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Johnsons Blade Worry...

Guest Lee4BristolCity

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Yes because they cause injury and good old Studs are alot more effective in keeping your balence etc.

Surely if that was the case players would be choosing studs anyway because they helped them play better? Or am I just being naive in thinking this is more important to some of them than taking money from the manufacturers to wear what they're told? :dunno:

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I have recently finished an FA coaching badge and have seen photographs of the injuries these boots can cause.

A chap in a game at Cheddar received a cut to the leg so deep it severed an artery.

The FA have commissioned a report I understand which will hopefully ban these boots.

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good old Studs are alot more effective in keeping your balence etc.

I totally disagree with that. I find blades to give me much better grip and balance than studs, I also find them much more comfortable.

I can't comment on the safety aspect as I've never personally seen anyone injured by blades or been injured myself. I'm sure it does happen as I've heard many a story (as this thread shows) but I've never seen it myself.

Cue the onslaught for daring not to criticise blades...

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