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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. seeing as cadbury is just a name bought by whoever,this must make them part of a franchise?? was it the nestle group took them over?
  2. i dont doubt that reddoh but thats when they first wanted a new ground, these things take time and the bigtop is probably still top of the wishlist
  3. how many does billy smarts big top hold? thats more their style
  4. thats not quite right BR, it is actually a perfect fit with regards the quality of their managers. all their managers are quite good at keeping shit shit,and if it aint shit,they soon turn it into,...well, just shit
  5. looks like a chunk of collar been ripped off.probably his brother when time was up............on sister
  6. 4 is just out from a stretch for benefit fraud
  7. or pulling on your sisters by mistake and finding she shit in hers
  8. not forgetting his song,one i did join in with
  9. cant be for cleaning windows either,tents dont have them
  10. the wheel barrow and matey with the mower picking something up was good ,and what was the step ladder for? scoreboard maybe??
  11. they recylce the urinal waste for showers so with no crowds,i doubt they could do that.nasa are doing it and using it for next days coffee on the space station i read today
  12. what they omitted from that was all the players who have sussed them out have scarpered
  13. cant see him taking the pay cut though
  14. probably get punched harder than any of their horse punchers could if they dared try to play cricket with the girls
  15. ps,christmas come early for them,bunch of happy inbreds over there tonight
  16. we are bom oth league,say we are bom oth league. christmas n0 1 in whorefield
  17. Gashead-a person who is not socialized. wild man. primitive, primitive person - a person who belongs to an early stage of civilization. see also FERAL i think its a survival thing with them.
  18. definately not,yours are most likely genuine and not stolen down the fruit market
  19. i like the fact that they havent applied for a trial crowd match. would the stewards wages outweigh the profits from those that actually pay??
  20. whats that stick poking out his head?? is it tinkywinky off teletubbies in a new role
  21. is that how 4x came about? 4 of their signatures
  22. pirate piss, a cocktail of out of date thatchers and flat fanta,serve chilled with ice and a slice and a tent on a stick
  23. the only team they are bigger than in league one is............... umm........... let me think............. err............. ok,i give up
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