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Spill Chocker


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Yosterday, I wos spoking to Tim Fard, abite the drostic priblem of bod spilling.

Thinfally, Tim motioned thit thar os sune to be a spillchocker on the forearm, bot with the lurge nimbo of mistokes, could cawse it to overhite.

Wit du u oll thank?

Ar the keds thin, or jest toking the pass?

Your cements plose.



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Guest albany P reds
Yosterday, I wos spoking to Tim Fard, abite the drostic priblem of bod spilling.

Thinfally, Tim motioned thit thar os sune to be a spillchocker on the forearm, bot with the lurge nimbo of mistokes, could cawse it to overhite.

Wit du u oll thank?

Ar the keds thin, or jest toking the pass?

Your cements plose.



You sound like that policeman off Allo Allo :whistle::city:

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Hello Greenun

Would a spell checker make any difference. Lets hope it's better than the one on Apple Mail, which I think improved your post no end!

"Yesterday, I woes spoking to Tim Fart, abate the drastic problem of bode spilling.

Thinly, Tim motioned hit tar on sun to be a spillchocker on the forearm, boot with the large bimbo of mistakes, could cause it to overheat.

Wit du u lo thank?

Ar the kids thin, or jest taking the pass?

Your cements prose.



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I blame 'phone txting'.

Will somone please explain to our band from the USA what that is please.  :P  :cool: as they do not do phone txting over there.

Just say bomb Iraq or anywhere else for that matter and they are happy - the fact that Afghanistan and Iraq are far worse now than before they poked their noses in is of no importance - God save us from the USA warlords, the only terrorists they support are the IRA - can't remember them bombing Ireland and they won't bomb the worst violators of human rights - ie China - because they will fight back - in other words typical bullies.

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All the youngsters received their A level results today but less than 10% know their results because they can't read their mail.

Hey! We are not all stupid. I admit the majority are, but there are one or two bright sparks, hopefully me included in that (GCSE results released soon). I believe, and others agree, that the reasons the A level results are getting better is because people are doing these newer, easier subjects. The older subjects are as hard as ever, and the top universities realise this.

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Hey!  We are not all stupid.  I admit the majority are, but there are one or two bright sparks, hopefully me included in that (GCSE results released soon).  I believe, and others agree, that the reasons the A level results are getting better is because people are doing these newer, easier subjects.  The older subjects are as hard as ever, and the top universities realise this.

Of course you are not and it was a tongue in cheek comment in a general way - all the very best of luck to all of you that have genuinely worked hard to achieve your results - you can only do your best and if you do that you deserve every acclaim.

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