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The Original OTIB

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Everything posted by The Original OTIB

  1. Conway looks the business, why choose Scotland? Bright future at highest level.
  2. Good the way James is dropping back when needed as an extra defender, bit more security.
  3. Game set up to our strengths, just need to keep positional discilpline at the back.
  4. All up top need you keep heads up and be aware, Semenyo especially. Let's not waste chances nor opportunities.
  5. Not what I meant. Another guess is 3 4 1 2, Scott right, semenyo left, rest obvious.
  6. We win more games with less possession, fact, in recent times. "Controlled" possession leads to over thinking. We are better off " off the cuff" going forward after turnovers. We don't have the nous for consistent, thoughtful build up.
  7. It was a penalty then? Easy to blame Vyner, but the tug stops him getting a clean header. Sykes and Tanner should be covering the scorer.
  8. Here's Vyner "jumping backwards" into Sharp... er, not. Vyner bent backwards because he was pulled backwards (NB boot up the 'arris as well). As to why Sykes went wandering inwards when there was a spare man, well, just typical of our usual ball watching: well set for the header before the shirt tug:
  9. I don't, I'm attempting to rationalise your analysis. There is contact between all parties in the middle, yet, contrary to your proposal, Sharp, who is in an offside position when the ball is played, can be deemed offside the moment he pulls Vyner's shirt (pic makes it clear that he did), ergo, interfering with an opponent, i.e., making an obvious action which clearly impacts on the ability of an opponent to play the ball. It's not as simple as you make out. It isn't an either or based on your interpretation of the law. That aside, Tanner is in the wrong position and should be marking the scorer.
  10. Forsooth, verily and a hey nonny nonny ... do you really think that people are using such words now from a high consumption of mediaeval poetry and Shakespeare? I think not.
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