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Your attitude towards the women's games.


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I actually enjoy watching Women's football on TV, but have never been to a live game, but don't have desire to either. I can barely afford to watch BCFC 4/5 a season, so watching the Women's team is really just an online thing for me. If the club offered a £50 package to watch all the Women's games live online for the season, I probably would.

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11 hours ago, Will Rollason said:

Good luck, I would be very interested to see the data and how it differs by gender/age.

I did mention that it will be interesting to see if younger people, who have watched the women's game as it's become more mainstream, will have more of an interest.

As seems common here i have no interest in women's football AT ALL so it's not a question of how you might make it more appealing etc. 



Problem is, the questionnaire is only open to men.

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2 minutes ago, Will Rollason said:

You're right... are they assuming that women who watch the men's game will automatically watch the women's I wonder?

Yes, I expect so. I’ve had many blokes (and women) make comments to me along those lines, and about other so say ‘male’ preferred topics. 

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Done the survey.

It's a shame that the youtube channel that streamed the games last season live has been withdrawn. I have enough interest to watch City women from home, but not to travel and incur the costs and time of that, as well as paying to get in, to actually attend games. 

Edited by old_eastender
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I completed it but did anyone review this before you published.  Some feedback:

- I can only answer myself not for other men

- allowing more than one response to the questions seems wrong.  I can't both strongly agree and strongly disagree with a statement.  Shouldn't these be radio buttons i.e. only one response allowed?

- the 'i would/would not attend' scenarios would be better worded 'more likely to attend/less likely to attend'.  This is how I interpreted them.  No one single thing would sway me either way.

- I know allowing neutral responses can mean wishy washy responses, but some of those criteria are pretty must irrelevant as to whether I go or not.  

- the survey seemed completely slanted toward men won't don't attend games.  How about question for those who do attend to find out what they like about attending women's football rather than men's?  The couple of games I went to were enjoyable because of less play acting by the players, friendlier atmosphere amongst crowd, summer weather (as games were played over the summer back then),  and being able to get a beer. 

Personally, the biggest factor in not going is that it run alongside the men's fixtures so fitting in family/social stuff is difficult enough just going to men's games.   If they reverted to playing in the summer and made it a real day e.g. BBQs etc then I think attendances would increase.  

Good luck. 


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On 07/10/2022 at 19:57, Robinson2022 said:

Hey guys,

I am a Master's student at the University of Brighton from South Korea. Being female fan myself, through my thesis research I want to find out what can enable more male fans to live, breathe and sleep the women's games as much as you do for the men's games. I would really appreciate your quick minutes into the survey I designed for the research I am conducting. ?

Survey Link: https://brighton.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/male-british-football-fans-attitudes-towards-attending-wo-8

Thank you guys xx

Damn, I've missed this survey! I'd have loved to fill it out

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Hey guys,


Thank you so much for your participation and thoughtful comments at the end. I am posting this because there were some thechnical issues in using the links for some fans who were't able to participate, so I respened the link upon your request :)


I 'd greatly appreciate it if you could help me with my research :)

Link: ⚽


On 11/10/2022 at 13:30, shahanshahan said:

Damn, I've missed this survey! I'd have loved to fill it out

I uploaded agian:)


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  • The title was changed to Your attitude towards the women's games.

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