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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. The epitome of tinpot, they better not be on the seats, they will end up chucked on the pitch.
  2. The irony of an integrity rule when VAR is used in some ties but not others.
  3. https://countyfile.wordpress.com/2013/10/01/stripped-for-battle-stockport-countys-war-shirt/
  4. Could get worse if they carry on like this.
  5. Didn't know that Stockport have their Argentina kit back. War made them change it 40 odd years ago. Interesting story about how they got old Adidas kit post '78.
  6. It's nice to see an away team play the way it wants to play and not get overly fixated about what the other team are doing/might do. The latter is important in the planning, but you need to impose your own game, home or away, to the extent that you can.
  7. Said same in Ole's match thread. Now let's have some clever planning/ thought on other set pieces please.
  8. I did wonder if Sykes giving the impression he was the pen taker was planned in any way, but it was great mind games all the same. Keeper wasting time winding up the wrong player, genius.
  9. Final ball poor too often, Mehmeti great but trying a bjt hard when passes on
  10. Pressing hard now Wigan, we need to do the same, turn them around.
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