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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. When was the first update last year? After 1st week? Second?
  2. Well he'd get rid of a few, certainly.
  3. Not advocating either, just observing.
  4. Doing a remarkable job at a tiny club.
  5. I've seen City play headless chicken football, way ahead of our time. Wasn't particularly successful mind.
  6. Just found this, bit random:
  7. Put your VPN on before searching Bird Filth on the old internet.
  8. Cry? Good ol' Johnnie Ray knows an apposite song about that. Ain't a bad dream mind ... 'tis real:
  9. For balance, why not start one laying out in detail why he should not be sacked. Just a thought.
  10. **** the textbooks, this is what you pay your money for.
  11. Probably a good puncher as well as ability with his head.
  12. Busy being head coach now.
  13. Manning was happy with what was here when he arrived, in fact it was one of the big draws. It's on him that he has got so little out of them so far.
  14. Keown really is the dullest of men.
  15. Can't keep saying the same things apparently ... er, Liam ...
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