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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Bit surprised he's playing given what's looming.
  2. Answers that Wouldn't matter at this pace.
  3. These jokes done to death in the last game. Anyway, who's side are you on?
  4. Bodega Escorihuela Gascon? That would get you snoozing.
  5. Tweak, 4 2 3 1, can effectively be 4 4 1 1. Can do with players on the pitch now. Full backs push up on attacks.
  6. Rather see Maddison central rather than cutting in.
  7. This is glacial / poundland VAR. What are the time limitations? Can anyone appeal an old decision in a season? Large can of worms.
  8. Ref should wave it right back.
  9. Illogical given how it was reffed, but who cares now. Well, maybe you do Italian D.
  10. 93rd minute and start pressing again, too negative this half, before the red even
  11. Bet they add about 7 or 8 mins for the alleged time wasting.
  12. Ref trigger happy on time wasting now caused himself problems.
  13. and stop arsing about at the back!
  14. Need to get a grip, Maddison for Phillips to get us up the pitch. Looking punch drunk
  15. Like to see Foden for Grealish
  16. Might have skipped a beat if "Mellons Out" as well.
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