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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. somebody needs to tell wally he could make a small fortune, (£1.50), selling them joey barton
  2. cant see anything other than a home win. not disappointed about wba result,was better than expected but would expect nige to try and make amends for the horror 5 mins tuesday night also not trying to rely on a one goal lead would help. we are harder to play against going forward,even good at times so why not press for the 90 and see where we end up. forest and huddersfield got thumped by fulham and bournemouth,no surprise we copped the same from west brom
  3. somewhere ive missed the swiss tony tag being applied. can someone please tell a denso what or why it is??
  4. scott parker complimetary after doing huddersfield 3-0 today. saw us as a tough game apparently even though we so say didnt really turn up for that one either Bournemouth boss Scott Parker told BBC Radio Solent: "2-0 is always a precarious position, especially when you're dominating like we were. We were superb in the first half with two goals, but we've been in this position a few times and probably needed the third to kill the game off. "I thought again today we were very, very good, well worthy of the three points. "I was really impressed with us, I thought in the second-half we were a bit slow out of the blocks but this has been a monster week for us, with two tough away games at Bristol City and Stoke. "We were relentless and it was a very good performance."
  5. did the ball sort of stick to the turf on simpsons attempted backpass? looks like it sort of almost stops and changes direction a bit after first hitting the turf?
  6. dont think so. the ice cream van has moved to ashton court
  7. youd like to think so Dave. can you imagine scotty measuring out the aerial in the soap drawer? he'd just chuck the box in the drum with the kit
  8. it was flinty moonlighting. bystander heard the driver shouting 'no,no,no'
  9. bents said ashton gate should be like a fortress. more like Takeshi's Castle at the moment
  10. id get prepared to get slaughtered saturday against west brom
  11. he will be on cloud nine now.lets see the confidence flood out
  12. from memory it was always better scoring in the old eastend second half. what they need is a few mics in s 82 and pipe it very loud over the pa system ???
  13. makes perfect sense to me to sit with a bit of space around him given he had covid again last week
  14. and they been cheating for a while, give them the option of 12 points deducted for the next 3 seasons or 18 for 2
  15. id buy hms piss the league, (and a lifeboat for me,to be donated later to rnli) sail it out to the mid atlantic and blow a gert hole in the bottom of it. then id sanitise the mem and turn it into a recycling centre. ( i wouldnt need planning to turn a dump into a dump)
  16. got to be them. A Scout group has not paid its rent for 30 years, a review of a council's leases has revealed. The information came to light after the mayor of the Town Council examined nine lease agreements with business and community groups. One of the longest cases involved bristol rovers Scouts which appeared not to have paid any rent since 1991. A motion in 2016 said it should pay in line with rent paid by the bowls club - currently about £770 a year. At a meeting, councillors were informed agreements had not been reviewed for years, while others had lapsed completely, meaning the council had taken no income from them. Mayor Philip Leslie, who investigated the leases, said "it did not look very good", the Local Democracy Reporting Service reported. Councillor Taila Taylor said of the Scouts: "It's my understanding that we've had no income from them to date, but they sub-let, they do birthday parties. "I'm guessing they're not letting these people use it for free, they're taking money but they're not giving us anything - which I think is ruthless. "I think we should evict them."
  17. i remember getting soaked early nineties there. such a disappointment after walking past forests ground to get there. slimy grey dump with an even worse slimy grey burger at half time
  18. buying in smaller quantities is always more expensive,probably why the gas sell out of date stuff
  19. dumb ***** thought that spelt tarmac, thats their latest ground improvement gone for a barton
  20. anyone seen the runners up medals yet?? did carlisle get a bunch of half carrots??, probably find now after this win that Joey thinks its the carrots produced the win,they have come second best enough now to have had loads
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