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Dorking Wanderers Reserves Vs Epsom & Ewell


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6 hours ago, REDOXO said:

Abandoned!! In a life where I’ve been hit by bottles, shoes, been charged and been thrown back into a riot by a copper. This is one level above hand bags and a bloke having a bad day. Abandoned. For the love of god!


1 hour ago, MC RISK77 said:

I know I saw this earlier, and some proper snitches on Twitter.

Both of those comments are prime example of what is wrong with the game. Is it any wonder there's a serious ref shortage in local leagues with the behaviour of players like that and comments like this?

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1 hour ago, northsomersetred said:


Both of those comments are prime example of what is wrong with the game. Is it any wonder there's a serious ref shortage in local leagues with the behaviour of players like that and comments like this?

I was a referee. If You abandon a game under those circumstances you have given in. 

Games saw fights much-much worse than that in bygone years. The player would have been sent off and the player involved got banned for 56 days to sine die! (This bloke will get a year minimum, probably more)  Have you ever been to a hearing? However even in the 70s and 80s the instances were relatively rare of real issues

It’s up to the FA to sort it out! Walking off unless under the most extreme circumstances, this does not meet those, makes matters worse, particularly as that gives someone with a cell phone an excuse to post it to the internet to increase the fuss. Refereeing at any level is not for the feint hearted, which is as much of a societal issue as it’s ever been  

As for the shortage of referees that’s to do with the players involved and the lack of support. Football in my former area has gone from eight leagues to two because people don’t play, as we all worship at the alter of tv and the premier league, not because of a lack of referees per see. Perhaps paying better and stopping players on our tv screens and at all professional levels from arguing and abusing referees would help. Can you remember the last professional to get sent off for foul and abusive language, yet I hear and see it in every tv match. You don’t even have to lip read. 

The much bigger issue for any referee is not the on field issues and control, it’s the supporters! Listen to the beginning of the clip, the blokes filming it thought it was funny at least at first. You struggle to get referees from U11 to U18 because of dads and semi competent managers/secretary’s with too much to say! That permeates through to kids with a lack of respect as they get older! As above the issue is a lack of respect and support and the fact is if you are on this forum you are watching it every week at least once!







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1 hour ago, REDOXO said:

I was a referee. If You abandon a game under those circumstances you have given in. 

Games saw fights much-much worse than that in bygone years. The player would have been sent off and the player involved got banned for 56 days to sine die! (This bloke will get a year minimum, probably more)  Have you ever been to a hearing? However even in the 70s and 80s the instances were relatively rare of real issues

It’s up to the FA to sort it out! Walking off unless under the most extreme circumstances, this does not meet those, makes matters worse, particularly as that gives someone with a cell phone an excuse to post it to the internet to increase the fuss. Refereeing at any level is not for the feint hearted, which is as much of a societal issue as it’s ever been  

As for the shortage of referees that’s to do with the players involved and the lack of support. Football in my former area has gone from eight leagues to two because people don’t play, as we all worship at the alter of tv and the premier league, not because of a lack of referees per see. Perhaps paying better and stopping players on our tv screens and at all professional levels from arguing and abusing referees would help. Can you remember the last professional to get sent off for foul and abusive language, yet I hear and see it in every tv match. You don’t even have to lip read. 

The much bigger issue for any referee is not the on field issues and control, it’s the supporters! Listen to the beginning of the clip, the blokes filming it thought it was funny at least at first. You struggle to get referees from U11 to U18 because of dads and semi competent managers/secretary’s with too much to say! That permeates through to kids with a lack of respect as they get older! As above the issue is a lack of respect and support and the fact is if you are on this forum you are watching it every week at least once!

Not quiet following OXO, can you help with a few questions.

how does walking off make things worse? Surely that puts an end to it.

Why does someone filming and putting it on twitter add to the fuss? Surely that's nothing but evidence, maybe this is the sort of thing that a fuss should be made over.

You seem to assert that there is a lack of referee's because people aren't playing football? That seems counter intuitive.

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3 hours ago, REDOXO said:

I was a referee. If You abandon a game under those circumstances you have given in. 

I’d give in then. If someone is trying to physically attack me why the hell would I continue. This should not be allowed in any part of society. 

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4 hours ago, REDOXO said:


The much bigger issue for any referee is not the on field issues and control, it’s the supporters! Listen to the beginning of the clip, the blokes filming it thought it was funny at least at first. You struggle to get referees from U11 to U18 because of dads and semi competent managers/secretary’s with too much to say! That permeates through to kids with a lack of respect as they get older! As above the issue is a lack of respect and support and the fact is if you are on this forum you are watching it every week at least once!







Totally agree with what you've written in the last paragraph, and that's where it all begins at a young age, the young players see it and think it's acceptable and it's not and they carry on through the years thinking it's ok.

I'm struggling to see how you think he's 'given in' no official should have to put up with that, and after being assaulted i wouldn't expect any official to carry on.

And no i've never had the need to go to a hearing, but reading  about incidents it seems the local FA's are not doing enough to clamp down on behaviour like this, that player should get a multi year ban at least for assaulting the ref, are Sine Die bans still used?

I umpire in the local cricket leagues and the behaviour from players and spectators is steadily getting worse, i had an incident last season with a team and some of their spectators/family members i was standing by myself as the colleague i was supposed to be standing with had to pull out last minute. If it wasn't for the actions of the other team's captain i'm sure i would have got assaulted. Not a nice day out and i missed my tea because of it!!

Edited by northsomersetred
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6 hours ago, Pezo said:

Not quiet following OXO, can you help with a few questions.

how does walking off make things worse? Surely that puts an end to it.

Why does someone filming and putting it on twitter add to the fuss? Surely that's nothing but evidence, maybe this is the sort of thing that a fuss should be made over.

You seem to assert that there is a lack of referee's because people aren't playing football? That seems counter intuitive.

The end typically comes when players intervene and the one player is ushered from the field, which happens on nearly all occasions. This incident was not of unruly players it was one player. The game continues and most calm down. In the extraordinary event that fighting extends throughout the team then pack it up walk off and get the hell out. But this is not typical and certainly not what happened looking at that video. 

The FA have to put an end to it. In this case it will be Surrey FA an association I was a member of for years. I can’t speak to anyone in any of the divisions anymore but I’m sure they will do what is necessary. 

Evidence is presented at the proper time in the proper way. To the FA! This is how it woks. In the extremely rare event that it becomes a police matter it should be offered to them. Not shoved up on the internet. I’m all for video but this is a club matter an FA matter and possibly a legal matter. Thus the clubs should have been given it and the FA. If the referee and the league wanted to press charges then it should be made available to the local constabulary! However as I say these types of prosecutions rarely happen un less actual bodily harm was caused. 
The fact that the match was abandoned as I understand it is the catalyst to ensure we get threads like this that are made worse when a video is posted. Would the video have been posted if the game had not been stopped probably not! I’m all for transparency but as there are literally thousands of games on a weekend we now have one video and a thread that is not reflective of those 1000 of games causing, a skewed view! 

Football is not played to any like the extent it was that is just a fact. People have more money and other leisure opportunities that were not available and thus you see pitches without goalposts all over the country where they once stood. 

Therehas always been a referee shortage certainly from the 60s. I would often do three/four  games on a weekend, if I wasn’t doing higher standard stuff. The fact is yes there is a shortage but I would suggest that it is not that far out of whack with the decline of some Saturday and particularly Sunday football. 

Personally I would encourage people to take it up. Yes you (plural) are going to have be a strong character and will spend unpaid time at meetings etc but at least you can look yourself in the mirror and think you did something as opposed to getting het up about one poorly handled incident (unless there is more video I have not seen) That’s my tuppence. Now where is my bloody whistle. 

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2 hours ago, northsomersetred said:

From the same account as above, shows how the local FA's are treating ref abuse.





Yes that’s a shame. 115 days for threatening a match official of this age is simply not enough of a deterrent. I’m not going into definitions of attack etc as I have no knowledge of the incident however I “imagine” an incident like the one in the video. 

Nevertheless I suggest it does show that local FAs are to lenient and that maybe an issue with any ongoing lack of referees. I would also suggest any strike by the Referees Association is equally about the incident as the, what I consider, low punishment handed out, which is often a reflection of what players get away with in professional and semi pro football. 



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He’s right to abandon the game as I would think he felt threatened by the player . The Fa and the County’s have been pretty much useless in tackling these idiots. It’s not part and parcel of the game . Officiating with the pandemic has been a nightmare as discipline has been at an old time low. 


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