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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Nearer 1.75 I'd say this year on games left, per other thread.
  2. F that, effin "Philosophy" drives me mad. Lazy shorthand for largely clueless analysis and observation of a perceived style/ approach.
  3. Care to share some "names"? Not been following all of this so closely.
  4. We are oven ready according to the powers that be. Are they wrong then? Training was not conducive to a fit squad playing in the club's style and identity. Is that true? They expect a quick improvement. Do you not share that view? What does " front foot" actually mean to you with our squad? How might we achieve it?
  5. Around 1.75 pts per game from here. Can you realistically see that? I can't, I'm afraid. Whilst not slick, we've been hard to beat. If we try to be overly "front foot" and more open as a consequence, I fear that we will ship more than we score in the short term.
  6. Pushing hard to the top? That is the stated plan ...
  7. Not saying he will, but what will be the next cunning "plan"? They have talked the talk, if it fails, THEY are for the exit door.
  8. They have rolled the dice and now put the foot down, pedal to the metal (mixed metaphors but you get what I mean). If the car crashes, it is on them. Delighted if it works out and promotion follows. The odds are against it.
  9. Based upon the premise given by the JL and BT. Read it again, for clarity.
  10. That is the oft heard Mantra at the start of a new tenure. Blocks of 10 games, etc. In this instance, I would say no. We've been given the reasons and told that everything is set up for upward trajectory and success. They have made their decision, so let's see it. Unfair? I think not, for that is the premise. I suspect that 75 points will be needed to get top 6 this season, that is another 54 points from 31 games. That is a high number of points per game, and likely that the new incumbent will have to better his historical win percentage. The very best of luck to whomsoever that is, I really hope they can do it. With the squad as it is, i think not and it will need significant (but sensible) investment in the summer. By January 2024 I predict that we will not be near enough to mount a serious challenge this season. On the basis laid forth by JL and BT, we need to see something spectacular within 5 or 6 games to convince. Bring it on ... one hopes.
  11. I read that as Satan Club (sounds like fun) and that the admission is £15, 2 pints and a pie. Seems a strange transaction to have to front up.
  12. Only about 70 games of football league experience. **** me if true, an almighty gamble on a novice. Here we go again with the greatest shit show on earth.
  13. Another production company or network may take it on. C5 perhaps.
  14. Swiss Toni next? The B.S. statement already indicative.
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