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Gary's Quote In Th Ep

Guest wed wobin

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Guest wed wobin

Gary Johnson has banished the doom and gloom merchants from the Bristol City camp in his drive to rouse the team for a crucial period of their season. Without a game this weekend due to the FA Cup taking precedence, the Ashton Gate boss is hammering home the message to staff and players that the good days are just around the corner, providing the hard work is put in on the training ground.

Would this be the same corner we turned the other week?

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Well what's he meant to say,' we're all doomed and relegated by the 1st day of December'? Does he say 'that's it I give up I'm just going to take my wage each month and the players can do what they like?'

There's no news at the moment, players can't move clubs and there's not a game this weekend, so the papers and the site are just asking for quotes or filling the space with old ones.

Let's hope the players have learnt their lesson and don't again go making headlines of their own when they get a free weekend! Or maybe GJ hasn't given them the weekend off, do our next opponants have a match?

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Well what's he meant to say,' we're all doomed and relegated by the 1st day of December'? Does he say 'that's it I give up I'm just going to take my wage each month and the players can do what they like?'

There's no news at the moment, players can't move clubs and there's not a game this weekend, so the papers and the site are just asking for quotes or filling the space with old ones.

Let's hope the players have learnt their lesson and don't again go making headlines of their own when they get a free weekend! Or maybe GJ hasn't given them the weekend off, do our next opponants have a match?

I agree. I'm fed up with people having a go at GJ for saying things like 'We've turned a corner'. They have a go at him for dishing out 'hand grenades' (which I think have been warranted) but have a go at him for being positive too. When you're losing people will always look at picking on every little thing. It's a lose lose situation. If we get out of it people will say we should have, and if we don't they will blame him.

Bradford have Barnsley in the FA cup.

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Guest Harry Dolman

I agree. I'm fed up with people having a go at GJ for saying things like 'We've turned a corner'. They have a go at him for dishing out 'hand grenades' (which I think have been warranted) but have a go at him for being positive too. When you're losing people will always look at picking on every little thing. It's a lose lose situation. If we get out of it people will say we should have, and if we don't they will blame him.

Bradford have Barnsley in the FA cup.

This is a re-occurring theme. When results are going bad, every press release is scrutinsed with a fine tooth comb to find anything that is wrong. Every interview is analyised to fine any semblance of a nuance that can be held up as evidence of poor mgmt. It is odd that simultaneoulsy Johnson is wrong because he has been critical of the players (poor, poor lambs) yet when he says anything remotely positive he is lampooned.

So lets recap, saying the players aren't good enough is wrong, saying we're not far from turning it round is also wrong.

Did anyone see Little Britain last night (it was ace!) - I suggest until such time we are on the verge of at least the Premiership, if not European glory, that Johnsons answers any questions with a Anne-esque "eh, eh eh, eh EH!!!!!!!"

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Guest Concrete Joe

Positives are exactly what we need. Well done GJ (did I really write that!!)

Makes a change from hand grenades and I've told the players what I think of them etc etc

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I sincerely hope he means it, but he is telling the players that 'Good times are around the corner'. And yet for weeks he has been saying that wholesale changes will be made in January - with a lot of players leaving.

I could be really cynical and suggest that he is hardly going to admit that most players dislike him, is he.

I hope it is true, and that come January he will just make necessary changes rather than mass movements, if not, I just hope the Southampton rumour is true, and he goes before he does too much damage.

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I sincerely hope he means it, but he is telling the players that 'Good times are around the corner'. And yet for weeks he has been saying that wholesale changes will be made in January - with a lot of players leaving.

I could be really cynical and suggest that he is hardly going to admit that most players dislike him, is he.

I hope it is true, and that come January he will just make necessary changes rather than mass movements, if not, I just hope the Southampton rumour is true, and he goes before he does too much damage.

If the interview is published in the paper then it's for the fans and who ever else wants to read it, not for him to communicate with his players. So I expect there is a difference between what we are yold hand what is discussed with the players!

Why should the club be any different from many other work places anyway? Most places I've worked in there has been internal bickering and worse, but to our clients we were always seen to be highly professional and supportive of eachother!

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