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Thanks from Oxford United

Col The Ox

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On 22/09/2023 at 09:33, Col The Ox said:

Thanks for the kind words everyone.


In no particular order just a brief reply to a few of the things you've mentioned:

The reason Mark Sykes was available on a free is because our idiot of a previous manager (Karl Robinson) threw him under the bus a few times in his penultimate season with us. Sykesy dared to answer back to him and Robinson slagged him off in public. So when he entered his last season with us Sykesy refused to even contemplate signing a new contract and was able to leave on a free. Very much our loss and your gain. The irony is that Robinson was sacked last season and our new manager, Liam Manning, is the sort of progressive manager that I'm sure would have got the best out of Mark Sykes. Anyway, good luck to him, there's no hard feelings from our side.

The amount of crap that the NIMBYS came out with was mind blowing in its ignorance and arrogance, and there was a real class aspect to a lot of it too. But they made the mistake of assuming all football fans were thick hooligans (most of us are intelligent hooligans!!!) and they very much under estimated the response from the fans.ย 

Yes, we've very much already stuck two fingers up to Kassam, as a fanbase, although we still have to play at his shit stadium for another three years. I absolutely despise the man for what he's done to my football club, robbing us of the best part of 25 years, that we'll never get back.

Just to close, I was a bit disappointed with the team we fielded against you in the Carabao Cup game, there were too many changes for us to do ourselves justice really, and you certainly took full advantage. Since then we've really gelled and are currently one point off the top, with a game in hand, so promotion is certainly the aim this year. Hopefully we'll meet again next season, unless you can go one better and get promotion yourselves. I see no reason why you can't be in the discussion at the end of the season.

I don't want to outstay my welcome, so will leave it for now, but may pop back with an update in the future if people are interested in hearing it?

Good luck, I remember many a fond trip to the Manor Ground and some on the couple of occasions I've been to the Kassam it wasn't the same for sure.ย  Good luck with your new ground, hopefully it will have the soul of the Manor Ground with decent capacity for your club to grow.

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