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Did Anyone Else Notice..........?

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Last Tuesday I was working in London but managed to get away earlier and rushed back to Bristol for the Bradford game.

In the pub before the game, during the game and in the pub after I noticed a sort of change in attitude amongst alot of people.

We have gone through so many lows over the last few months that it seems that people are closing ranks.

Many seemed to be adopting a 'we're all in this together, we're probably going down but we may as well give the lads wholehearted support' sort of attitude and it was strangely refreshing!

Was I imagining it? Was my mind fuddled by the pre-match Blackthorns?

We were obviously unlucky on Tuesday and most supporters were able to judge the performance in isolation and were behind the lads both during and after the game.

I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's game - the fans who are left are the real ones - the ones who care, the ones who pay their money so are perfectly entitled to have their opinion on subjects like 'is Bas Savage the answer?' etc.

City fans have high expectations - probably too high for a club that has only spent four seasons at the top level in modern times - but we have 2 directors in the UK's top 100 richest footy people and we come from a City that is more than big enough to support a successful club.

For some reason our club stubbornly refuses to get promoted despite being favourites every season but we have fantastic fans - we pay our hard-earned cash to go to home and away games and deserve utmost respect from the players and management for our commitment.

Every City fan on this forum cares - our opinions differ but that is healthy.

Don't give up people - it's a horrible season so far but we either give up now or we give it a real go - as fans we have a real role to play. If we do our bit to the best of our ability then at least we can hold our heads high at the end of this season - whatever happens.

Let's hope the players can do the same.


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I agree with you, the fans did start to pull together more. I was personally really up for it and sung/shouted a lot more than usual. I have been in denial for a while thinking that we will be fine, but it has now hit me that we really look likely to go down.

I think that this fear has lifted me out of the doldrums and made me want to do more about it. All I can really do to help, is support the team positively and vocally, so that's what I will do. Maybe others are feeling the same and let's hope this continues.

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There was a real sense of unity on Tuesday night, I was impressed with the standing ovation at half time and the warmth of applause at the end. The crowd were appreciative of the effort put in by the team, and the own goal was just "one of those things".

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