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City Chant

Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

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Guest Mr Snufflelufagus

Watching the Leicester v Man City game last night I had a thought about the football chant by the home side 'Come on City, come on City come on'. Do you think it would also make a difference and or encouragement to the away side in this case Man City as they have the same second name or do you think generally players shut out the crowd noise. If so the same would apply when we play teams at home called City (not many this season if any).

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errr...no. I think the fans know where to noise is coming from and who it's for. It's not about the words it's about knowing that your fans are backing you and that you're among friends.

The only thing it whether it's positive or negative- positive support will increase confidence etc.

I think people who boo, jeer, insult their own team are stupid not to realise the negative impact this has. Football, as everyone knows, is very confidence based. (see our last 4 games).

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