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not good news from Burnley?

Never to the dark side

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21 hours ago, Grey Fox said:

Is one potential problem that the “actual “ owners, if different, have not submitted to any suitability test? Also, if not known, money laundering legislation?

It's certainly the case for ML, and also could potentially hide owners from places such as Russia. The changes in legislation occured a few years back and caused huge headaches for my wife in her then role as a Company Secretary Administrator. They were supposed to follow the money back to the actual owners for every new company they took on. It's fine in principal but in practice it's almost impossible. Once you get to countries that are outside our legislation or control, you can ask for details, but you can't demand and anything that is offered has to be taken at face value.

In the end she was making decisions on a gut instinct, her main ploy if she had doubts was to charge exorbitant fees. This was used a bit like the witch trials, if they agreed to pay without question, she knew they were dodgy and withdrew her services. :)

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