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Season Ticket Confirmed 36% Increase!

Steve Watts

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This has come as an absolute shock to me! £375 for an Atyeo season ticket! £100 extra?!? I doubt very much it'll go down if we do!

AND I LOSE MY SEAT!!!! H-Block is now unreserved seating and therefore while you can have a seat in there, you can't specify it! Where is the sense in this? Alot of people i know around my seats and we've got to know each other and have a good banter over the past ten years. Now this is thrown into doubt as the seats at the back are likely to be taken by others who get there first. One of the advantages of the season ticket was to have the luxury of turning up right on top of kick off if needs be and being guaranteed your seat, rather than a sh1te seat at the front of the stand where you can see **** all!

I've been a staunch supporter of the board for a long time, but in this, they really haven't consulted the fans! Why not send a questionnaire to the current season ticket holders before making this move?

Not happy at all. The increase has put my ability to afford a ticket into doubt, and this latest move makes it even less desirable. Pay more for less benefit. Yes, i know we'll be watching Championship football, but it'd be nice to be able to watch it from where i want to!!!!

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This has come as an absolute shock to me! £375 for an Atyeo season ticket! £100 extra?!? I doubt very much it'll go down if we do!

AND I LOSE MY SEAT!!!! H-Block is now unreserved seating and therefore while you can have a seat in there, you can't specify it! Where is the sense in this? Alot of people i know around my seats and we've got to know each other and have a good banter over the past ten years. Now this is thrown into doubt as the seats at the back are likely to be taken by others who get there first. One of the advantages of the season ticket was to have the luxury of turning up right on top of kick off if needs be and being guaranteed your seat, rather than a sh1te seat at the front of the stand where you can see **** all!

I've been a staunch supporter of the board for a long time, but in this, they really haven't consulted the fans! Why not send a questionnaire to the current season ticket holders before making this move?

Not happy at all. The increase has put my ability to afford a ticket into doubt, and this latest move makes it even less desirable. Pay more for less benefit. Yes, i know we'll be watching Championship football, but it'd be nice to be able to watch it from where i want to!!!!

Seems completely random to me.

Thanks for the consultation Mssrs Sextone and Lansdown.

I want MY seat back.

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But i forgot about the "Under 21 ticket".

£185 is a lot better than £375. :fingerscrossed:

£175 is better than £185 :whistle2:

I don't get why the adult's has gone up £100 yet my catogary has only gone up £10. Even though mine personally is £175 due to it being frozen

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Guest chel10ham

As a Cheltenham fan who is resigned to never getting any higher than League One on the football ladder, £16.30 a game seems very reasonable for Championship football for you boys.

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As a Cheltenham fan who is resigned to never getting any higher than League One on the football ladder, £16.30 a game seems very reasonable for Championship football for you boys.

The price i don't have too much of a problem with. makes it a little more difficult, but i can just about do it. But it's the fact of the unreserved seating that i object to. Unreserved for pay on the day fans, maybe... and then go back to reserved stickers on the season ticket seats, but unreserved seating for ST holders?!? I've had that seat for 10 years, as have many around me. I've met people that i no longer consider as people i know from footy, but as friends. Not only that, but there's the fact that if i walk into the ground close to kick off i'd be running the risk of having to sit right down the front instead of right at the back, and being rained on... and paying £100 extra for the pleasure!

Anyone in H-Block (and the other blocks affected the same), i would recommend e-mailing the club and urging them to reconsider. They haven't contacted any existing ST holders regarding this move and i really think this is disgusting. Yes, i know that we're going to watch the football, not to see mates, but the atmosphere and people around you add to the matchday experience, and having a season ticket guarantees that you can sit where and with who you want. This takes away that benefit.

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Dolman Block G has gone up rapidly from £170 to £225. I thought that was a big increase but looking at what you lot are saying about your current seat (or new seat). Think i have been a bit fortunate. Only £55 higher.

:surrender: still a bloody lot though

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Guest d_hardingbcfcband

I think its a joke and I agree with a number of posts! I to have a lot of friends and to think I wont be able to sit near them and discuss the events and have a general banter is awful. I have already emailed the club asking them to reconsider! Think others should to if they feel the same!

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The price i don't have too much of a problem with. makes it a little more difficult, but i can just about do it. But it's the fact of the unreserved seating that i object to. Unreserved for pay on the day fans, maybe... and then go back to reserved stickers on the season ticket seats, but unreserved seating for ST holders?!? I've had that seat for 10 years, as have many around me. I've met people that i no longer consider as people i know from footy, but as friends. Not only that, but there's the fact that if i walk into the ground close to kick off i'd be running the risk of having to sit right down the front instead of right at the back, and being rained on... and paying £100 extra for the pleasure!

Anyone in H-Block (and the other blocks affected the same), i would recommend e-mailing the club and urging them to reconsider. They haven't contacted any existing ST holders regarding this move and i really think this is disgusting. Yes, i know that we're going to watch the football, not to see mates, but the atmosphere and people around you add to the matchday experience, and having a season ticket guarantees that you can sit where and with who you want. This takes away that benefit.

oh and I think the reason that the club have done this is because of those wanting to sit in the east end, wanting to have "unreserved season ticket" areas so this is what they have done following the petititon!

personally I think it is digusting, and if any of those unreserved H blockers think they are going to sit in my G block seat,


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I think its a joke and I agree with a number of posts! I to have a lot of friends and to think I wont be able to sit near them and discuss the events and have a general banter is awful. I have already emailed the club asking them to reconsider! Think others should to if they feel the same!

Anyone got an e-mail address for Sexton & Lansdown? I've drafted one to send to sales@bcfc.co.uk, but want to include the big guys' secretaries on in!

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The price i don't have too much of a problem with. makes it a little more difficult, but i can just about do it. But it's the fact of the unreserved seating that i object to. Unreserved for pay on the day fans, maybe... and then go back to reserved stickers on the season ticket seats, but unreserved seating for ST holders?!? I've had that seat for 10 years, as have many around me. I've met people that i no longer consider as people i know from footy, but as friends. Not only that, but there's the fact that if i walk into the ground close to kick off i'd be running the risk of having to sit right down the front instead of right at the back, and being rained on... and paying £100 extra for the pleasure!

Anyone in H-Block (and the other blocks affected the same), i would recommend e-mailing the club and urging them to reconsider. They haven't contacted any existing ST holders regarding this move and i really think this is disgusting. Yes, i know that we're going to watch the football, not to see mates, but the atmosphere and people around you add to the matchday experience, and having a season ticket guarantees that you can sit where and with who you want. This takes away that benefit.

Completely agree, and what's even better for me is that my daughter has a season ticket in H Block. Reading the small print, it seems that I can only renew her current seat (how that's possible when it's unreserved I don't know) otherwise I will have to move to the Family Area. So it seems I can't even move to the East End with her, where a lot of people from H Block are considering going.

This is a major cock up by the club. The price rise I can just about take, but having my seat taken away and not being able to move because of my daughter's U16 season ticket just takes the piss. Well done Colin.

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Guest d_hardingbcfcband

I sent mine to sales@bcfc.co.uk - couldn't find anyone else to send to like ticket office for one! I hope something is sorted! At least give those current season ticket holders their seats if they then make the rest unreserved!

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Ouch! I'm just about finish uni and with no job lined up, need to find £425.

I was also hoping to go to around 10 away games, guessing at an average £25 a ticket and £25 travel, thats £500.

That would see me back £925. And that's a minimum.

When will it stop??

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My e-mail.....

Dear sirs,

I have been a supporter of this club for twenty five years, and a season ticket holder for approximately 10 years in the Atyeo H-Block, along with many around me. So imagine my shock this morning when I logged on to BCFC.co.uk and found that I'm no longer allowed to reserve my seat and not only that, but I am being charged an extra £100.00 for the privilege!

I have gotten to know many people in the immediate vicinity, many whom I no longer consider as people I know from the footy, but as friends. Sitting with and around them for the past ten years has added to the whole match day experience greatly and now this is being taken away. I am not always able to get into the ground until about 5-10 minutes before kick-off, but have always been safe in the knowledge that my seat at the back of the stand is sat there waiting for me to arrive. Now, however, I find a real possibility that I could get into the ground and have to make do with a poor seat at the front, being rained on!

Now I appreciate the point of view that you're going to watch the football, not to chat with mates, but as I said, it adds to the match day experience and this is being taken away from me. Now if I want to even stand a chance to guarantee a good view, I will have to switch blocks, thereby losing the "family" atmosphere to the whole day that I currently have, and thus detracting from my enjoyment of the match.

I would have very little problem in paying the extra money and feel that whilst the increase is very steep, it is still decent value for money, IF I wasn't being forced from my "home". I, and many others, have given exceptional custom to the club over the years, and this is hardly being rewarded with the decision that has been taken. Why could the club not consult the existing season ticket holders in the affected areas to canvas their opinion? Why could the club not put reserved stickers on season ticket seats and make the affected blocks unreserved seating for pay on the day supporters? Why should I renew my season ticket and continue my loyalty with the club when no loyalty is shown back? These are all questions that I feel need answering, and issues that I believe should be looked into and reconsidered.

On the subject of consultation etc, I note that the City foundation subscribers can get their tickets at this season's prices. Why have I had no communication to this effect? I have received no information on the foundation whatsoever from the club, and this may well have been an initiative that I took up if given the chance. As a season ticket holder, I am on the database, but what use is this if I am not contacted with important information such as this. Yes, I would have been paying more in the long run, but it would have meant I could have given even more loyalty back to the club.

I eagerly await a response from you.

Yours feeling very annoyed and unappreciated,

Steve Watts

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And it won't even send now!!! Keep getting:-

This is the mail delivery agent at messagelabs.com.

I was not able to deliver your message to the following addresses.

<sales@bcfc.co.uk>: failed after I sent the message.

Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 Requested action not taken: message refused.

Is this City putting a block on e-mails containing the word "complaint" in the header, or my work's e-mail system? anyone...?

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And it won't even send now!!! Keep getting:-

This is the mail delivery agent at messagelabs.com.

I was not able to deliver your message to the following addresses.

<sales@bcfc.co.uk>: failed after I sent the message.

Remote host said: 550 5.7.1 Requested action not taken: message refused.

Is this City putting a block on e-mails containing the word "complaint" in the header, or my work's e-mail system? anyone...?

Messagelabs is a virus checking service, either the address is invalid, their mail server is down, or you have a virus that was in the mail (though if you did I think it would have told you that).

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Yeah.... that helps me no end!! :ranting::angry:

Have you also considered that after renewing your ticket in the new "unreserved H Block" if you find yourself arriving 5 mins before ko as before, the whole block may be full with a few migrants from Blocks A-G giving up their seat and just plonking themselves in one of the new unreserved seats?

This then leaves you seatless (for sell-out games) as the game ko's while waiting to find one of the smattering of abandoned seats in other blocks.

Unless the club plans to surround the block with stewards and stop this from happening by checking everyone's ticket stub on entry to the block....in which case the attraction of unreserved seating will be negated by the stewards being right on top of you and stopping you doing anything thing that closely resembles "fun".

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Have you also considered that after renewing your ticket in the new "unreserved H Block" if you find yourself arriving 5 mins before ko as before, the whole block may be full with a few migrants from Blocks A-G giving up their seat and just plonking themselves in one of the new unreserved seats?

This then leaves you seatless (for sell-out games) as the game ko's while waiting to find one of the smattering of abandoned seats in other blocks.

Unless the club plans to surround the block with stewards and stop this from happening by checking everyone's ticket stub on entry to the block....in which case the attraction of unreserved seating will be negated by the stewards being right on top of you and stopping you doing anything thing that closely resembles "fun".

No idea why it wouldn't go through. I phoned the ticket office and they've been getting e-mails through all day. I was asked to put it in writing to CS. I did that and thought i'd try just e-mailing the letter... and it looks as though that went! Weird... Also I was given the reason for the change, which i addressed in the letter version as below:

"I have sent an e-mail to sales@bcfc.co.uk today, but unfortunately have had all mail returned. I telephoned the ticket office and was advised to put my claim in writing to you instead. I was also told that the reason this decision has been made is because of an issue with people sitting in season ticket seats. Last season was the first time in ten years we've had reserved seating in the block for non-season ticket holders, and prior to that I've never had any real problems. If someone has been sat in my seat, I've politely asked them to move and they have. On the only occasion that someone did refuse, I asked a steward to ask the gentleman to move, which he duly did with no issue whatsoever and no altercation ensued. As you can see, the argument I was given really doesn't stack up. It was also said that after the match, someone had to go into the stand to check the reserved sticker was still on the seats, and so this was too much work! Come off it. If a season ticket holder wishes to remove the reserved sticker put on his seat for his benefit, then he deserves to have someone sit in his seat. The majority of season ticket holders won't be doing this, and a simple e-mail or telephone call to the club in the event that a sticker has been removed will rectify the issue of someone having to go round and check every seat after every match. In reality though, this will rarely occur. I don't know if you've ever tried to remove a reserved sticker from the back of a seat, but they don't come off easily!"

What a crock of sh!te!!!! They've offered to move the people to another block... like there's going to be enough room in the decent seats.

And I thought it was bad before Madger's comments!!!! I hadn't thought of those!!! :ranting: :ranting:

Thanks for the explantion, too, Nibor.

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No idea why it wouldn't go through. I phoned the ticket office and they've been getting e-mails through all day. I was asked to put it in writing to CS. I did that and thought i'd try just e-mailing the letter... and it looks as though that went! Weird... Also I was given the reason for the change, which i addressed in the letter version as below:

"I have sent an e-mail to sales@bcfc.co.uk today, but unfortunately have had all mail returned. I telephoned the ticket office and was advised to put my claim in writing to you instead. I was also told that the reason this decision has been made is because of an issue with people sitting in season ticket seats. Last season was the first time in ten years we've had reserved seating in the block for non-season ticket holders, and prior to that I've never had any real problems. If someone has been sat in my seat, I've politely asked them to move and they have. On the only occasion that someone did refuse, I asked a steward to ask the gentleman to move, which he duly did with no issue whatsoever and no altercation ensued. As you can see, the argument I was given really doesn't stack up. It was also said that after the match, someone had to go into the stand to check the reserved sticker was still on the seats, and so this was too much work! Come off it. If a season ticket holder wishes to remove the reserved sticker put on his seat for his benefit, then he deserves to have someone sit in his seat. The majority of season ticket holders won't be doing this, and a simple e-mail or telephone call to the club in the event that a sticker has been removed will rectify the issue of someone having to go round and check every seat after every match. In reality though, this will rarely occur. I don't know if you've ever tried to remove a reserved sticker from the back of a seat, but they don't come off easily!"

What a crock of sh!te!!!! They've offered to move the people to another block... like there's going to be enough room in the decent seats.

And I thought it was bad before Madger's comments!!!! I hadn't thought of those!!! :ranting: :ranting:

Thanks for the explantion, too, Nibor.

What are they going on about?

There hasn't been ANY reserved stickers on seats for years.

So years ago it was creating work for them.

Work they no longer do.

So to ensure they don't have to do this work anymore (which they don't anyway) they are taking the seats off season ticket holders?

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What are they going on about?

There hasn't been ANY reserved stickers on seats for years.

So years ago it was creating work for them.

Work they no longer do.

So to ensure they don't have to do this work anymore (which they don't anyway) they are taking the seats off season ticket holders?

Apparently so! As i said... What a crock of sh!te!

I assume you have/will be contacting the club as well?

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