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Miller To Cheltehham On Loan

Guest redrobin108

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Guest redrobin108

Have just come back from working in Cheltenham, the talk around the town is of that of Lee Miller being loaned to them for the rest of the season.

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Can't see the need for a rest of the season loan, but a month or two wouldn't do any harm to the player or the club.

He needs games and confidence and that won't happen on the bench or playing Forest Green!

Now that we've got Brooker, I'd still go for another target man unless we can develop CF into cover, as a bad injury could blow your game plan.

We can move two on, as BT has eluded, we've just to many strikers.

We really haven't seen enough of Gillespie to judge, so I'd either loan him as well and/or move on Miller & Roberts.

Any loans spell should include instant recall in case of a spate of injuries.

That would leave:

Target Men







Wingers/Wing back







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Can't see the need for a rest of the season loan, but a month or two wouldn't do any harm to the player or the club.

He needs games and confidence and that won't happen on the bench or playing Forest Green!

Now that we've got Brooker, I'd still go for another target man unless we can develop CF into cover, as a bad injury could blow your game plan.

We can move two on, as BT has eluded, we've just to many strikers.

We really haven't seen enough of Gillespie to judge, so I'd either loan him as well and/or move on Miller & Roberts.

Any loans spell should include instant recall in case of a spate of injuries.

That would leave:

Target Men







Wingers/Wing back







Agree Miller should be a short term loan, Brooker could be injured in his first appearance.

I've seen Gillespie 3x and he's looked very good each time.

Move on Miller and Roberts? Maybe inevitable now but seeing as we paid about the same amount in total for them as we did for Brooker and Heffernan, just how much of a loss would you/City deem acceptable?

If they are thought of as surplus to requirements by a 3rd division club presumably we'll have to accept huge losses once again.

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Good luck to him if it's true. I've thought for a while that Tinnion doesn't rate him, so he's not going to get a fair crack of the whip at City. I think he has real class, and while he's not the finished article, I still think he could do a great job for City - so maybe making an impact somewhere else for a while is the way for him to get his chance. Someone a few weeks ago compared him to Nicky Morgan, for those who remember him, and I can see that.

By the way, how brave was he last Wednesday to come on just to take a penalty in the shootout. He was on a real hiding to nothing there - if he'd missed he'd have been slated (Swindon all over again). But he had the bottle to step up and score a great penalty.

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Shame to see it, but I think its the end for Lee Miller, and Christian Roberts, I really cant see Gillespie stopping either. Both players will come back to haunt City, and are another Tony Thorpe, brought in, and then under-used/benched/played in wrong roles.

I know i'll get grief for saying this, but hey I could'nt give a flying tut tut, I've heard all the arguements, and I really don't see any point in rehashing them all over again, I'm not going to change my opinion, and you aint going to change yours. I personally wish em both well.Just hope they don't kick our @ss later on, like a certain Mr Matthews has already done, a Mr Peacock, will almost certainly also do later this season

shame cos it up front where there is a serious problem, but in defense/midfield...we're scoring more than last year, but leaking em very badly.................

There again Tinman is the boss, he stands or falls on his decisions-not convinced about Brooker either

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Shame to see it, but I think its the end for Lee Miller, and Christian Roberts, I really cant see Gillespie stopping either. Both players will come back to haunt City, and are another Tony Thorpe, brought in, and then under-used/benched/played in wrong roles.

I know i'll get grief for saying this, but hey I could'nt give a flying tut tut, I've heard all the arguements, and I really don't see any point in rehashing them all over again, I'm not going to change my opinion, and you aint going to change yours. I personally wish em both well.Just hope they don't kick our @ss later on, like a certain Mr Matthews has already done, a Mr Peacock, will almost certainly also do later this season

shame cos it up front where there is a serious problem, but in defense/midfield...we're scoring more than last year, but leaking em very badly.................

There again Tinman is the boss, he stands or falls on his decisions-not convinced about Brooker either

Would that be the same Lee Peacock you spent all last season slagging off?

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Would that be the same Lee Peacock you spent all last season slagging off?

Thats the one, and what put me on RACREDs xmas card list (not) ;) , and the one who I also said would come back and score a hat trick too :ph34r::laugh: ..you just know the script doncha.....point to prove and all that......

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Buksred you said @ss,is that allowed by big brother?.

I think Mr Miller may as well be loaned out because:-

1/ He's not good enough(sorry)

2/ We'll get some money

3/ A space is freed up on the bench

4/ If he does perform well he can always come back


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Buksred you said @ss,is that allowed by big brother?.

I think Mr Miller may as well be loaned out because:-

1/ He's not good enough(sorry)

2/ We'll get some money

3/ A space is freed up on the bench

4/ If he does perform well he can always come back


Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell big bruv....oh poo!!

As to Miller going on loan

1. We'll agree to disagree there-s'fair innit?.

2. Not if he's on loan- the club just pay his wages.

3. True.......for another short player :laugh:

4. Equally true, but unlikely, I reckon-he'll go to a bigger club.

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Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell big bruv....oh poo!!

As to Miller going on loan

1. We'll agree to disagree there-s'fair innit?.

2. Not if he's on loan- the club just pay his wages.

3. True.......for another short player :o

4. Equally true, but unlikely, I reckon-he'll go to a bigger club.

Titter :D you said poo.

1.Fair enough

2.Still a money saving scheme though ain't it.

3."Another short player" please explain.

4.If he did go to a bigger club(and succeed) then I'd be wrong and surprised

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Titter :D you said poo.

1.Fair enough

2.Still a money saving scheme though ain't it.

3."Another short player" please explain.

4.If he did go to a bigger club(and succeed) then I'd be wrong and surprised

1 & 2 put to bed!! :D

3. We don't exactly had a surplus of er vertically advantaged players :o

4. He will be a success, probably not here now, but he will- you don't attract attention from Everton, Aberdeen and Wigan, without having talent..possibly this level aint it, but they said that Wilkshire last season, but he's proved them wrong- with a run Lee M will do the same......... :me?: trust me, i'm a biker :D

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Guest whitey_03
opinion, actually, - and he's not playing regularly for any of the clubs you mentioned - so how much do they really think of him ?

He isnt playing regularly for these clubs because he chose to come to Bristol City above all of the mentioned teams.

As for these teams not thinking much of Lee, I personally heard a answer machine message from Paul Jewell of Wigan, not very happy with Lee because he turned them down, something along the lines of " he lacked ambition "

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He isnt playing regularly for these clubs because he chose to come to Bristol City above all of the mentioned teams.

As for these teams not thinking much of Lee, I personally heard a answer machine message from Paul Jewell of Wigan, not very happy with Lee because he turned them down, something along the lines of " he lacked ambition "

Then give Mr Jewell a ring and ask him if he'd still like LM at a knockdown £250k.

Then let me know what he says.

As for Wigan..........Rugby Town........Good football team.Nice stadium (if empty)and Dave Whelan will know all about investing money if they do make the Prem as Norwich, West Brom & Co are all finding out.

As I've said many times,I don't blame Lee for the size of the fee and I'd like to see him come good and score a hat full of goals, but DW & BT haven't picked him and he needs to conquer the physical side of the game and score goals, to be effective in the English Leagues.

A loan,the confidence of scoring & regular first team football,could help him prove his point.

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opinion, actually, - and he's not playing regularly for any of the clubs you mentioned - so how much do they really think of him ?

That's your opinion and that's fine, that's what a forum is all about.

The point I was making is that I cannot see how he can be a 'Poo Footballer' when he has attracted the attention, and offers, from clubs that are playing at a higher level than us.

I like the style of football Lee plays,it's better than the standard 'hoof it and hope' stuff found in this division. I like attractive, intellegent play. The only way the opposition teams seem to be able to cope with him is by kicking lumps out of him.

I don't doubt he still has a lot to learn, that's where the coaches earn their money. That's where we are falling down? We have a talented player and his talents must be used, do we have coaches that know how to utilise these talents? We have so many young strikers, nobody for them to learn from. Even this Brooker is only 23 isn't he?

Maybe a loan will be good for Lee, as long it is ONLY a loan!!! If it is cheltenham as suggested, then I must admit I have more faith in John Ward's coaching abilities than maybe some of the coaches at the Gate.

Like I say, just my opinion. :P

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Then give Mr Jewell a ring and ask him if he'd still like LM at a knockdown £250k.

Then let me know what he says.

As for Wigan..........Rugby Town........Good football team.Nice stadium (if empty)and Dave Whelan will know all about investing money if they do make the Prem as Norwich, West Brom & Co are all finding out.

As I've said many times,I don't blame Lee for the size of the fee and I'd like to see him come good and score a hat full of goals, but DW & BT haven't picked him and he needs to conquer the physical side of the game and score goals, to be effective in the English Leagues.

A loan,the confidence of scoring & regular first team football,could help him prove his point.

I suspect Jewell would snap your hand off. Wigan are such bad judges of players, particularly young, inexperienced strikers from lower divisions that he must be absolutely desparate to replace his current front line strikers - I'm not sure of their names, but they're someting like Robertson and Wellington if I remember correctly! Wigan were on a sure fire bet with those 2, after all they were long in the tooth, well experienced and playing for a top line championship side before Wigan snapped them up and look what a waste of money they turned out to be!

Too many fans want a certainty with our signings, and for them all to be 6' 6", weighing in at 14stone and to "put themselves about a bit" befoere they are happy. Why can't we have players with a bit of skill and ability to play the game with their brains as well as muscle. Wilkshire is not built like a brick 5h1t house and took lots of stick last season, but has shown his real ability this time around. Unfortunately, we don't have enough players able to think on his wavelength and won't get the best out of him if we have a game plan geared to knocking long balls up to the fabled target man we've been wanting for so long.

In will be sorry if Milller does leave, as I think he's the right player for us long term, especially of we do get promoted. I agree that he wont score any goals for us sitting on the bech, so my only hope is that if he does get a loan move, he's a roaring sucess and that tinnion can't then ignore him.

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I suspect Jewell would snap your hand off. Wigan are such bad judges of players, particularly young, inexperienced strikers from lower divisions that he must be absolutely desparate to replace his current front line strikers - I'm not sure of their names, but they're someting like Robertson and Wellington if I remember correctly!  Wigan were on a sure fire bet with those 2, after all they were long in the tooth, well experienced and playing for a top line championship side before Wigan snapped them up and look what a waste of money they turned out to be!

Both were in excess of £1m and you're quite right about Ellington who joined them from the Gas whilst they were in this Division.

Roberts had Premiership & Championship experence and wasn't good enough for the Prem, so they signed him when they were in the Championship.

The major difference was that both were experienced in English League football AND Scoring regularly at that level, not the equivalent of Conference Football in Scotland.

Roberts is ex city and another "highly skilled" manager in John Ward lost out on Roberts for £200k and Holloway got him.Whilst he struggled with the Gas for a while and then started scoring, he was an instant hit with City whilst on loan.JW preffered fatty McCarthy and the rest's history.

Too many fans want a certainty with our signings, and for them all to be 6' 6", weighing in at 14stone and to "put themselves about a bit" befoere they are happy.

It's all about blend and did you see Wigans defence when they got promoted? To give you a clue, we've already conceeded more goals in ten games then they did in a season, away!!!!

Why can't we have players with a bit of skill and ability to play the game with their brains as well as muscle.

See above

Wilkshire is not built like a brick 5h1t house and took lots of stick last season, but has shown his real ability this time around. Unfortunately, we don't have enough players able to think on his wavelength and won't get the best out of him if we have a game plan geared to knocking long balls up to the fabled target man we've been wanting for so long.

We played cracking football when we had Taylor & Turner up front.We also had wingers and passed the ball.LW has put on about half a stone of muscle and looks fitter and sharper than at most points last season.I still see him as a central midfielder.

In will be sorry if Milller does leave, as I think he's the right player for us long term, especially of we do get promoted.

Yes, but you can't afford tp pay £360k for potential in League One.Particularly when other clubs obtain goal scorers for far less-Howard, Parkin, Mooney & Knight

I agree that he wont score any goals for us sitting on the bech, so my only hope is that if he does get a loan move, he's a roaring sucess and that tinnion can't then ignore him.

My point entirely

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The only reason i would want to see Lee miller go away from city was to get a chance in the City squad. i have not given up hope as i have seen him play extremely well and that can't be forgotten, Robbo has my support to but the fact that he gets so much support even though he can be extremely inconsistant i have seen him play at his best and we haven't seen Lee Miller get that yet simply because of the lack of chances offered to him, BRING MILLER ON!!

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Guest Southville Red
Have just come back from working in Cheltenham, the talk around the town is of that of Lee Miller being loaned to them for the rest of the season.

Taking all this Miller on loan stuff a bit too seriously. Look at the original thread. Someone, who can't even spell TINNION has been working in Cheltenham and it's the talk of the town. Yes right !!!!!!!! What more solid source could you ever want than that.

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