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Reflection - Part 2


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Just after Xmas, I wrote a post called reflection, it may have been all doom and gloom and felt very anti Nige. It was more about never believing this group of players were a group of players who should be battling at the wrong end of the table.

In recent weeks, I have changed my stance on Nige, he has earned that change of stance, by restoring stability and showing technical qualities needed to push forward.

When you lose 3-0, you have ever been outclassed, outplayed, or diabolical, but last night Bristol City were none of that. In fact bar an error and a sloppy goal inside 7 minutes, we matched arguably the best team in the world for 80 minutes. We didn't shut up shop, we didn't prey on half chances, we took the game to a group of players who have won major tournaments and are some of the best players in the world. There was no hiding place last night, yes 3/4 of the stars were rested, but even at half time Pep knew that leaving on their 2nd keeper who had taken a knock, was not a risk he could take. He resorted to bringing on the likes of Grealish to get over the line. He gave Foden, De Bruyne, Mahrez amongst others 90 minutes, and they had to dig deep.

There is seldom times, I watch a game or come back from a game, and think we were unlucky and last night was one of those. I don't mean unlucky in the sense that we didn't win, but unlucky that we didn't lose 1-0, or perhaps 2-0 at most.

We possibly didn't do enough to score, we built up some lovely moves and moments, but we just lacked that killer edge in the box, and their defence knew how to just keep us at arms length.

A first half penalty turned down, not once but twice, could leave you feeling frustrated, but whilst one may have been given on another day, it was not to be. The players regrouped and kept their shape and again came at Man City.

We started the second half a little rusty, but after 5-10 minutes of Man City dominance, we started to find our game again, and so nearly got the equaliser we deserved when Sam Bell failed to convert from close range with 14 minutes left. An equaliser then, would have not been unjust, and maybe just given the spirit to us to feel we can cause a massive shock, and set the nerves in for Pep to have had to chuck on Gungdogan, Rodri or Haaland, but instead, we swiftly moved to bring on Grealish and 4 minutes later it was 2-0. At this point the game was done, but Bristol City still gave a bit more and stuck in, and created moments of brilliance, before a solo goal from the faultless De Bruyne sealed a match with a flattering scoreline.

Full time was rightly applauded from all four stands, and a press conference from Nige saying how the players were frustrated shows just how far we have come.

For us, this season has gone from one that looked like it could end in disaster, to probably being one of those season's that will end just too soon. We have made our charge and found our feet a little too late, but we must not sit back and accept mid table right now. Yes 9pts are a lot to make up on several teams with 13 to play, but it is not impossible.

I feel maybe tonight Nige gave the words of wisdom before the game, which I have tried to use in life;

"Don't try and blend in, when you're born to stand out"

Every player in a City shirt tonight gave 100%, they played to their game and done our City and club proud. I've read people pinning blame at Tanner, and Vyner, but for all it was a mix up that led to the early goal, and Vac was pretty much an OG, both players gave their all, they defended well against some of the best players in the world, and despite an unnerving error on 6 minutes, they regrouped and found their feet. It is so easy to crumble when things go wrong early, but they and the team as a whole did not.

Alex Scott may have been the shining star in many people's eyes, but Pring, Kalas, Sykes, James, Bell, & Wells were simply sensational. 

Kalas is an absolute war horse. He won promotion from this league several times, and is good enough to play in the Premier League, there is no doubt about it. He was absolutely sensational last night. I know he is on big money, and I know people feel he should take a pay drop to stay, but there will be a number of clubs in our league and abroad who will pay his wages, and rightly so. He has something you need to get out of this league and that is premiership quality. He is head and shoulders our best player in the back line. He is also a player that should the miracle happen and we got in the playoffs and went up, would not struggle in a back four in the premier league. Last night on only his 3rd appearance back from injury, he was like a man possessed, like the player we've missed. He simply has to have his contract extended, even if it means 2 more years on the same money. We have sold many players, released others and got others to agree lesser deals, but if we allow him to walk for free, for the sake of him not dropping 5k a week, then that is insane. The contract we would like him to sign, against the contract he has will probably save us 500K-1M, but you have to ask, if we save that money, can we replace him with that level of leadership, quality and natural ability for what we would save by letting him go, and the answer to that is no. If his injuries are behind him, and this is the Kalas of old again, when we signed him, keeping him even on the same wages simply is a sensible decision, as he has the quality you need to get promoted, and if you get promoted lead from the back.

Sykes and Bell were fantastic as well. The improvement in Sykes as the season has progressed has been outstanding, but Sam Bell, who has had less than half a season of first team championship football to his name was brilliant. His movement, position, and tenacity was that of a player who has been here years. He linked up so well with Wells and James, and caused some of the best defenders in the world problems. He was unlucky not to score, but whilst Kalas and Scott will grab the headlines, he was very much the fly in the ointment.

Nahki Wells has always been in my eyes an exceptional player, he is a quality forward in this league and he controlled the game so well today. With Nahki, it's what he brings to a game, what he does off the ball, which is often not noticed. Perhaps Bell should have played him in, in the first half and he would have scored, but he stuck at it so well, really got under Man City's skin and made it impossible for them to make quick breakaway after quick breakaway.

Pring was again so faultless in his challenges, timing fantastic challenge after fantastic challenge, getting stuck in and playing great balls out of the defence. James gave it his best against KD and KDB and for large parts kept them at bay.

Max played well too. In fact everyone put in a shift.

Alex Scott was very very good, but we know that. He showed last night he is a premier league player in waiting, but as I said on another thread before, he will be in the premier league very soon, but we should not just sell him because someone matches what he is worth. We should hold out for a top 6 prem club, so he can reach his full potential. 

The one thing that may favour us, is the hope of making the playoffs or the miracle of promotion, as it could be our best chance to keep him. 

I personally would not sell, he has 3 years left on his deal and we need him for a promotion push, whether it be this season or next season, and if we got promoted this season or next season, then me may be inclined to stay and play for Bristol City in the premier league.

I would say the side that played last night, would not struggle to compete with certain clubs in the premier league, and that is why I feel it is vital that we do not sell the crown jewels in the summer.

With one or two quality additions, we seriously could have our best chance of reaching the top tier and I was so so so proud of City last night, we were fantastic.

I realistically do feel the Playoffs may be a bridge too far this season, but a win at the weekend will at least keep us in the hunt.

Every player, every fan and every person from Bristol last night should be proud. I mean that. Even fans of the gas should be proud. It's not just about representing City, but representing the City of Bristol in front of the whole nation, and they performed fantastically and to sum up the old Gary Johnson slogan of "Make Bristol Proud", last night that's exactly what the team and the fans and the club did. They made Bristol proud.

Well done to everyone, finally we are going in the right direction, but we must not chance regression by selling our best players this time around. Alex Scott is contracted until 2026, we are in control, not other clubs and Kalas must be retained, without them our push for where we long to be, is a lot lot tougher.

Well done Nige, you have turned it around, and you and your group of players have made the City of Bristol proud last night, and that as a Bristolian, and a City fan is all you can truly ask.

"Always Believe"

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1 hour ago, robinforlife2 said:

why I feel it is vital that we do not sell the crown jewels in the summer.

Scott will sadly be gone. He's already being actively shopped. 

Though that is sad, it will give Nige some money to invest in weak areas and make us a more overall package. 

The future does look incredibly positive.

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4 hours ago, robinforlife2 said:

I feel it is vital that we do not sell the crown jewels in the summer.

I've seen a link with Newcastle, where the rumour is they would loan him back for next season. May be nothing in it, but if there is a straw out there, I'm clutching at it .

1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

Welcome to the Cult of Nige. ?

bloomfield hills wtf GIF

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