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City Vs Rovers


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when anyone was down the ground on sunday did they here a rumour about a city vs rovers match being arranged because when i was in the red and white bar this man me or my uncle didnt even know just came over and said are you coming to the match city vs rovers.

anyone else here anything please reply because it would be intersting if you did ? ?

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I hope this is just a rumour as things are bad enough as they are for Rovers fans without having to play against City and risk being on the end of a right stuffing. :(

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Guest DrFaustus
As City and Rovers don't have a game this weekend, City contacted the Rovers to play a friendly at the Mem instead. The problem was that the Gas wanted an excessive amount of cash to go towards policing the game, which City thought unjust. So the idea was s####ped. Would have been great though.
<br /> Funny that.

I heard that the game was to be at the gate, the stumbling block being the policing costs. A shame that the prospect of a few meetheads spoiling a friendly made the cost prohibitive.

We'd have won anyway. :(

I'll get my mogadon.


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