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Everything posted by redsquirrel

  1. my gran from st george called it coats n ats
  2. watched a brilliant programme about top of the pops 1078 last night.people like the beegees couldnt be arsed to appear but the clash said they would not mime so couldnt perform. hence videos of their records. being a nailsea wooly back,although i loved punk couldnt pluck up the courage to attend a gig until i was 16 in 1980 when i got a ticket to see SLF at the bear inn ?? hotwells. arrived in plenty of time only to find it had been cancelled due to concerns of the ceiling collapsing with everyone pogo ing
  3. so which of their recent managers is your favourite?? Tisdale was doing great but i think may have been found out what his mission was. my favourite was the irishman, doing a job and getting paid,then dropping them in it as soon as a better one came along.wardy maybe second,retired at a crucial stage of the season to save his cv
  4. is he doing community service managing them? he must have done something real bad to not be assigned to road sweeping
  5. then we could nickname him grouty barton
  6. Tis got it spot on,gets his mortgage and massive extension paid for and can now oversee the work with the gas paying for. all done before the next row of bricks at the training ground go down
  7. I LIKED THIS ONE.... I would be ******* over the moon if I woke up tomorrow and the whole lot had gone- Tisdale, the players, Starnes and Widdrington with only Wael and Gorringe left. Getting rid of just Tisdale or a player here and a player there is like re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. It’s a ******* shambles. Doesnt he mean rearranging the deck chairs in their grandstand??
  8. their new goallie is mint,replace van flapperhopper with a pin up six symbol, good move agent Tis ?
  9. 3 more puts accrington in top 6,all to play for
  10. danny rose on for northampton,willing an equalizer here,pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaase
  11. try and contain your laughter a little bit chaps, dont forget where we are tomorrow night ?
  12. thought i heard the other day that clubs were getting £10m loans or something from the government. would they really risk that much on a dump like that?
  13. a gashead at work bought one for a fiver off the Looky Looky man
  14. they might be doing a Petrocelli and laying a brick each after work
  15. beautiful looking bike ,i can only remember white ones, did they do other colours
  16. i had a fs1e two/four dx. very last of the pre restricted ones.. ohm 468r. used to love going to fowlers by the bus station dreaming of an rd250, the ones before the water boilers came out
  17. you carry on ,its one or two hours you dont have to sit wondering what to do next. i enjoy watching snooker,can be boring but much more exciting these days with the likes of o sullivan and trumpy smashing balls in
  18. that must be worth more than 2 chris brumts
  19. is their new training ground anything to do with the new zoo up that way??
  20. im 56 with no photo id. went to post office to send off all the bumf for a photo licence in my 40s,lady on counter said not to bother as my paper one was valid until i was 70 therefore wouldnt need to renew until then
  21. soon tisdale will be Grimsdale. showed them he can do it in a game that dont matter.how i wish they were back non league,
  22. bristol rovers plc.... pond life central
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