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33 minutes ago, !james said:

Don't think there are any facts yet?

If the compost combusted due to the heat as it's also being reported it's slightly different than someone starting it deliberately?

Anyway just a normal July day eh! 

Normal amounts of compost won't combust, you'd need industrial size compost for a potential problem 

Guess the fire chief interviewed on sky news earlier wouldn't know his facts

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16 minutes ago, phantom said:

Normal amounts of compost won't combust, you'd need industrial size compost for a potential problem 

Guess the fire chief interviewed on sky news earlier wouldn't know his facts

Have a got a link to the interview or quote? He stated that someone set fire to the compost? Seems fairly quick for a full investigation to be carried out! 

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37 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

A very paranoid bunch of people. 

It's hardly paranoia to see that your ability to travel, the ease at which you can heat your home in winter, the food you are able to eat etc are going to be much more strictly controlled in the future if we follow the net zero as soon as possible strategy.

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10 minutes ago, Baba Yaga said:

It's hardly paranoia to see that your ability to travel, the ease at which you can heat your home in winter, the food you are able to eat etc are going to be much more strictly controlled in the future if we follow the net zero as soon as possible strategy.

Yep, a lot of sacrifices are going to have to be made if we want a sustainable future for the planet. You can either choose to embrace it, and understand why it is happening. Or shit yourself, cry, and give up, launching us towards armageddon. 

I'm in the same camp as Elon Musk on this, whilst not agreeing with everything he says, a brighter future is possible. But we need to sort our shit out pretty soon. Like, now. 

Edited by Kid in the Riot
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16 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

I'm in the same camp as Elon Musk on this, whilst not agreeing with everything he says, a brighter future is possible. But we need to sort our shit out pretty soon. Like, now. 

100% agree. 120% actually. However the problem is the poorest in the world will get shat on, as usual, as resources become rarer and consequently more expensive. As the poor are in huge numbers they will reject the policies needed to make the changes required. The only logical thing to do is to redistribute wealth to make everyone more even so we are all on the same journey. Unfortunately our political system is incompatible with that. The majority grey heads will **** it up for the younger generations. You can even see it today on some threads on OTIB how they refuse to even believe in climate change. *******.

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4 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Yep, a lot of sacrifices are going to have to be made if we want a sustainable future for the planet. You can either choose to embrace it, and understand why it is happening. Or shit yourself, cry, and give up, launching us towards armageddon. 

I'm in the same camp as Elon Musk on this, whilst not agreeing with everything he says, a brighter future is possible. But we need to sort our shit out pretty soon. Like, now. 

Ok so it's not really paranoia at all then, control of some fairly major aspects of life will be a big feature of our 'sustainable' future. Some sacrifices will be fairly easy to make to be fair but also when half the world don't care at this point in their development then let's not kid ourselves that the brighter future/the sacrifices for reducing global temperature will be seen in any of our lifetimes.

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6 minutes ago, Baba Yaga said:

Ok so it's not really paranoia at all then, control of some fairly major aspects of life will be a big feature of our 'sustainable' future. Some sacrifices will be fairly easy to make to be fair but also when half the world don't care at this point in their development then let's not kid ourselves that the brighter future/the sacrifices for reducing global temperature will be seen in any of our lifetimes.

As technology currently stands then yes, in order to provide a sustainable future for the planet there are going to need to be some pretty major sacrifices made, and without benevolent governance then it will, in general, be the poorest that will be made to feel the brunt of this.

Only a fool would dent man-made climate change these days and something really does need to be done about it.

The only real hope I can see currently for the long term survival of the planet as a pleasant place to live lies in a more or less limitless, safe, clean energy being produced. I believe the only real hope we have lies in Nuclear Fusion. Trouble is, so far they have only produced enough energy to heat 80 kettles (or something like that) with this method.

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11 hours ago, Merrick's Marvels said:

With respect, all credible evidence suggests your view is naive at best, if not bordering on wilfully stupid. Unless you're a ******, in which case I apologise for saying "wilfully".

From the evidence available to me (your postings on OTIB), I don't think you're a ******. So I'm not sure why you don't want to believe the evidence presented by characters as intelligent and independent as Thunberg, Attenborough and Gore that the planet is getting hotter and the endgame for our planet will be as they describe. They ain't doing it just for shits and giggles. And one look at the characters arguing otherwise should at least give pause for thought - Donald Trump, Sarah Palin, Jeremy Clarkson, liars, bullshitters, gobshites. 

If you want to get into bed with Trump, fair enough. Everyone's entitled to their view. This doesn't make every view correct. Some are wrong - hello, you flat-earthers! Consequently, some people have views not worth listening. On this topic, I'd respectfully include your view as one of those.  

But enough, let's not de-rail this thread. We could always "take it outside" to the General Chat forum but what's the point?

Fair play - decent reply - but why are we still here then after 1976? And why are we still thriving after all the ‘heatwaves’ before and since 1976? Can’t believe you dragged Trump, Palin etc into my post - I just said we’ve got a bit of hot sun for a few days - so what?! It’s not the end of civilisation is it?! And, for me, your credibility dissolved when you called Thunberg ‘intelligent’ - she flew into the UK on a private jet to make a speech at the Glastonbury Festival to preach to her disciples on the environment and carbon footprint and how to save the planet and lapped up the adoration before ignoring people contacting her after the festival ended to point out the carnage her disciples left behind, including tonnes and tonnes of single use plastic etc ... utter hypocrite ...

Edited by BS4 on Tour...
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47 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

Fair play - decent reply - but why are we still here then after 1976? And why are we still thriving after all the ‘heatwaves’ before and since 1976? Can’t believe you dragged Trump, Palin etc into my post - I just said we’ve got a bit of hot sun for a few days - so what?! It’s not the end of civilisation is it?! And, for me, your credibility dissolved when you called Thunberg ‘intelligent’ - she flew into the UK on a private jet to make a speech at the Glastonbury Festival to preach to her disciples on the environment and carbon footprint and how to save the planet and lapped up the adoration before ignoring people contacting her after the festival ended to point out the carnage her disciples left behind, including tonnes and tonnes of single use plastic etc ... utter hypocrite ...

She travelled by train, not private jet.

Why are the people listening to her called 'disciples'?

How is the rubbish left behind after a 5 day festival featuring hundreds if not thousands of acts her responsibility?

Why are people so threatened by her?

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4 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

She travelled by train, not private jet.

Why are the people listening to her called 'disciples'?

How is the rubbish left behind after a 5 day festival featuring hundreds if not thousands of acts her responsibility?

Why are people so threatened by her?

You don’t think the thousands of people who chanted ‘climate justice’ at her after she finished speaking can be called ‘disciples’ - and you don’t think that the disciples who supported her then ignored her messages when they went home and decided to leave ‘environmental carnage’ behind are hypocrites?! No one is threatened by her - she’s a young, manipulated kid who should just go to school and stop being a puppet ...

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3 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

 - she’s a young, manipulated kid who should just go to school and stop being a puppet ...

Seems to me the person being manipulated here is you if you are in denial of climate change. We need a few billion extra Greta’s and less deniers like you. 

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1 hour ago, Baba Yaga said:

Ok so it's not really paranoia at all then, control of some fairly major aspects of life will be a big feature of our 'sustainable' future. Some sacrifices will be fairly easy to make to be fair but also when half the world don't care at this point in their development then let's not kid ourselves that the brighter future/the sacrifices for reducing global temperature will be seen in any of our lifetimes.

It's paranoia for libertarians, such as yourself, because as you say some fairly major aspects of your life will be restricted. If you think for a moment you'll be able to walk into a supermarket in 20 years time and buy some beef or chicken for a few quid, then you are very much mistaken. Even taking account of inflation. Anything that contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, soil degradation, or loss of biodiversity will be heavily taxed. 

Again, if you think you'll be able to order unrecyclable/electronic goods for a few quid off Amazon with next day delivery, you are sadly mistaken. Even things like car ownership may well become a thing of the past, for the majority. 

But then on the positive, for the price you would have paid for your car, you'll be able to afford a robot that'll be able to complete all of your household chores. They'll wash up, do your laundry, tidy your house etc. Freeing you up to do spend your time more wisely, doing things you actually enjoy that will make a difference. Instead of working in the job you hate, and a majority of UK workers are of course dissatisfied with their jobs. 

You may not think making sacrifices now to save the future is worth it. I'd comment that you have low self-esteem/respect for yourself AND your fellow higher primates. I think most of us that have successfully managed to reproduce take a very different view - that the future is worth saving, even if it means giving up some comforts we're used to.

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9 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

You don’t think the thousands of people who chanted ‘climate justice’ at her after she finished speaking can be called ‘disciples’ - and you don’t think that the disciples who supported her then ignored her messages when they went home and decided to leave ‘environmental carnage’ behind are hypocrites?! No one is threatened by her - she’s a young, manipulated kid who should just go to school and stop being a puppet ...

Another middle-aged (or could be much older?) male struggling to come to terms with the fact an autistic 19 year old girl has already achieved far more in their life than you ever will... 

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Well now that’s over. I wonder if we will hear of climate change again? Or I suppose when it hits 30 degrees again, whenever that maybe…

It just looks selective to me all this. All forgotten about when it’s 21 degrees and overcast next week…

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Just now, Lew-T said:

It just looks selective to me all this. All forgotten about when it’s 21 degrees and overcast next week…

It’s only forgotten about if you are stupid. 

What personal changes have you made in your life to combat climate change? Anything?

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25 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Another middle-aged (or could be much older?) male struggling to come to terms with the fact an autistic 19 year old girl has already achieved far more in their life than you ever will... 

Why post stuff like this when you don’t know anything about the person you are attacking and you don’t know anything about what they have achieved? Incidentally, what has Greta “achieved” ?

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2 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

Why post stuff like this when you don’t know anything about the person you are attacking and you don’t know anything about what they have achieved? 

Well - anyone belittling Greta Thunberg so glibly is clearly short sighted. What you have achieved counts for nothing if you dismiss the greatest challenge the world is facing. Feel free to call me out on my punctuation because that’s clearly more important…

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9 minutes ago, TonyTonyTony said:

It’s only forgotten about if you are stupid. 

What personal changes have you made in your life to combat climate change? Anything?

Without the media and threads like this slamming things down our throat, the usual stuff of saving usage of power at home, walk or run when I can, recycle etc.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

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1 minute ago, Lew-T said:

Without the media and threads like this slamming things down our throat, the usual stuff of saving usage of power at home, walk or run when I can, recycle etc.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

Newsflash: It needs to be rammed down your throat or you grandkids are going to roast. So, nothing out of the ordinary is frankly not good enough

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11 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

Well now that’s over. I wonder if we will hear of climate change again? Or I suppose when it hits 30 degrees again, whenever that maybe…

It just looks selective to me all this. All forgotten about when it’s 21 degrees and overcast next week…

Erm...yes. Thing is, despite the populist shite you hear from many Tory MPs, in the real world, large companies, civil institutions, and even national army's are doing lots to address climate change. The British Army, for example, recognise man-made climate change as a threat to the citizens of the United Kingdom. Climate change is already displacing millions in Africa and causing conflicts in regions on the continent. Climate change even played its part in both the Syrian and Afghan conflicts. 

8 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

Why post stuff like this when you don’t know anything about the person you are attacking and you don’t know anything about what they have achieved? 

Achieved more than Greta Thunberg, have you?! ?

David Attenborough, the greatest living Briton in many people's eyes, has acknowledged that Greta Thunberg has advanced recognition of climate change far more than he has. Yet, old boy "BS4 on Tour" has apparently far greater achievements ??‍♂️

Tell us what you have achieved in life, the floor is yours......

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4 minutes ago, TonyTonyTony said:

Newsflash: It needs to be rammed down your throat or you grandkids are going to roast. So, nothing out of the ordinary is frankly not good enough

“Your grandkids are going to roast” - surely you can see that is overreacting?! The planet has survived countless climate cycles ... yet we are still here ... I thought most intelligent people have realised that the scaremongering recent media messaging is just tripe ...

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1 hour ago, richwwtk said:

As technology currently stands then yes, in order to provide a sustainable future for the planet there are going to need to be some pretty major sacrifices made, and without benevolent governance then it will, in general, be the poorest that will be made to feel the brunt of this.

Only a fool would dent man-made climate change these days and something really does need to be done about it.

The only real hope I can see currently for the long term survival of the planet as a pleasant place to live lies in a more or less limitless, safe, clean energy being produced. I believe the only real hope we have lies in Nuclear Fusion. Trouble is, so far they have only produced enough energy to heat 80 kettles (or something like that) with this method.

Yes it will be the poor hit hardest. Just talking this country you already have inflation and higher taxes hurting living standards at the highest rates in years, also big hike in energy prices soon due this autumn as well as Bank of England talking about upping interest rates more. If you push too hard on climate policy in the short term then I don't think those at the bottom will appreciate the damage to their situation.

54 minutes ago, richwwtk said:

She travelled by train, not private jet.

Why are the people listening to her called 'disciples'?

How is the rubbish left behind after a 5 day festival featuring hundreds if not thousands of acts her responsibility?

Why are people so threatened by her?

The reason why people are threatened by her (if you can call it that) is that she is a marketing gimmick posing as a climate specialist, the only teenager who dresses much younger to appeal to her audience. 

35 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

It's paranoia for libertarians, such as yourself, because as you say some fairly major aspects of your life will be restricted. If you think for a moment you'll be able to walk into a supermarket in 20 years time and buy some beef or chicken for a few quid, then you are very much mistaken. Even taking account of inflation. Anything that contributes significantly to CO2 emissions, soil degradation, or loss of biodiversity will be heavily taxed. 

Again, if you think you'll be able to order unrecyclable/electronic goods for a few quid off Amazon with next day delivery, you are sadly mistaken. Even things like car ownership may well become a thing of the past, for the majority. 

But then on the positive, for the price you would have paid for your car, you'll be able to afford a robot that'll be able to complete all of your household chores. They'll wash up, do your laundry, tidy your house etc. Freeing you up to do spend your time more wisely, doing things you actually enjoy that will make a difference. Instead of working in the job you hate, and a majority of UK workers are of course dissatisfied with their jobs. 

You may not think making sacrifices now to save the future is worth it. I'd comment that you have low self-esteem/respect for yourself AND your fellow higher primates. I think most of us that have successfully managed to reproduce take a very different view - that the future is worth saving, even if it means giving up some comforts we're used to.

Sounds like a dystopian dictatorship with robots that you are embracing, can't see everyone being quite so enthusiastic to be honest. And I don't see it saving the future when most of the world will still be burning fossil fuels anyway.

Edited by Baba Yaga
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3 minutes ago, Kid in the Riot said:

Erm...yes. Thing is, despite the populist shite you hear from many Tory MPs, in the real world, large companies, civil institutions, and even national army's are doing lots to address climate change. The British Army, for example, recognise man-made climate change as a threat to the citizens of the United Kingdom. Climate change is already displacing millions in Africa and causing conflicts in regions on the continent. Climate change even played its part in both the Syrian and Afghan conflicts. 

Achieved more than Greta Thunberg, have you?! ?

David Attenborough, the greatest living Briton in many people's eyes, has acknowledged that Greta Thunberg has advanced recognition of climate change far more than he has. Yet, old boy "BS4 on Tour" has apparently far greater achievements ??‍♂️

Tell us what you have achieved in life, the floor is yours......

What I have achieved is none of your business - but what has Greta achieved?

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Just now, BS4 on Tour... said:

“Your grandkids are going to roast” - surely you can see that is overreacting?! The planet has survived countless climate cycles ... yet we are still here ... I thought most intelligent people have realised that the scaremongering recent media messaging is just tripe ...

You are clearly stupid. Can you not interpret simple datasets? It’s very obvious the trend we are on. FFS so frustrating. 

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18 minutes ago, BS4 on Tour... said:

“Your grandkids are going to roast” - surely you can see that is overreacting?! The planet has survived countless climate cycles ... yet we are still here ... I thought most intelligent people have realised that the scaremongering recent media messaging is just tripe ...

You are completely uneducated on this subject. Literally completely illiterate. Earth is over 4 billion years old. Humans have inhabited earth for around 300,000 years. Which makes this comment make you look like you have never read a book, nor went to school:

"The planet has survived countless climate cycles ... yet we are still here ..."

Honestly one of the stupidest things I've ever read on this forum, and there has been a lot of competition over the years. Mind-blowing.

Edited by Kid in the Riot
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