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The New Manager Sorry Another Theory

mr belgos

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SL has confirmed the following last week.

1.No more speculation re the new manager but immediately confirmed that LL is on the list ...why purely a smokescreen to throw us all of the scent.

2. Also confirmed will pay compensation for the right man which means step forward or in football terms backwards J.Ward .or the next 2... please either Martin Allen or c Gary Johnson.

Thoughts please or am i barking up the wrong tree

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SL  has confirmed the following last week.

1.No more speculation re the new manager but immediately confirmed that LL is on the list ...why purely a smokescreen to throw us all of the scent.

2. Also confirmed will pay compensation for the right man which means step forward or in football  terms backwards J.Ward .or the next 2... please either  Martin Allen or c Gary Johnson.

Thoughts please or am  i barking up the wrong tree

no you are very very warm dear sir.

the right man will be in place Monday

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Guest Old Dazzler
And he currently plies his trade in west London.

Jose Mourinho it is then!

Or even Holloway.

Or , if it is Martin Allen, presumably Brentford would have wind of this by Saturday - how would they feel about him taking charge of their team knowing that the Club he will be joining (and playing against) will be desperate for 3 points on Saturday?

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Guest routabout

Still can't see this happening, but am prepared to eat humble pie if it does. I have to admit, I don't think I'd have any problem in giving my full support to Allen. I just can't see it happening.

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Guest routabout
Jose Mourinho it is then!

Or even Holloway.

Or , if it is Martin Allen, presumably Brentford would have wind of this by Saturday - how would they feel about him taking charge of their team knowing that the Club he will be joining (and playing against) will be desperate for 3 points on Saturday?

On that note and in that scenario, I'd fully expect Allen to go for 3 points for his present employers. A man with no honour isn't somebody I'd want in charge of my team.

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Guest South Coast Red

Am surprised about how popular Allen is amongst you all , has any of you seen how Brentford play ?

Long ball and lots of physical stuff is not what City should be about.

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Guest routabout
Am surprised about how popular Allen is amongst you all , has any of you seen how Brentford play ?

Long ball and lots of physical stuff is not what City should be about.

I'm at the point where I'm thinking, "desperate times call for desperate measures", At this point in time, I would happily tolerate ugly football in exchange for results. I think that we have players that Allen could get playing better football to his usual style.

At the end of the day, if it were a choice between Allen and Lawrence, I'd choose Allen any day of the week. I don't think he's anything amazing, but I'd have more confidence in him than I would have in Lawrence.

Plus, the Allen family are renowned football people and I'm sure that he has contacts in places that we would be well pleased to have them in.

Don't get me wrong, Martin Allen would be far from my first choice, but I'd settle for him and be pretty sure that he'd get us results, which is basically the business that we're in.

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On that note and in that scenario, I'd fully expect Allen to go for 3 points for his present employers. A man with no honour isn't somebody I'd want in charge of my team.

If Allen remains in charge, I would expect the same as you routabout.

However, if I was the Brentford chairman I would be concerned. If this is the case, my gut feeling is that Allen will be asked to step aside by Brentford and placed on gardening leave, if that's the correct term, until taking over at City on Monday.

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Guest routabout
If Allen remains in charge, I would expect the same as you routabout.

However, if I was the Brentford chairman I would be concerned. If this is the case, my gut feeling is that Allen will be asked to step aside by Brentford and placed on gardening leave, if that's the correct term, until taking over at City on Monday.

In a professional sense, that would be tantamount to 'cutting their nose off to spite their face'. I'd leave him in charge. IF he kicked them in the nuts by throwing the game, then he's harming his own reputation far more than the loss of three points would harm them.

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Guest Old Dazzler
In a professional sense, that would be tantamount to 'cutting their nose off to spite their face'. I'd leave him in charge. IF he kicked them in the nuts by throwing the game, then he's harming his own reputation far more than the loss of three points would harm them.

I understand that it is common practice in the City for employees not being allowed to work their notice if they have been recruited/headhunted by a rival company on the grounds that they could do untold damage if they carried on working for the company they are leaving.

Its just an employer safegaurding its own interests, and to a degree the reputation of the exiting employee. What if the scenario took place, Allen was in charge of Brentford, prepared his team to go out and beat us in the usual way, and by some strange freak of nature we won at Griffin Park (this is purely hypothetical!), his position with both us and Brentford would be compromised - although I'm sure that we would see the funny side of it.

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I'm at the point where I'm thinking, "desperate times call for desperate measures", At this point in time, I would happily tolerate ugly football in exchange for results.

So would I if I thought ugly football would work. But can you really look at our squad and say that it would? Maybe MA would realise that and change his usual style but would the prospect of a manager doing something they've never done before be filling you with confidence?

Allen wouldn't be the worst choice but in my opinion he's far from the best. He lacks the experience and he strikes me as the sort of person who due to his volatile nature will either hit it off with the players and fans or be a worse flop than Tinnion. If we lost that gamble I shudder to think what new depths this club could plumb.

My preferred choices would be Stan Ternent, Peter Reid or Gary Johnson.


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Guest routabout
My preferred choices would be Stan Ternent, Peter Reid or Gary Johnson.

Yup, I'd prefer any of those three to Martin Allen. I do see your point about Allen taking himself into unfamiliar territory and the learning curve that would go with it.

I wouldn't want to be seen as swinging into the pro-Allen camp, I have only tried to debate the issues with as open a mind as possible.

To be frank, I'm sick to the teeth of all this speculation on managers and am scared silly at the prospect of Lawrence landing the role. I have been discussing Allen, to try to take my mind out of the Lawrence rut. To be fair, I don't think we as fans deserve to be put through all this anxiety and uncertainty and that the board have a few things to make up to us, at least morally.

I truely yearn for the day that we can go back to debating whether the first goal was offside or not. Hell, I'd even settle for a right old set to about which strip is the 'luckiest'. It's all getting a bit much, wouldn't you say?

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