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Supporters Club & Trust Statement: Taking The Knee (Merged)


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Just now, BS2 Red said:

Whether you are a racist or not depends on your reason for wanting the kneeling to stop.

My reasoning is I don’t believe it to be effective. The longer it goes on the less people take notice. Personally I believe that it has now lost its impact. 

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54 minutes ago, BOSRed said:

Just a shame we still have a certain amount of our fan base who are either racist or just very small minded or both and can’t accept the purpose behind the action of taking the knee. It was clear to hear the boos that rang out but fortunately the majority drowned it out very quickly. Just disappoints me that it happened in the first place

Because people have a different view than you they are racist or small minded ?, and perhaps they are clear of the purpose of taking the knee, that's why they boo!!

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Just now, Busterrimes said:

My reasoning is I don’t believe it to be effective. The longer it goes on the less people take notice. Personally I believe that it has now lost its impact. 

I must admit, I thought it may have had it's time and needed something else, specially when QPR made a very public move away from the "Knee" . But probably because of the booing , and because it's had a little rebrand by doing it around the centre circle, and of course very little has changed. Maybe it does need to carry on.  Whatever the players reasons for taking the knee, and there are plenty, I don't get people wanting to boo their own players. Even if it was political , which it isn't , I don't go around booing people I know that have different political ideas to me, however wrong they may be.

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15 minutes ago, Red Skin said:

No one is asking you to take a knee, so how are you looking on watching associated with it?  Are MI5 videoing the crowd for potential BLM subversives.  (They're the ones that don't boo, but you know that right?)

I don't agree with the Royal family as an institution (feel sorry for the ***** lumbered with the job actually) but I don't feel the need to boo the National Anthem whenever I hear it.  I don't feel associated with institution of the Royal family because their theme tune has penetrated my eardrums!!

The players have said it is not a political statement in any way, so why are you and others so determined to believe otherwise?   What other areas of your life do you so doggedly fail to believe what some one has told you? 

And if you are so offended by the players continuing then why support the players for the rest of the match? Isn't that hypocritical if you think they are all fifth columnists for BLM and intent in corrupting us poor naive supporters?  

Why not **** off somewhere else on a Saturday if you are so easily offended?

Truly pathetic.


This I agree with (not necessarily all the points but the general sentiment). If you don't like the players taking the knee just look the other way or something. Not to upset the "boo'ers" or anything but to be honest you could barely be heard. Pointless reaction. I think the gesture is being dumbed down a bit now tbh and the real issues of actual racism need to be tackled robustly with hefty fines and prison sentences over making gestures against them but my reaction to that is to neither applaud nor boo the knee taking. The players we support want to do it for their own reasons, let them get on with it.

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1 minute ago, redcard said:

Because people have a different view than you they are racist or small minded ?, and perhaps they are clear of the purpose of taking the knee, that's why they boo!!

The purpose has been explained about 5,000 times and even in a statement from the club in the specific case of City.

If you still boo you are either too stupid to understand or against the message of anti-discrimination. It’s not about having a different view it’s about understanding something very basic.

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3 minutes ago, Busterrimes said:

My reasoning is I don’t believe it to be effective. The longer it goes on the less people take notice. Personally I believe that it has now lost its impact. 

All of that is clearly not true, other than possibly the effectiveness.

It's noticed every single time by the meatheads and/or racists that boo.

And the many lengthy threads here and on every other football forum shows it hasn't lost its impact.

But let's assume you are right and less people are noticing and it has no impact. So what? Why is that a reason for the players to stop doing a gesture, that they want to do, for a couple of seconds?

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Let's face it, any booing was totally drowned out by applause.

Those who boo think they represent the "silent majority" in this country. Events like yesterday, show they are in fact just a dopey minority - and a tiny minority at that. 

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It doesn’t matter what anybody’s personal views on the gesture of kneeling is!

The important thing is that the players WANT to do it to highlight the scourge of racism within football and to that end EVERYONE should support it.

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37 minutes ago, Redandproud said:

There's to that word again"RACISTS", Im not, but I think it's gone on long enough, 2yrs, and it happened in America not here, how much longer does it go on, 

If you'd actually bothered to read the statement you'd claimed you had you'd know the taking of the knee is about ongoing racial discrimination, injustice etc not a singular event. Unless you're suggesting there is no racial discrimination and injustice in the UK and its just in America?

Booing the players taking the knee will only fuel their stance of taking it in the first place, anyone booing the players taking the knee is only ensuring it goes on longer.

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2 minutes ago, redcard said:

Because people have a different view than you they are racist or small minded ?, and perhaps they are clear of the purpose of taking the knee, that's why they boo!!

Have their own agenda about what taking the knee means and ignore anything contrary to what they believe despite what they are told and the evidence.  Maybe not small-minded, but almost a textbook definition of bigoted. 

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5 minutes ago, redcard said:

Because people have a different view than you they are racist or small minded ?, and perhaps they are clear of the purpose of taking the knee, that's why they boo!!

We are all clear on the purpose of taking the knee. The club and players have told us, countless times!

Are you saying the players are lying? Or do you think football clubs, football players, the FA and everybody else has been fooled by some shadowy forces that are plotting to take over the world through the power of sports people kneeling for a few seconds?

Because that's bloody insane.

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Really the boo-ers should be booing themselves.

If they really believe taking the knee is supporting defunding the police, Marxism and all that jazz. As Bristol City as a club and the players support it, why are they attending matches and funding such an organisation? BOOOO!

Anyway, as has been mentioned, it was very much a minority so let’s just hope it dwindles away.

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4 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

Let's face it, any booing was totally drowned out by applause.

Those who boo think they represent the "silent majority" in this country. Events like yesterday, show they are in fact just a dopey minority - and a tiny minority at that. 

It's crazy that the overwhelmingly huge majority of people in this country which means the vast majority of people who vote Conservative, Labour, Lib Dems, Green whoever can accept that the players are not being supportive of the BLM Political Movement. It would be some coincidence if the tiny minority of people that support the BLM Political Organisation all happen to be professional footballers!!

As you say it just leaves you with an incredibly tiny minority of people who are so triggered by the action of taking the knee that they have no other option available to them other than to PUBLICALLY boo it vigorously. If you are that "principled" on the matter then it does have to be questioned what your "principles" actually entail.

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Heres a novel idea

IF you are a fan unhappy at people booing taking the knee ask yourself whether the people that are booing are actually racist or simply unhappy at the political connotations /virtue gesturing /being told what to think

IF you are a fan booing taking the knee think about what your booing might imply , even though I'm sure it is not your intention that it comes across this way

My point is we could all benefit from seeing the other side of the argument in this issue (and in life more generally) whatever side we are all on. I could give my own opinion but I should ask myself the questions above too

In many ways continually arguing is making the divisions greater which is just sad for all on both sides . Cant we all just get along ?

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22 minutes ago, Redinthehead said:

The purpose has been explained about 5,000 times and even in a statement from the club in the specific case of City.

If you still boo you are either too stupid to understand or against the message of anti-discrimination. It’s not about having a different view it’s about understanding something very basic.

So taking the knee has nothing to do with the American BLM movement??

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Just now, redcard said:

So taking the knee has nothing to do with the American BLM movement??


There is no one American BLM movement for one. Plus taking the knee predates the political  BLM movements.

BLM protesters might take the knee, but they also do a lot of other gestures. Linking taking the knee to BLM is like linking the peace sign to Charles Manson just because he was known to put his fingers up.

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5 minutes ago, redcard said:

So taking the knee has nothing to do with the American BLM movement??

When the club states specifically that it isn't in this instance then surely you have to take them at their word? Or are you so paranoid that you literally take nobody and nothing at their word?

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1 hour ago, Redland said:

I go to the football for enjoyment (hopefully) entertainment and recreation. I do not go to watch a party political broadcast on behalf of BLM or indeed any other organisation. It is ridiculous for the players and media  to claim that taking the knee is nothing to do with BLM when the gesture is indelibly linked to that particular organisation. I am sure that the majority of those that boo are not racist but simply do not wish to be associated with the BLM agenda of defunding the police, ending capitalism etc.

There was a link yesterday on the politics thread to a discussion with Michael Holding on this (it’s gone now, I think because it was part of the live test match commentary stream).

He spoke far more eloquently than I ever will about it, and one of the points he made was to ask whether anyone seriously thinks that when Colin Kaepernick went down on his knee five years ago what was going through his mind was a desire to defund the police and to end capitalism?

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3 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

When the club states specifically that it isn't in this instance then surely you have to take them at their word? Or are you so paranoid that you literally take nobody and nothing at their word?


7 minutes ago, BS2 Red said:


There is no one American BLM movement for one. Plus taking the knee predates the political  BLM movements.

BLM protesters might take the knee, but they also do a lot of other gestures. Linking taking the knee to BLM is like linking the peace sign to Charles Manson just because he was known to put his fingers up.

Taking the knee was resurrected by the BLM in response to the actions of the American Police and the rest of the world followed those actions, or am I being paranoid about that too?? Again a Question!!!


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Not sure there's much left to boo.

The time taken 'at knee' yesterday clearly demonstrates it's become a vacant gesture linked to, I'm not sure there's a clear consensus as to what the demonstration is now for? I think the problem for players is with 'the hindsight righteous' looking to cancel anything they deem fit, they lack a way forward without themselves being targeted should they cease from so doing.

In my section of the stand I heard not one conversation as to the relative merit or meaning of what the players and officials were doing or why, only mumblings akin, ' get on with the ****ing game...'

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1 minute ago, BTRFTG said:

Not sure there's much left to boo.

The time taken 'at knee' yesterday clearly demonstrates it's become a vacant gesture linked to, I'm not sure there's a clear consensus as to what the demonstration is now for? I think the problem for players is with 'the hindsight righteous' looking to cancel anything they deem fit, they lack a way forward without themselves being targeted should they cease from so doing.

In my section of the stand I heard not one conversation as to the relative merit or meaning of what the players and officials were doing or why, only mumblings akin, ' get on with the ****ing game...'

We were all there just to watch a game of football involving the team we love! Nothing else!

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2 hours ago, Cowshed said:

Fans booed an act not the players? True or false? The whys ? Racist impact? How could you know?

You cannot truly answer the above without thorough engagement with supporters and neither can the supporters trust. 


Booed the players as far as I could see.

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1 minute ago, redcard said:


Taking the knee was resurrected by the BLM in response to the actions of the American Police and the rest of the world followed those actions, or am I being paranoid about that too?? Again a Question!!!


Racists like the BNP and NF took ownership of the St George cross years back until people decided "**** that, if I want to support England at anything I will fly my flag proudly". Therefore using your logic we really ought to associate anyone and everyone who has an England flag attached to their car or bedroom window to these parties and condemn them as out and out racists even when they clearly state that they are flying their flag to support the England football team and not the BNP/NF. That is your logic isn't it? 

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2 minutes ago, Big C said:

Booed the players as far as I could see.

As far as = You do not know. You logically cannot and neither can the Supporters trust come to their conclusion unless they engage with supporters asking them their why.

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1 minute ago, Yoyo2345 said:

Don't moan if people have an opinion on people taking the knee, if I was there I would of booed. This is football playing with politics a dangerous game.

Just out of interest, ignoring views on taking the knee for a second, do you believe that people sending racist tweets to players or going to the ground and shouting racist comments at players are "football fans playing with extreme politics"? Are people entitled to moan at that?

If so, what would you do about that? Do you also see that as a dangerous game or fair game?

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2 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

Racists like the BNP and NF took ownership of the St George cross years back until people decided "**** that, if I want to support England at anything I will fly my flag proudly". Therefore using your logic we really ought to associate anyone and everyone who has an England flag attached to their car or bedroom window to these parties and condemn them as out and out racists even when they clearly state that they are flying their flag to support the England football team and not the BNP/NF. That is your logic isn't it? 

It took years for the St George cross to become accepted as a patriotic symbol after being used by far right groups, some associations still deem the cross as a symbol of racism. As with the kneeling, people with good reason would still associate it with the BLM. 

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2 hours ago, shahanshahan said:

Before Bristol City's Championship fixture against Blackpool, a minority in attendance booed the players taking the knee. This statement is the Bristol City Supporters Club & Trust’s response, which has also been shared on our Facebook & Twitter pages: http://bristolcitysupporters.org/statement-taking-the-knee

Please feel free to share; and

Any booing was at the act not the players but was a tiny minority hardly noticeable, this as the thread about how long before fans want Pearson gone is complete  shit stirring which this forum delights in 

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It will forever be linked to BLM the Organisation by many people because it was the reason why it started, there is no getting away from that fact. There were literally full blocks covered with Black Lives Matter flags and messages (in most stadiums) when all of this started, Sky sticking banners up on the screen next to score at intervals during the match, that was all down to the George Floyd killing. Once people started to actually look into the Organisation many started distancing themselves away from it, including the Premier League/EFL/Football Clubs etc etc. They then changed the stance to "it's nothing to do with the Organisation". So regardless of what people say it means now, it will always be linked to the Organisation.

As for players doing it because they all care so much (majority obviously do), I find it odd that many of them simply couldn't be bothered to do it in the Euros to send a powerful message to their own countries. Sort of tells me they are doing it just to toe the line, rather than a personal free choice.

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4 minutes ago, Cowshed said:

As far as = You do not know. You logically cannot and neither can the Supporters trust come to their conclusion unless they engage with supporters asking them their why.

Players knelt fans booed. ergo they booed the players? Clear enough?

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Just now, redcard said:

It took years for the St George cross to become accepted as a patriotic symbol after being used by far right groups, some associations still deem the cross as a symbol of racism. As with the kneeling, people with good reason would still associate it with the BLM. 

It took years but it had to start somewhere and that was with the people who were prepared to take the false accusations of racism on the chin and fly their flags. Only the most brain dead and ignorant would deem someone flying an England flag from their window and car during a sporting tournament as racist. So we now have a situation where footballers are taking the false accusations of marxism on the chin and kneeling in order that others can do it in the future without being subject to that accusation. Am I missing something here?

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1 minute ago, Numero Uno said:

Just out of interest, ignoring views on taking the knee for a second, do you believe that people sending racist tweets to players or going to the ground and shouting racist comments at players are "football fans playing with extreme politics"? Are people entitled to moan at that?

If so, what would you do about that? Do you also see that as a dangerous game or fair game?


1 minute ago, Big C said:

Are you saying that every time someone kneels they are supporting BLM then? 

Of course not, I kneel down when changing the wheel on my car, but the kneeling was adopted by the BLM in support against actions against the American police, it has taken off from there.

Make up another sign if need be against the racism here and we would all follow and accept it. I'm sure in most peoples mind the BLM is the last thing on their mind when kneeling, but to others , it's the symbol of the BLM movement.

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19 minutes ago, redcard said:


Taking the knee was resurrected by the BLM in response to the actions of the American Police and the rest of the world followed those actions, or am I being paranoid about that too?? Again a Question!!!


No it wasn't "resurrected" by BLM. BLM is not one group and a lot of the time BLM is just a phrase not linked to anything political.

Taking the knee was resurrected by an American sportsman, not by BLM. 

Bristol City (and England) have explained themselves countless times, if you think they are lying or have been tricked into it, then yes you are paranoid.

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8 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

It took years but it had to start somewhere and that was with the people who were prepared to take the false accusations of racism on the chin and fly their flags. Only the most brain dead and ignorant would deem someone flying an England flag from their window and car during a sporting tournament as racist. So we now have a situation where footballers are taking the false accusations of marxism on the chin and kneeling in order that others can do it in the future without being subject to that accusation. Am I missing something here?

Perhaps your the one being brain dead and ignorant since you started throwing these accusations, you probably are missing something!

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14 minutes ago, TheReds said:

It will forever be linked to BLM the Organisation by many people because it was the reason why it started, there is no getting away from that fact. There were literally full blocks covered with Black Lives Matter flags and messages (in most stadiums) when all of this started, Sky sticking banners up on the screen next to score at intervals during the match, that was all down to the George Floyd killing. Once people started to actually look into the Organisation many started distancing themselves away from it, including the Premier League/EFL/Football Clubs etc etc. They then changed the stance to "it's nothing to do with the Organisation". So regardless of what people say it means now, it will always be linked to the Organisation.

As for players doing it because they all care so much (majority obviously do), I find it odd that many of them simply couldn't be bothered to do it in the Euros to send a powerful message to their own countries. Sort of tells me they are doing it just to toe the line, rather than a personal free choice.

The "organisation", if you can even call it that, is a different thing to what you're describing though.

It's like how you can be a conservative (the outlook), without being a Conservative (the political party).

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1 minute ago, redcard said:

Perhaps your the one being brain dead and ignorant since you started throwing these accusations, you probably are missing something!

I would suggest that anyone flying an England flag during a sporting tournament is not being racist by definition and I would also suggest that anyone taking a knee against racism is not a marxist organisation supporter by definition. I agree, that makes me brain dead and ignorant in comparison to your logic on the world. Whatever it is I'm missing don't bother to educate me on it!!

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1 hour ago, Redland said:

I go to the football for enjoyment (hopefully) entertainment and recreation. I do not go to watch a party political broadcast on behalf of BLM or indeed any other organisation. It is ridiculous for the players and media  to claim that taking the knee is nothing to do with BLM when the gesture is indelibly linked to that particular organisation. I am sure that the majority of those that boo are not racist but simply do not wish to be associated with the BLM agenda of defunding the police, ending capitalism etc.

Imagine publicly announcing that you don’t posses the basic comprehension skills of a 5 year old. Weird. 

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4 minutes ago, BS2 Red said:

No it wasn't "resurrected" by BLM. BLM is not one group and a lot of the time BLM is just a phrase not linked to anything political.

Taking the knee was resurrected by an American sportsman, not by BLM. 

Bristol City (and England) have explained themselves countless times, if you think they are lying or have been tricked into it, then yes you are paranoid.

It was started not resurrected by an 'American sportsman' and yes it was resurrected by the BLM, tell thousands of rioters in USA dressed in black with face coverings that BLM is not political!! Look up the meaning of paranoid, not sure where that come from!


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23 minutes ago, Yoyo2345 said:

Don't moan if people have an opinion on people taking the knee, if I was there I would of booed. This is football playing with politics a dangerous game.

Do you boo the minutes silence at football games on Remebrance Day? 

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4 hours ago, Andy082005 said:

Imagine being away from Ashton Gate for 18 months and one of the first things you do when you see the players is boo them 

luckily it was just a few muppets 

I can't be the only one who found this hilarious?

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12 minutes ago, redcard said:


Of course not, I kneel down when changing the wheel on my car, but the kneeling was adopted by the BLM in support against actions against the American police, it has taken off from there.

Make up another sign if need be against the racism here and we would all follow and accept it. I'm sure in most peoples mind the BLM is the last thing on their mind when kneeling, but to others , it's the symbol of the BLM movement.

So how do we know you're not supporting BLM when you kneel to change the wheel on your car?

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3 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

I would suggest that anyone flying an England flag during a sporting tournament is not being racist by definition and I would also suggest that anyone taking a knee against racism is not a marxist organisation supporter by definition. I agree, that makes me brain dead and ignorant in comparison to your logic on the world. Whatever it is I'm missing don't bother to educate me on it!!

Wasn't going too!

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4 minutes ago, redcard said:

It was started not resurrected by an 'American sportsman' and yes it was resurrected by the BLM, tell thousands of rioters in USA dressed in black with face coverings that BLM is not political!! Look up the meaning of paranoid, not sure where that come from!


British footballers kneeling against racism in the game has NOTHING to do with what you are describing. If you and the people that boo can’t see that, then, well…..!

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Just now, Greedo said:

Imagine publicly announcing that you don’t posses the basic comprehension skills of a 5 year old. Weird. 

At least I am able to offer an explanation as to why a significant number of people boo the taking the knee and it’s Marxist connections. For your part you are only able to offer insults. Says it all really.

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1 minute ago, redcard said:

It was started not resurrected by an 'American sportsman' and yes it was resurrected by the BLM, tell thousands of rioters in USA dressed in black with face coverings that BLM is not political!! Look up the meaning of paranoid, not sure where that come from!


No, it was started in the 60s by the civil rights movement.

Colin Kaepernick then resurrected it.

It has nothing to do with BLM, other than some BLM people may do it. 

People dressed in black and wearing face coverings? Are we policing the colour of people's clothes now? And anybody sensible has worn a face covering for the last year and a half.

As for rioters, some will be political, some won't be. Some will be part of a BLM group, some won't.  None of that has anything to do with footballers taking the knee. 

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2 minutes ago, Redland said:

At least I am able to offer an explanation as to why a significant number of people boo the taking the knee and it’s Marxist connections. For your part you are only able to offer insults. Says it all really.

There are no Marxist connections.

The club and players have told you this. Over and over and over again. And you refuse to listen. Says it all really.

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2 minutes ago, Greedo said:

Do you boo the minutes silence at football games on Remebrance Day? 

Don't we literally have the armed forces marching out onto the pitch at least once per season? Flags covered in our national flag? Kick it out patches? Recognition of pride month?

What they really mean is keep the politics I don't agree with out of football. Football and politics has been linked and always will be.

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