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Vasko To Join On Loan - Now Confirmed


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I assume we will pay Ujpest a fee for the loan? - as the Ujpest website quoted that a fee had been agreed (referred to as a "fair offer") - with an agreed fee if we take up the option to sign him permanently.

Interesting that Southampton seemed to rate him & wanted to take him on loan - but the deal with Saints semed to fall down - according to their fans - because Saints didn't want to pay any fee, I had assumed that meant a transfer fee for a permanent move but clearly Ujpest have benn open to this loan-with-a-view-to transfer deal all along.

My guess £100,000 for the season loan?? - with another £2-300K to sign permanently.

What do others think?

Ujpest is the same club that sold us Vilmos Seebok last time out in the CCC - getting a definate Deja Vu vibe here - maybe the "mystery striker" coming in is Ade Akinbiyi !!!!

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Vasko will be joining on an inital loan, with a view to a permanent move.

He's joined on a year-long loan with the option of a further 3 years at the end of the season.

Arent you the person who said we had signed Malcolm Christie on a 2 year deal....

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Brizzlered , Should we believe you after the Malcolm Christie fiasco ??

I reckon after that embarrassing incident, Brizzle would have to be absolutely 100% sure of his source to risk such a humiliation again. Therefore, I am going to back him on this. I reckon it's going to happen. If it doesn't, I'll eat his hat.

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This is 100% true - its not from the same source and after what happened last time I wouldn't be foolish enough to make the same mistake twice.

I always like to see quality players joining City so i hope your right this time. I will forward to seeing the official anouncement soon

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He does look a mean nasty mofo! Another good signing. Surely thats it now though?

We need another trainee Physio as cover. If we don't sign one this week, GJ is a conference manager and SL is a tightwad. Relegation for sure unless we secure a CCC-proven apprentice sponge-man.

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He does look a mean nasty mofo! Another good signing. Surely thats it now though?

I would have thought so as one more and it's back to the 'Magnificent 7' isn't it and we all know where that got us!

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I have to say, I'm really thinking this could be a great coup on the part of the club and he could turn into a great player. I've said that in other threads on the topic but they keep popping up all over the place.

Tamas is already one of my favorite players on the club and he's just signed hours ago. Can't wait to see how the season plays out for him.

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