 

Jesus F Christ. I’m sorry to say your username certainly reflects your post.

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4 minutes ago, redsquirrel said:

gotta feel for boreham wood,get a league one away draw and then realise at that cesspit

Boreham Wood moved to Meadow Park from Eldon Avenue in 1963. A new main stand was built shortly afterwards. That was demolished in 1999 and replaced by a stand with a cantilevered roof. A new West Stand was opened in 2014. A new North Bank terrace was opened in 2019, sharing the name of one of the stands from Arsenal's traditional former home of Highbury.

1 minute ago, AppyDAZE said:

I bet they've all started already...

One more win and maybe, maybe, maybe the dream tie   :laugh:

While we're at it, where is tonight's FA Cup game to be found on TV?



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Just now, RedLionLad said:

Boreham Wood moved to Meadow Park from Eldon Avenue in 1963. A new main stand was built shortly afterwards. That was demolished in 1999 and replaced by a stand with a cantilevered roof. A new West Stand was opened in 2014. A new North Bank terrace was opened in 2019, sharing the name of one of the stands from Arsenal's traditional former home of Highbury.



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4 minutes ago, One Team said:

To be fair though it would be great to get them in the third round.

Not for me. A Premier League team at home, please.

They haven't played us in over 20 years for a reason.

They dream of beating us, let's face it, they even ******* dream of playing against us.

**** 'em! But that said, if we were to face them, I believe we could beat the living crap out of them...

Hmm,   now I'm beginning to think.


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27 minutes ago, One Team said:

To be fair though it would be great to get them in the third round.

IMO a horrible draw for us, absolute no win situation unless we win by double figures. 
We lose or draw, best thing that's ever happened to them.
We win by 3 or even 4, well you should do.
Then there's what Barton will send them out to do, we have a small squad and could do without more injuries.

I'll have Everton, Spurs or the Arse away please.

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