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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. we are bom oth league,say we are bom oth league. christmas n0 1 in whorefield
  2. Gashead-a person who is not socialized. wild man. primitive, primitive person - a person who belongs to an early stage of civilization. see also FERAL i think its a survival thing with them.
  3. definately not,yours are most likely genuine and not stolen down the fruit market
  4. i like the fact that they havent applied for a trial crowd match. would the stewards wages outweigh the profits from those that actually pay??
  5. whats that stick poking out his head?? is it tinkywinky off teletubbies in a new role
  6. is that how 4x came about? 4 of their signatures
  7. pirate piss, a cocktail of out of date thatchers and flat fanta,serve chilled with ice and a slice and a tent on a stick
  8. the only team they are bigger than in league one is............... umm........... let me think............. err............. ok,i give up
  9. they are so thoughtful,even got a seperate loo for midget gas on the side
  10. some poor unsuspecting member of the public has paid upfront to have their drive done last week
  11. and to think they could fit 75% of their stands in there when they are folded up neatly is amazing.the training gaff must be huge
  12. i dont think any of us have buck teeth or 3 nostrils either
  13. 2 of the things you mention wont happen. they dont build anything.not with bricks anyway
  14. TTTT is the plan for the new stadium. tent,tent,tent and tent
  15. they wont get no return on their investment with that shower gung ho on nicking it
  16. i wonder if they have got cameron balloons on board ,plenty of cheap stand materials with lots of hot air
  17. regarding the build, they could get a bunch of clueless gasheads to start it for free season tickets then call in diy sos when it falls down
  18. do lessons creation love?? on a side note,will they close the dogs home saturdays incase of any dopey followers
  19. heres a positive thought for you. there are macdonalds in a couple of places quite nearby, there will be rentokil boxes everywhere. wont take that long to wipe the lot out
  20. they already have the equipment to knock up a temporary concert venue, transport wont be a problem for the football fans as rats are competant swimmers so they could all jump in at chequers and swim there. cant really see there being any problems other than actually getting it done.think they will be bust and gone the way their things take time
  21. mmm, fungal spores. kind of suits them
  22. would anyone dare eat there next season given their bbe history. they will have mould the size of cabbages in their burgers
  23. you say that, i used to do some work for a nurse there on her car, one day a group of patients were on the grass on their hands and knees. i asked her husband later why they were doing it and he said that today they were cows.very sad indeed but at least they were happy which was the main thing.
  24. look out if hes looking to employ local workforce,i wouldnt trust one of them to put a battery in my mouse the right way round let alone assemble electric cars
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