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23 Users Of This Forum Have Secret Mi5 Files About Them


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This is very worrying, but the question is who on this forum would they be about. I would guess NTTDS (after his suspicious journey to Hatlepool), and DrFaustus as well for his love of goats.


I would imagine mozo's alternative lifestyle in his caravan with his giraffe may have attracted interest.

It's even possible dagest works for MI5, hence him keeping mozo under close scrutiny from the inside.

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i just sent an e-mail to MP Claire Curtis-Thomas about her 'lads mags' campaign. (work related, not personal)

I expect now i am on some form on anti-women's rights list that the government have. No doubt, i'll have some fat PC lesbians throwing eggs at me tomorrow as well.

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I am linked to Amnesty and other assorted Justice and Peace groups.

Will wait for the knock on the door in the middle of the night...........

It'll just be my boys looking for our cut of the collection Rev!

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I would imagine mozo's alternative lifestyle in his caravan with his giraffe may have attracted interest.

It's even possible dagest works for MI5, hence him keeping mozo under close scrutiny from the inside.

Too true Nogster. I've often wondered whether Dagest's lefty spiel was just a facade, and that Marxist beard of his looks awfully fake.

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Guest DrFaustus

No doubt, i'll have some fat PC lesbians throwing eggs at me tomorrow as well.

People pay good money for that mate, can I have the phone number?

A close friend of mine had family who were high up in the republican side in the Spanish civil war. Do I win a banana? (She is gorgeous if that helps ;))

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Too true Nogster. I've often wondered whether Dagest's lefty spiel was just a facade, and that Marxist beard of his looks awfully fake.

Marxist beard? Why do you start cruel rumours about me? You ought to careful or someone might start a rumour about you too.

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Marxist beard? Why do you start cruel rumours about me? You ought to careful or someone might start a rumour about you too.

You're right Dagster, I'm very sorry. After all, you've been a perfect gentleman by portraying accurate depictions of me in a number of threads.

Besides, it's more of an Engels beard if truth be told

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Guest DrFaustus

I escaped from "everyone knows everybodies business" 2 and a half years ago, so I think theyre feeding you false information. :dance:

Unless theyre sat outside my work/home in Clifton. :o

You could at least have left your curtains open! It's raining and I don't want to have to go to the boot for the x-ray spex.

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Some berk walked up me road, and smacked a load of the wing mirrors on the cars off, I'm sure if it had been me tank it would have had an automatic laser beam and exterminated them on the spot.

I understand..... we had over 60 cars damaged during one night down here during a power cut last year..... mindless!

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