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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. isnt it over by the lakes at chew?
  2. let me remind you. they begin with S and end in T. say 'hi' in the middle ?
  3. i would say farmers market but farmers work hard for a living instead of pikeying it from anyone anywhere
  4. meader,what a belter :laugh:. lets hope its 'another trip to forest green' next year followed by 'you might want to sit down first. ' i thought a very well thought out and polite response from one of their divs
  5. Hes probably using it at ipswich to hide his true identity
  6. cant you put in a good word for us???
  7. doesnt make a blind bit of difference how big they are. the titanic was huge, it still sank the same as any crock of shite
  8. So far the only positive I've read is that he that he's good at telling everyone they're sh**. Great man management skills that.
  9. bottom left pic,is that a son of spock??
  10. captain catshag on hms piss the league,overseen by admiral jailbird joey and owned by a wally. everthink they might be in trouble??
  11. it must be devastating for gas parents bringing up youngsters desperately trying to turn them red only to find the extra digits popping out like wisdom teeth as they grow up
  12. took a tent down to burnham one weekend and decided to try some rough from a corner shop. rough!!! they werent kidding,the water at weston was clearer and less lumpy. christ i had bad guts next day
  13. now its all becoming clear to me. they take things that dont belong to them yes? so they burned their own stand down to nick the greyhound takings and then had the nerve to claim for their trophies which were infact the dogs water bowls ?
  14. igniting gas is not the best suggestion for some of their blockheads. can see a rise in burns at the A and E from a few deluded fart burners. understanding is not one of their greatest strengths
  15. the rest dont know they are even in the league since dropping out. these things take time to understand
  16. then you get bits like this 'Clubs like Reading and Brighton along with Hull and Swansea are all historically smaller clubs than us imo. We should be looking to emulate them all by getting to the Premier League, or at the very least Championship.' who is he trying to kid,in comparison,they are like a drop of rats piss compared to those and as for the prem, flip me 'arriet, does he mean the premiere non league league?? or does toolstation have a championship?
  17. im in favour of Blodwyn for this year
  18. maybe he is a shrewd businessman after all,besides that,the team wont play any worse without him either so its a win win for wally
  19. so they can sue him for not doing his job ? or have the 'take everyone to court' mob gone now
  20. as a kid i had to stay with my grandparents for a while on backwell hill. my grandfather used to sit in front of the radio singing along every sunday evening. he loved when the saints go marching in, was a city fan btw,took me to evening matches when he could. fond memories indeed
  21. irenes knickers now have a knot tied in them for sucking on at bedtime for a comfort treat
  22. have they started any court cases yet?
  23. the sixth fifth,a bit like row m. its how they do things over there
  24. going to get laughed at... by the other half of the city... who? us? surely not
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