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Fowler And Christie


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This is really winding me up now. Why all of these ridiculous suggestions?????

Fowler and Christie = Stewart and Bridges.


Even if we could afford any of these vastly overpaid journeymen I wouldn't want the club shelling out for them. It would be a slap in the face for the hard working but reasonably paid team who won us promotion.

Any chance Fowler can be classed as an obscenity and replaced with ******?

Funnily enough I initially read this thread as Fowler and Charlie, and thought "no surprise there".

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Guest Kevolution

Now Fowler will be going from Liverpool (which i'm gutted about being a Liverpool supporter as well as City supporter) I'd love it if Folwer came to City!! I think he'd do well for us and be the striker that we need in the Championship! What you think!? Am i just being biased?

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I was driving home from work earlier listening to Talksport and they were talking about where they thought Fowler would end up next, a lot of people thought Rangers/Celtic, others thought that he'd be good for a mid to lower prem side. 1 person said he was going to Leicester when Ince was appointed manager and that made me think why the hell would he go to Leicester, I can't see him at Leicester and certainly don't see him with us. What money would he want 20k a week?, we could get 4 players for that sort of money.

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Don't know about biased I'd use the words unrealistic & unlikely.

For one thing, players like Fowler would be too big a voice in the dressing room, to expensive, want to much more than the other players and he's not 23 anymore, albeit he's still quality.

The other big issue is whether, even if we wanted him, he'd feel motivated enough to come as he's a multi millionaire.

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btw, you can't compair Fowler to Stewart, Fowler is still a better player than MS has ever been in his entire carear!

They both can't run, for a start.

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This thread is funny! I cant believe anyone could possibly think that Robbie Fowler would ever drop from Liverpool (Champions League Finalists) to Bristol City.

a) I think there is about 20 other teams that he would rather go to

b) We could never afford his wages

c) We could never afford his wages

d) Isnt he going to the MLS or OZ?

e) We cant afford his wages

f) Its never going to happen

g)We cant afford his wages

h) Can people stop saying ''i wanna sign Fowler''

i) We cant afford his wages

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I like Robbie Fowler, a bright guy who has made his fortune as much off the pitch as on it, but this will never happen.

If he stays in this country I would see him joining Harry down at Portsmouth, he has no need to drop down the leagues here.

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Robbie Fowler is an arrogant coke head who would cause nothing but unrest at this club GJ wouldnt touch him with a barge pole. How many people do you know who would go to a night club get involved in a brawl then proceed to tear up £50 notes taunting people that they couldnt afford to do it. Hes a ********* and we don't want or need that sort of player

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Robbie Fowler is an arrogant coke head who would cause nothing but unrest at this club GJ wouldnt touch him with a barge pole. How many people do you know who would go to a night club get involved in a brawl then proceed to tear up £50 notes taunting people that they couldnt afford to do it. Hes a ********* and we don't want or need that sort of player

unfortunatly I've also heard these rumours from various northerns I know too many times for it not to be true,

if nothing else the bloke is a serious drinker,

no ta

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Robbie Fowler is an arrogant coke head

I am guessing you have evidence to back up that accusation that the tabloid newspapers were unable to find? If not the mods should seriously consider removing it.

unfortunatly I've also heard these rumours from various northerns I know too many times for it not to be true,

People repeating rumour and conjecture does not make a thing fact, there are many urban myths out there and I would think this was one of them.

He is a fit football player who is hugely popular with the clubs supporters, I can't imagine this would be the case if he was really an arrogant so and so who threw that adulation back in their faces.

He is also a successful businessman off the pitch, so suggestions that he throws his money away on illegal substances and the like seem likely to be well wide of the mark in my opinion.

Still going to Pompey though..........

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I am guessing you have evidence to back up that accusation that the tabloid newspapers were unable to find? If not the mods should seriously consider removing it.

People repeating rumour and conjecture does not make a thing fact, there are many urban myths out there and I would think this was one of them.

Still going to Pompey though..........

He and a few of his mates got kicked out of a the walkabout club in liverpool after he was caught in the bogs my mate was a door man there at the time. As for the liverpool fans adoring him that is because he is like them i have never met so many people to snort the stuf its like an ordinary thing up here for most 18/40 yr olds on a night out

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I am guessing you have evidence to back up that accusation that the tabloid newspapers were unable to find? If not the mods should seriously consider removing it.

People repeating rumour and conjecture does not make a thing fact, there are many urban myths out there and I would think this was one of them.

He is a fit football player who is hugely popular with the clubs supporters, I can't imagine this would be the case if he was really an arrogant so and so who threw that adulation back in their faces.

He is also a successful businessman off the pitch, so suggestions that he throws his money away on illegal substances and the like seem likely to be well wide of the mark in my opinion.

Still going to Pompey though..........

You're Mrs Fowler. Right?

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He and a few of his mates got kicked out of a the walkabout club in liverpool after he was caught in the bogs my mate was a door man there at the time. As for the liverpool fans adoring him that is because he is like them i have never met so many people to snort the stuf its like an ordinary thing up here for most 18/40 yr olds on a night out

You see I don't know your "mate" I am sure he is a fine upstanding citizen not known for his exaggerations etc, however you are asking us to believe that a premiership footballer, constantly pursued by the press and subject to random drug testing has not been caught despite his cavalier attitude to taking cocaine. When he is caught I will come back and apologise to you, in the meantime I will believe what I see on the pitch.

You're Mrs Fowler. Right?

No, just someone who gets pissed off with a whole group of individuals tarred with the same brush. If I was Mrs Fowler reading these statements the lawyers would probably already have been knocking at the Supporters Trust's door!

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I want a night of passion with Keira Knightley.

This thread gives me hope.

There's more chance me getting my wish then there is of us signing Fowler.

When you and Keira finally get together, don't forget to give your friendly tabloid hack a call with your kiss and tell. ;-)

I'll expect the call at my desk in Wapping long before I read about Robbie Fowler joining City on the news wires that feed into my office computer here (I have a special news queue set up that pings me any story sent to the newspaper about City!)

Come to think of it, if you did get together with Keira and sold your story, it'd probably be worth enough to buy Fowler. So perhaps you'd better start pursuing her...if only for your love of the club, of course.

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